HUD's Receivership Did Not Ensure That the Housing Authority of New Orleans Properly Accounted for Its Fungibility Funding, Monitored and Paid Two of Its Contractors, and Paid Its Accounts Payable Disbursements
At the request of two United States senators, we initiated an audit of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) administration of the Housing Authority of New Orleans (Authority) to determine the effect of HUD's receivership on the Authority's performance in its contracting activities and financial functions. Specifically, we wanted to determine whether HUD's receivership ensured that the Authority...
Enero 28, 2009
Progress Payments for Construction at Savoy Place, New Orleans, Louisiana
We completed an inspection of HUD funds drawn from the Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS) to pay for construction at Savoy Place, the last phase of the Desire Development at The Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO). The Desire Development is a three-phase HOPE VI development, comprising of Abundance, Treasure, and Savoy Place. We compared progress payments HANO made to the developer, Michaels Development Company, with...
Octubre 01, 2008
State of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Road Home Program, Did Not Ensure That All Additional Compensation Grant Applicants Were Eligible
We audited the State of Louisiana's (State) additional compensation grant (grant) component of the Road Home homeowner assistance program, managed by the State's contractor, ICF Emergency Management Services, LLC (ICF), in conjunction with the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Gulf Coast Region's audit plan and examination of relief efforts provided by the federal government in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Our...
Agosto 07, 2008
The City of Tulsa, Oklahoma Allowed Its Largest Subrecipient to Expend $1.5 Million in Unsupported CDBG Funding
We audited the City of Tulsa's (City) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program due to a departmental request. Our initial objective was to determine whether the City expended CDBG funds in accordance with U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rules and regulations. Based upon the initial results, we modified the objective to determine whether the City ensured that its largest subrecipient, the Tulsa Development...
Agosto 04, 2008
The Shreveport Housing Authority, Shreveport, Louisiana, Made Excessive Housing Assistance Payments in Its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Shreveport, LA
As part of the Office of Inspector General's strategic plan, we audited the Shreveport Housing Authority's (Authority) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program (Section 8 program). Our objective was to determine whether the Authority ensured that it made housing assistance payments in accordance with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Section 8 program requirements. The Authority's contracted...
Mayo 08, 2008
Review of Duplication of Participants Benefits under HUD's Katrina Disaster Housing Assistance Program and Disaster Voucher Program
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Katrina Disaster Housing Assistance Program (KDHAP) and Disaster Voucher Program (DVP) administered by various public housing agencies. Our audit objective was to determine whether HUD established controls to ensure that the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO) pre-Hurricane Katrina Housing Choice Voucher program participants did not receive duplicate assistance...
Marzo 28, 2008
State of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Road Home Program, Funded 418 Grants Coded Ineligible or Lacking an Eligibility Determination
We audited the State of Louisiana's (State) additional compensation grant (grant) component of the Road Home homeowner assistance program, managed by the State's contractor, ICF Emergency Management Services, LLC (ICF). We initiated the audit in conjunction with the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Gulf Coast Region's audit plan and examination of relief efforts provided by the federal government in the aftermath of Hurricanes...
Enero 29, 2008
The State of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Road Home Program, ICF, Did Not Always Provide Contract Deliverables as Required
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Inspector General audited the State of Louisiana's (State) Road Home program (Road Home) housing manager's performance under a contract worth more than $750 million. The State is a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) disaster recovery grantee under the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2006. We initiated the audit in conjunction with the Office of...
Diciembre 18, 2007
The Shreveport Housing Authority, Shreveport, Louisiana, Did Not Ensure That Section 8 Units Met Housing Quality Standards
We audited the Shreveport Housing Authority's (Authority) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program as part of our strategic plan. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority's Section 8 units met housing quality standards and if not, determine the extent, cause, and impact of its noncompliance on its Section 8 program.
The Authority did not have adequate management controls to ensure that it complied with U. S....
Noviembre 27, 2007
The Housing Authorities of the City of Konawa, City of Langston, City of Pauls Valley, City of Wynnewood, Town of Cheyenne, and Caddo Electric Cooperative Improperly Awarded Their Management Contracts and Did Not Manage Certain Operations or Administer Fu
At the request of HUD, we audited Green River Management, Inc., (Green River) which managed the Housing Authorities of the City of Konawa, City of Langston, City of Pauls Valley, City of Wynnewood, Town of Cheyenne, and Caddo Electric Cooperative. Our objective was to determine whether the housing authorities appropriately procured Green River as their management agent, maintained properties, and carried out their financial responsibilities in...
Octubre 26, 2007
Cityside Management Corporation, Hammond, Louisiana, Did Not Enforce The Lease Terms Over Payment of Property Utilities Files
Agosto 31, 2006
Cityside Management Corporation, Hammond, Louisiana, Did Not Enforce The Lease Terms Over Payment of Property Utilities
Enero 30, 2006