Develop and implement procedures to i) monitor the transfer of due and payable partial claims from NSC to the FOC for collection, ii) determine the financial statement impact of not referring due and payable partial claims to the FOC, and iii) decide when FHA will record a reclassification entry to accounts receivable for those due and payable partial claims that are not transferred to the FOC timely.
2024-FO-0002 | November 13, 2023
Audit of FHA’s Fiscal Years 2023 and 2022 Financial Statements
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-BOpenClosed
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-COpenClosed
Consider accounting implications to the gross HECM loans receivable balance for the $20 million lost in security interests.
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-DOpenClosed
Record an adjusting entry to remove the duplicate $44 million from the gross HECM loans receivable balance as of September 30, 2023.
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-EOpenClosed
Identify and remove all duplicate transactions from the accounting module and prevent future occurrences.
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-FOpenClosed
Develop and enhance training for servicing the HECM portfolio.
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-GOpenClosed
Develop corrective procedures to bring the HECM portfolio servicing current, initiate collection proceedings for due and payable loans, redeem the tax certificates for properties for which FHA lost its security interest, and implement a solution to monitor tax payments to prevent tax delinquencies and avoid FHA’s risk of loss in loan security interest.
2024-FW-1001 | October 27, 2023
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing Should Enhance Its Fraud Risk Management Practices
Community Planning and Development
- Status2024-FW-1001-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct PRDOH to improve fraud awareness initiatives, such as participating in organized antifraud conferences, reviewing the OIG’s Special Fraud Alerts, Bulletins, and Other Guidance, and attending fraud risk training tailored to the program’s fraud risk profile (including subrecipients).
2024-FW-0001 | October 24, 2023
Preventing Duplication of Benefits When Using Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recover and Mitigation Funds
Community Planning and Development
- Status2024-FW-0001-001-COpenClosed
We recommend that the Director, Office of Disaster Recovery, for future grants, develop and implement procedures to ensure that all applicable requirements for preventing any duplication of benefits are included in the adequacy criteria, grantee certifications, and HUD review checklists supporting the certification.
2023-LA-0005 | July 28, 2023
HUD’s Assistance and Grantee Challenges With the Office of Native American Programs’ COVID-19 Recovery Programs
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2023-LA-0005-001-AOpenClosed
Consider grantee feedback on the challenges they faced as part of ONAP’s planning for technical assistance and training of ONAP COVID-19 recovery program grantees.
2023-FW-1004 | July 13, 2023
State of California, 2018 Disasters Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program
Community Planning and Development
- Status2023-FW-1004-001-AOpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of the Office of Disaster Recovery require the State to implement policies and procedures that require maintaining documentation to ensure it can support compliance for the installation of 36-inch roof valley flashing.
- Status2023-FW-1004-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of the Office of Disaster Recovery require the State to determine if the proper roof valley flashing was installed on the completed and in progress homes, and if not, require the State to install the correct roof valley flashing using non-Federal funds.
- Status2023-FW-1004-001-COpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of the Office of Disaster Recovery require the State to enhance the system used to estimate costs, to include the Wildland-Urban Interface Code required roof valley flashing, or document in the system and its output the different materials and costs used.
- Status2023-FW-1004-001-DOpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of the Office of Disaster Recovery require the State to develop and implement a policy to identify ownership and primary residency earlier in the review process and potential red flags in documentation.
- Status2023-FW-1004-001-EOpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of the Office of Disaster Recovery require the State to document and support its decision regarding duplication of benefits and income verification for additional owners of the property under an application.
2023-KC-0005 | June 13, 2023
Servicers Generally Did Not Meet HUD Requirements When Providing Loss Mitigation Assistance to Borrowers With Delinquent FHA-Insured Loans
- Status2023-KC-0005-001-AOpenClosed
Review the loans in our sample that did not receive appropriate loss mitigation options to ensure that the borrowers were remedied by the servicers, when possible, and take administrative actions if appropriate.
- Status2023-KC-0005-001-BOpenClosed
Engage with the servicers in our sample to determine reasons for noncompliance and develop a plan to mitigate it going forward.
- Status2023-KC-0005-001-DOpenClosed
Update HUD’s FHA FAQs to clarify current loss mitigation requirements and ensure that outdated guidance is removed.
- Status2023-KC-0005-001-FOpenClosed
Design and implement a data-driven methodology to determine the appropriate mix of origination and servicing monitoring and desk reviews.
2023-KC-1001 | June 13, 2023
Nationstar Generally Did Not Meet HUD Requirements When Providing Loss Mitigation to Borrowers of Delinquent FHA-Insured Loans
- Status2023-KC-1001-001-AOpenClosed
Review the sampled loans for which borrowers did not receive appropriate loss mitigation options to ensure that the borrowers were remedied by Nationstar, if possible, and take administrative actions if appropriate.
- Status2023-KC-1001-001-BOpenClosed
Implement controls and provide employee training to help prevent noncompliance in loss mitigation.