We completed a limited review concerning Sprint FONCARDS or calling cards. We conducted the review to ensure adequate controls were present.
The objectives of our review were to determine the controls in place to identify waste, fraud or abuse regarding the FTS 2001 Sprint FONCARD.
We determined that verification memorandums were not being sent to individuals to verify that calls were official and were made by the individual as required in...
Junio 05, 2007
College Student Section 8 Recipients
We completed a limited review concerning college students living in Section 8 subsidized housing. We conducted the review in response to media and congressional attention and subsequent issuance of new regulations and policy guidance by HUD that restricted the eligibility of the students. The media had reported that taxpayer subsidized housing was being occupied by students to offset the high price of college. It also reported concerns by the...
Junio 01, 2007
Oakland Housing Authority Did Not Comply with Procurement and Contracting Requirements
Febrero 13, 2007
The Procurement Office Did Not Maintain Complete Contract Files
Agosto 29, 2006