Toolkits are provided for multiple subjects.
Please review the list below for more information.
Sexual Misconduct in Housing
HUD OIG is expanding its efforts to ensure tenants who receive rental assistance from HUD are protected from sexual misconduct in housing. Our most important partner in this fight is YOU!
You have the right to be protected. Together we can protect our communities from sexual predators and promote a safe and healthy housing environment for everyone. Here are some additional resources that you can use to learn more about HUD OIG’s work and spread the word to others.
Disaster Recovery Fraud
Disasters are devastating and can have a traumatic effect on individuals, families, and the communities they live in. Unfortunately, disasters also create an opportunity for bad actors to commit disaster related fraud schemes by exploiting the vulnerability of those impacted by these tragic events.
The resources on this page are intended to raise awareness about common disaster recovery fraud schemes in HUD programs and inform external partners, HUD program participants, and the public on how to identify and report allegations of disaster fraud.