The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
2016-OE-0002 | Julio 06, 2017
HUD Web Application Security Evaluation Report
Chief Information Officer
- Status2016-OE-0002-09OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
2016-OE-0011S | Mayo 03, 2017
HUD’s Internal Audit Requirement for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 Grantees
Community Planning and Development
- Status2016-OE-0011S-01OpenClosed
Provide clearer guidance and instruction to PL 113-2 disaster grantees to assist them in establishing an effective internal audit activity.
- Status2016-OE-0011S-02OpenClosed
Establish a recurring training and discussion forum among the PL 113-2 grantees and CPD that enables grantees to share ideas and receive guidance and information about CPD’s expectations regarding the internal audit requirement.
2016-OE-0010 | Abril 19, 2017
Assessing HUD Plans for Evaluating Urban Promise Zones and HUD Grant Programs Participating in Promise Zones
Field Policy and Management
- Status2016-OE-0010-01OpenClosed
Complete all steps necessary for an effective evaluation effort.
- Status2016-OE-0010-02OpenClosed
Work with grant program offices to overcome reporting challenges. Ensure that grant program offices report OMB-requested data. Learn from and leverage results of participating grant programs.
- Status2016-OE-0010-03OpenClosed
Work with PD&R on an evaluation approach and design for the Promise Zone initiative. Ensure that OFPM has the appropriate resources for its new Communications and Data Analysis Division.
2016-OE-0004S | Marzo 29, 2017
Opportunities for Improvement within CPD's Risk Management Process for Hurricane Sandy Grants
Community Planning and Development
- Status2016-OE-0004S-01OpenClosed
Director for the Office of Field Management ensure that the CDBG-DR risk analysis worksheet includes risk factors that show the measurement of performance outputs to determine completed activities.
- Status2016-OE-0004S-02OpenClosed
Director for the Office of Field Management update the risk analysis guidance for CDBG-DR grants to include the assessment of the likelihood of risk occurrence to help inform management which critical risks to address during monitoring.
- Status2016-OE-0004S-03OpenClosed
Director for the DRSI Division ensure that monitoring strategies correlate to the high-risk areas identified during the risk analysis and are in compliance with the central risk factor categories identified in HUD’s Monitoring Desk Guide.
- Status2016-OE-0004S-04OpenClosed
Ensure that CPD personnel that plan for, award, and manage grants and other forms of financial assistance receive formal risk analysis training.
2014-ITED-0001 | Abril 30, 2014
HUD Privacy Program Evaluation Report
Chief Information Officer
- Status2014-ITED-0001-32OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.