HUD's IT Infrastructure Needs Improvement
Research, evaluate, and implement technical solutions to resolve the user account management issues and the underlying issue in the technical environment.
Open Recommendation
HUD's IT Infrastructure Needs Improvement
Assess its help desk system against other technical solutions and ensure that the help desk solution used captures complete data on technical support requests. This measure includes but is not limited to ensuring that sequence gaps are properly documented or do not occur, valid transactions are Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Internal Audit Requirement for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 Grantees
Provide clearer guidance and instruction to PL 113-2 disaster grantees to assist them in establishing an effective internal audit activity.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Internal Audit Requirement for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 Grantees
Establish a recurring training and discussion forum among the PL 113-2 grantees and CPD that enables grantees to share ideas and receive guidance and information about CPD’s expectations regarding the internal audit requirement.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Major Program Offices Can Improve Their Preparedness To Respond to Upcoming Natural Disasters
Establish and implement a process to ensure that The Office of Multifamily Housing Programs’ policies, procedures, and supervisory controls are effective. This process should include addressing postdisaster damage assessments, properly updating iREMS, and executing loan forbearances. This Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Major Program Offices Can Improve Their Preparedness To Respond to Upcoming Natural Disasters
Establish and implement a process to ensure that the Office of Single Family Housing’s policies, procedures, and supervisory controls are effective. This process should address the proper use, maintenance, and reporting of gathered information on disaster-damaged properties as well as the proper Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Major Program Offices Can Improve Their Preparedness To Respond to Upcoming Natural Disasters
Establish and implement a process to ensure that CPD’s supervisory controls are effective related to its staff’s requirement to contact grantees following a disaster. This process should also integrate with other HUD program offices as appropriate to improve consistency with HUD’s overall Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Major Program Offices Can Improve Their Preparedness To Respond to Upcoming Natural Disasters
Establish and implement a process to ensure that ONAP’s policies and procedures are effective. This process should address the identification of presidentially declared disaster areas and the requirement to contact disaster-affected housing entities. This process should also integrate with other Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Major Program Offices Can Improve Their Preparedness To Respond to Upcoming Natural Disasters
Improve the Office of Public Housing’s procedures with written guidance to ensure that its staff formally tracks outreach to PHAs.
Open Recommendation
HUD's OCPO Did Not Always Comply With Acquisition Requirements When Planning and Monitoring Major Service Contracts
Provide adequate documentation to support the $21,373,462 in unreasonable and unnecessary obligated funds.
Open Recommendation
HUD's OCPO Did Not Always Comply With Acquisition Requirements When Planning and Monitoring Major Service Contracts
Strengthen and implement acquisition controls to ensure that proper cost and price documentation is obtained, adequate monitoring is conducted, adequate market research is conducted and that contractors are evaluated to assess their capability to perform work, and required contract documentation Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's OCPO Did Not Always Comply With Acquisition Requirements When Planning and Monitoring Major Service Contracts
Seek reimbursement for $161,718 in ineligible funds disbursed for equipment and support services not specified in a scanning services contract.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Block Grant Assistance Had Not Codified the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program
We recommend that the Acting Director of OBGA work with HUD’s Office of General Counsel to create a codified Disaster Recovery program.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Comply With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014
Designate additional HUD personnel and establish an internal reporting structure to complete DATA Act implementation, while sustaining reliable DATA Act reporting for later periods.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Comply With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014
Validate, certify, and submit all reportable FHA and Ginnie Mae data through the DATA Act broker and report the data on, including files A through F.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Comply With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014
Complete data quality and error resolution for HUD’s loan programs to ensure inclusion in HUD’s subsequent submissions.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Comply With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014
Allocate the financial resources to ensure that reconciliations are performed in the consolidation of source system data to the DATA Act submission files.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Comply With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014
Establish and implement internal control policies and procedures for consolidating and reconciling data from HUD, Ginnie Mae, and FHA source systems are documented and include a governance structure, including roles, responsibilities, and personnel completing DATA Act reporting procedures.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Locate or Recover Its Funds Held by State Unclaimed Property Administrators
Designate an unclaimed asset recovery official as required by the Treasury Financial Manual.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Locate or Recover Its Funds Held by State Unclaimed Property Administrators
Work with Treasury to identify and obtain reimbursement for FHA’s and Ginnie Mae’s portion of the $1.9 million in HUD funds that Treasury collected.
Open Recommendation