Pursue collection from the applicable owner or reimburse its HCV Program $5,194 from non-Federal funds for HAP that was not properly stopped for two units with outstanding HQS deficiencies.
2024-CH-1001 | Junio 28, 2024
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority, Columbus, OH, Did Not Always Comply With HUD’s Requirements for Its Housing Choice Voucher Program Units
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2024-CH-1001-002-AOpenClosed$5,194Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
- Status2024-CH-1001-002-BOpenClosed$10,233Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
Provide support showing whether HAP was appropriately stopped for the four units cited in the finding or reimburse or pursue collection of $10,233 from non-Federal funds for HAP to owners with outstanding HQS deficiencies.
- Status2024-CH-1001-002-COpenClosed
Implement procedures and controls regarding its stop payment process to ensure that it consistently (1) stops payments as required by its HCV Program administrative plan and HUD requirements, (2) verifies and documents the correction of deficiencies, and (3) maintains sufficient documentation to support the stop payment for each unit.
- Status2024-CH-1001-002-DOpenClosed
Implement controls over its inspection processes and procedures to ensure that emergency failures are properly identified, reinspected, and corrected within 24 hours in accordance with its HCV Program administrative plan or the housing assistance to the owner is stopped.
- Status2024-CH-1001-002-EOpenClosed
Work with its contractor to ensure that the contractor’s inspectors receive training on how to properly identify and categorize life-threatening deficiencies.
- Status2024-CH-1001-003-AOpenClosed
Develop and implement policies and procedures that align with HUD’s requirements and controls to ensure that owners follow the requirements of the LSHR.
- Status2024-CH-1001-003-BOpenClosed
Work with HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes to provide technical assistance to the Authority’s staff to develop and implement policies, procedures, and controls for managing cases of children with EBLLs to ensure compliance with the LSHR, including attempts to collaborate with public health departments to identify cases of EBLL in children under 6 years of age under its HCV Program and updating its policies and procedures accordingly.
2024-KC-0002 | Mayo 24, 2024
Servicers Followed the COVID-19 Foreclosure Moratorium Requirements but Could Have Better Communicated the Requirements to Borrowers
- Status2024-KC-0002-001-AOpenClosed
Update Handbook 4000.1 to require servicers to share information regarding foreclosure moratoriums with borrowers.
- Status2024-KC-0002-001-BOpenClosed
Simplify the process for accessing its FAQs on Single Family’s website, including adding a clickable link on its website home page that will take borrowers directly to the FAQs.
- Status2024-KC-0002-001-COpenClosed
Review the two loans in our sample that did not receive appropriate servicing and take administrative actions if appropriate.
2024-KC-0001 | Abril 18, 2024
HUD Can Improve Its Loan Purchaser Qualification Vetting To Better Achieve Its Mission Objectives
- Status2024-KC-0001-001-AOpenClosed
Require the transaction specialist contractor to change its application review process to prevent incomplete applications from being considered during vacant loan sales and that recommendations to approve applications are supported by written analysis.
- Status2024-KC-0001-001-BOpenClosed
Implement improved verification checks to prevent participation of restricted entities.
- Status2024-KC-0001-001-COpenClosed
Implement an improved process to review and update program controls before each sale to achieve its mission objectives.
2024-FO-0005 | Marzo 29, 2024
Risk Assessments of HUD's Charge Card Programs
Chief Procurement Officer
- Status2024-FO-0005-001-AOpenClosed
Develop a standard operating procedure for the monthly transaction review that aligns with the HUD policy and includes specific procedures on how to (1) identify and review common transactions that raise the level of risk in the program (for example, personal use purchases, other prohibited purchases, unauthorized purchases or services, split purchases, fraudulent purchases, FAR violation purchases, etc.), (2) methodically select transactions for investigation, and (3) follow up on identified potential improper transactions, including record-keeping requirements.
Chief Financial Officer
- Status2024-FO-0005-002-AOpenClosed
Develop and fully implement a departmentwide policy for the monthly transaction review process that requires program office participation and timely completion of the review and certification.
- Status2024-FO-0005-002-BOpenClosed
Update OCFO’s travel card monitoring procedures to obtain, review, and monitor the IBA Use report on a regular basis to ensure compliance with purchases required to be made on the government travel card.
2024-FW-1003 | Marzo 19, 2024
The Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority’s Homebuyer Assistance Program Positively Impacted Participants but May Not Have Distributed Disaster Recovery Funds Equitably
Community Planning and Development
- Status2024-FW-1003-001-AOpenClosed
Work with PRDOH to determine whether its current method of measuring how many applicants purchased their home through the program is the best way to measure the HBA program’s impact.
- Status2024-FW-1003-001-BOpenClosed
Based on the results of recommendation 1A, update the HBA guidelines and the Puerto Rico disaster recovery action plan.
- Status2024-FW-1003-002-AOpenClosed
Instruct PRDOH and PRHFA to develop and implement clear and consistent guidelines and procedures that establish a verifiable methodology for determining the amount of financial awards granted to eligible HBA participants.
- Status2024-FW-1003-002-BOpenClosed
Include, as part of the revised procedures, a requirement to document within each case in SSP a detailed (1) calculation of the household income and (2) the analysis and computations conducted by the PRHFA underwriter for determining the amount of the financial assistance award.