The Administration of Accounting, Inventory, and Procurement of the Bridgeport Housing Authority in Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Always Comply With HUD Regulations
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport, CT, in response to complaints about improper use of funds, procurement irregularities, and inadequate safeguarding of equipment. The audit objective was to determine whether Federal funds were used for eligible and adequately supported costs, procurements were executed in compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, and the Authority had...
Junio 27, 2016
The Alton Housing Authority, Alton, IL, Improperly Phased In Flat Rents for Its Public Housing Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited the Alton Housing Authority because it appeared to have flat rents set at a rate below 80 percent of the fair market rent in that area based on the information available in the Public and Indian Housing Information Center system. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority complied with HUD’s flat rent requirements.
The Authority did...
Mayo 19, 2016
EdgeAlliance, Inc., Chicago, IL, Did Not Administer Continuum of Care Program Funds for The Daniel R. Ruscitti Phoenix House in Accordance With Federal Regulations
We audited EdgeAlliance, Inc.’s Continuum of Care program funds for The Daniel R. Ruscitti Phoenix House (project). The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2015 annual audit plan. We selected the project for review based upon a citizen’s complaint. Our objectives were to determine whether EdgeAlliance complied with Federal requirements in its (1) maintenance of financial management systems for program funds and...
Noviembre 23, 2015
The State of Illinois’ Administrator Lacked Adequate Controls Over the State’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program-Funded Projects
We audited the State of Illinois’ Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery program. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2015 annual audit plan. We selected the State’s program based on a congressional request from the Honorable Mark Kirk to review the State’s awards of program funds under the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act of 2009 for three projects....
Septiembre 30, 2015
The Cooperative and Management Agent Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Carmen-Marine Apartments, Chicago, IL
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Resident Homeownership Program grant for Carmen-Marine Apartments (project). The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2015 annual audit plan. We selected the project based on a request from HUD’s Chicago Multifamily Housing Hub. Our objective was to determine whether the Carmen-Marine Cooperative and management agent operated the project in...
Septiembre 30, 2015
Allocation of Costs to the Waterbury Housing Authority Asset Management Projects Was Generally Supported
We audited the Waterbury Housing Authority’s administration of its asset management projects based on a risk assessment that considered the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) risk assessment and the Authority’s funding and number of asset management units. Our overall audit objective was to determine whether Authority officials ensured that expenses charged to the Authority’s asset management projects complied with...
Septiembre 30, 2015
Property Owner Debarred for Violating Federal Housing Administration Insurance Requirements for Multifamily Properties
HUD OIG assisted the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Illinois, in the investigation of Lakeview Sheridan, LLC, and Fremont Sheridan Properties. Lakeview Sheridan is a multifamily property located in Chicago, IL, and Fremont Sheridan was the management company for Lakeview Sheridan. Under section 223(f) of the National Housing Act, HUD insured the mortgage on Lakeview Sheridan in May 2006 through its Federal Housing...
Septiembre 09, 2015
The Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago, IL, Did Not Always Make Payments for Outside Legal Services in Compliance With Requirements
We conducted a review of the Chicago Housing Authority’s payments for outside legal services in conjunction with an ongoing internal audit of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of public housing agencies’ expenditures for outside legal services. Our review objective was to determine whether the Authority made payments for outside legal services in compliance with applicable requirements.
We found that...
Abril 20, 2015
The Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago, IL, Did Not Always Ensure It Complied With HUD's Requirements For Exception Payment Standards
We audited the Chicago Housing Authority’s Moving to Work Housing Choice Voucher program as part of the activities in our fiscal year 2014 annual audit plan. We selected the Authority based on a request from Congressman Aaron Schock and recent media attention regarding the Authority’s exception payment standards. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority complied with its Moving to Work agreement, the U.S. Department of...
Febrero 23, 2015
Glenbrook Manor Could Not Always Show That Project Costs Were Eligible and Supported in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the multifamily project, Glenbrook Manor, in Stamford, CT, based on a request by officials from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Hartford, CT, Office of Multifamily Housing Programs. Our audit objectives were to determine whether Glenbrook Manor expended project funds for eligible activities and costs that were reasonable and supported, and whether surplus cash was properly calculated and deposited...
