Housing should refine access controls within the FHA Catalyst modules that are dynamic, are tailored to user actions, and require continuous reauthentication to ensure that users have access only to information needed.
2023-OE-0007 | December 12, 2024
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Personally Identifiable Information Risk Management in a Zero Trust Environment (2023-OE-0007) Evaluation Report
- Status2023-OE-0007a-02OpenClosed
- Status2023-OE-0007a-03OpenClosed
Housing should coordinate with HUD’s SOC to a. Ensure that FHA Catalyst user behavior monitoring logs are regularly captured and adequately reviewed for discrepancies in user activities. b. Establish program office responsibility for the log review process.
2025-KC-0001 | December 02, 2024
FHA’s Office Of Asset Sales Did Not Have Adequate Information To Measure Its Loan Sales’ Program Success
- Status2025-KC-0001-001-AOpenClosed
Update the Conveyance, Assignment, and Assumption Agreement to require purchasers to property outcomes and identifying information including those of third-party purchasers when applicable report final.
- Status2025-KC-0001-001-BOpenClosed
Enhance data collection and processing controls to ensure consistency in reporting data.
- Status2025-KC-0001-001-COpenClosed
Enhance existing demonstration guidance within the Conveyance, Assignment, and Assumption Agreement to provide further detail regarding documentation retention requirements.
2024-NY-0002 | August 09, 2024
HUD Addressed Multifamily Mortgage Application Processing Delays, but Additional Action Is Needed To Manage Future Backlogs
- Status2024-NY-0002-001-AOpenClosed
Require that the PLUS system for receiving, processing, and assigning applications tracks applications and captures application intake, screening, and status, including key dates; captures data on the type of underwriter used; includes a portal for receiving documents and communicating with lenders; and generates FHA loan numbers. This will allow HUD to identify, monitor, and address processing delays and issues on a continuous basis; evaluate its performance and processes; and manage future challenges.
- Status2024-NY-0002-001-BOpenClosed
Update policies and procedures to include methods that will be used when applications exceed underwriter capacity, align intake and screening processes, and explain when timeframes will be enforced, including in PLUS.
- Status2024-NY-0002-001-COpenClosed
Issue an industry wide letter to reinforce how intake, screening, and enforcement of timeframes will be handled.
2024-NY-0001 | July 30, 2024
HUD’s FHA Appraiser Roster is Generally Reliable but Opportunities to Improve Data Management Exist
- Status2024-NY-0001-001-AOpenClosed
Update relevant policies and procedures for appraiser roster management so that they align with each other and with regulations and reflect HUD practice. At a minimum, the policies and procedures should clearly cover appraiser roster status, license expiration, disciplinary actions, removals, data accuracy, and documentation.
- Status2024-NY-0001-001-BOpenClosed
Maintain historical data for each appraiser record, including history on expiration dates, when appraisers are moved on or off the appraiser roster and when they are and are not allowed to be assigned to conduct appraisals.
- Status2024-NY-0001-001-COpenClosed
Improve quality assurance processes by adding steps to verify that the appraiser roster is accurate and reliable over time through testing of its logic-based system controls and data fields.
2024-KC-0002 | May 24, 2024
Servicers Followed the COVID-19 Foreclosure Moratorium Requirements but Could Have Better Communicated the Requirements to Borrowers
- Status2024-KC-0002-001-AOpenClosed
Update Handbook 4000.1 to require servicers to share information regarding foreclosure moratoriums with borrowers.
- Status2024-KC-0002-001-BOpenClosed
Simplify the process for accessing its FAQs on Single Family’s website, including adding a clickable link on its website home page that will take borrowers directly to the FAQs.
- Status2024-KC-0002-001-COpenClosed
Review the two loans in our sample that did not receive appropriate servicing and take administrative actions if appropriate.
2024-KC-0001 | April 18, 2024
HUD Can Improve Its Loan Purchaser Qualification Vetting To Better Achieve Its Mission Objectives
- Status2024-KC-0001-001-AOpenClosed
Require the transaction specialist contractor to change its application review process to prevent incomplete applications from being considered during vacant loan sales and that recommendations to approve applications are supported by written analysis.
- Status2024-KC-0001-001-BOpenClosed
Implement improved verification checks to prevent participation of restricted entities.
- Status2024-KC-0001-001-COpenClosed
Implement an improved process to review and update program controls before each sale to achieve its mission objectives.
2024-CH-0001 | February 13, 2024
HUD Lacked Adequate Oversight of Multifamily Housing Properties With Failing REAC Scores or Life-Threatening Deficiencies
- Status2024-CH-0001-001-AOpenClosed
Develop and implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that (1) staff issues notices of violation and default within 15 calendar days of the inspection report release date and (2) the Office of Multifamily Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight is made aware when notices are not issued within 15 calendar days after the inspection report release date and takes action as appropriate to ensure that future notices are issued in a timely manner.
- Status2024-CH-0001-002-AOpenClosed
Include language in future notices of violation and default clearly stating that owners are required to inspect all units (including vacant units), common areas, grounds, building systems, and sites as part of the owner survey and require owners to include sufficient detail in the surveys to show (1) when the survey was conducted and (2) that the survey was a complete survey of the project.
- Status2024-CH-0001-002-BOpenClosed
Develop and implement adequate policies, procedures, and controls to ensure that owner certifications and surveys and other relevant documents related to properties that fail inspections or are noted as having EHS deficiencies are maintained and retrievable from an easily accessible location.