Diciembre 15, 2014
The City of Chicago, IL, Lacked Adequate Controls Over Its HOME Investment Partnerships Program-Funded Rental New Construction Projects and Program Income
We audited the City of Chicago’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program. We selected the City’s Program based upon our analysis of risk factors related to Program grantees in Region 5’s jurisdiction. Our objectives were to determine whether the City complied with HUD’s requirements regarding (1) leases between rental new construction projects’ owners and households, (2) use and reporting of Program income, and (3) monitoring of...
Septiembre 30, 2014
The Housing Authority of the City of Stamford, CT Took Appropriate Action to Resolve a Complaint While Complying With Procurement Regulations
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Stamford, doing business as Charter Oak Communities. We received an anonymous complaint against the Authority related to an alleged improper procurement. The complainant alleged that Authority officials awarded a contract to an employee’s spouse without following procurement and conflict-of-interest requirements. In addition, a previous audit (Audit report number 2012-BO-1002...
Septiembre 26, 2014
Authority Officials Did Not Always Follow HUD Requirements
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport, CT, to address complaints and areas that came to our attention during a prior audit. Our objective was determine whether costs charged to Federal housing programs were eligible, reasonable, and supported. Specifically, we determined whether officials properly (1) charged development staff costs, (2) charged Section 8 consulting costs, (3) implemented flat rents, (4) loaned...
Julio 31, 2014
The Moline Housing Authority, Moline, IL, Did Not Always Follow HUD's Requirements and Its Own Policies Regarding the Administration of Its Program
We audited the Moline Housing Authority’s Section 8 program as part of the activities in our fiscal year 2013 annual audit plan. We selected the Authority based on a citizen’s complaint to our office. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority administered its program in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) and its own requirements.
The Authority did not always comply with HUD’s...
Julio 14, 2014
The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Always Ensure That Expenses Charged to Its Federal Programs Were Eligible, Reasonable, and Supported
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport, CT, based on a request from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Hartford, CT, field office. HUD officials were concerned about the Authority due to significant financial deficiencies that were not corrected in a timely manner. Our audit objective was to determine whether Authority officials ensured that expenses charged to Federal programs were...
Enero 23, 2014
Ofori & Associates, PC, Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Its REO Contract and Marketing Plan Requirements
We audited Ofori & Associates, PC, regarding its U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) real estate-owned (REO) Management and Marketing (M&M) III program. This review was part of the Office of Inspector General’s efforts to improve the integrity of the single-family insurance program. Our audit objective was to determine whether Ofori complied with case processing requirements and timeframes to obtain the highest net...
Febrero 18, 2013
Prysma Lending Group, LLC, Danbury, CT, Complied With HUD-FHA Loan Origination and Quality Control Requirements
We audited Prysma Lending Group, LLC, a nonsupervised lender, located in Danbury, CT, in support of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) goal of improving the integrity of the single-family insurance program. We selected Prysma for audit because its 3.28 percent default rate for Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured single-family loans with beginning amortization dates between...
Noviembre 13, 2012
The Aurora Housing Authority, Aurora, IL, Did Not Administer Its Grant in
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General audited the Aurora Housing Authority’s Recovery Act formula grant. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2012 annual audit plan. We selected the Authority based upon our analysis of risk factors related to the housing agencies in Region V’s (see footnote) jurisdiction. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority administered its grant...
Septiembre 05, 2012
The Housing Authority of the City of Stamford, CT, Did Not Properly Administer and Oversee the Operations of Its Federal Programs
We audited the Housing Authority ofthe City of Stamford, CT's administration of its Federal housing programs based on an anonymous complaint. Federal programs included Operating Fund, Section 8 programs (including the Housing Choice Voucher program, Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation program, and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy
program), and Capital Fund programs. The Authority was also awarded an American Recovery...
Marzo 14, 2012
The East St. Louis Housing Authority Did Not Properly Manage or Report on Recovery Act Capital Funds
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General audited the East St. Louis Housing Authority’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Public Housing Capital Fund program. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority (1) complied with applicable procurement requirements and properly managed its Recovery Act contracts, (2) properly drew down and expended funds for eligible activities, and (3...
Marzo 01, 2012