Develop and implement procedures and controls to ensure that ineligible food costs are not charged to the Program.
2020-LA-1002 | March 10, 2020
The Housing Authority of the City of Long Beach, CA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2020-LA-1002-003-BOpenClosed
2020-FW-0001 | February 26, 2020
HUD Did Not Have Adequate Oversight To Ensure That Its Payments to Subsidized Property Owners Were Accurate and Supported When It Suspended Contract Administrator Reviews
- Status2020-FW-0001-001-AOpenClosed
We recommend that the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs enforce written policies and procedures to ensure that the verification and payment of housing assistance payment subsidies for properties it subsidizes are based on accurate and supported information.
- Status2020-FW-0001-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs establish and implement policies to ensure effective contract administration, including providing funding approvals for project-based contract administrators in a timely manner.
- Status2020-FW-0001-001-COpenClosed
We recommend that the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs develop contingency policies and procedures to ensure that the properties it subsidizes receive adequate and verifiable continuous monitoring.
2020-AT-0802 | February 18, 2020
HUD Inaccurately Allotted Funding for Tenant Protection Assistance and Improperly Approved a Proposed RAD Conversion
- Status2020-AT-0802-001-AOpenClosed
Update and implement the internal procedures for processing housing conversion actions to require documentation, including but not limited to expired contracts or financial documentation from HUD’s Line of Credit Control System, to show when the last payment was made for the contract to support the proposed housing conversion actions before allotment of tenant protection funds.
- Status2020-AT-0802-001-BOpenClosed
Update and implement internal procedures to require verification that tenant protection funds were not previously allotted for the same type of housing conversion action.
- Status2020-AT-0802-001-COpenClosed
For the remaining retroactive RAD conversion not completed, to take steps, including but not limited to maintaining adequate approval documentation to ensure that it enforces its requirement that the tenant protection assistance is provided to tenants before the submission of the RAD application.
- Status2020-AT-0802-001-DOpenClosed
For the remaining retroactive RAD conversion not completed, to take steps including but not limited to training staff responsible for reviewing and approving RAD applications to ensure that it enforces its requirement that the tenant protection assistance is provided to tenants before the submission of the RAD application.
2020-FO-0003 | February 07, 2020
Additional Details To Supplement Our Fiscal Year 2019 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Financial Statements Audit
Chief Procurement Officer
- Status2020-FO-0003-004-DOpenClosed
Assign independent, contract officers to review and certify the initiating contract buyer’s compliance with policies for initiating and authorizing interagency agreements and later modifications for all amounts in accordance with Acquisition Instruction 13-07, HUD Contracting Officers.
- Status2020-FO-0003-004-EOpenClosed
Ensure that contracting officers and OCPO field offices review and follow the records management policies and procedures, including completing and signing Forms 7600A and 7600B, to ensure consistency among contract officers approving interagency agreements in the procurement system of record.
Community Planning and Development
- Status2020-FO-0003-001-OOpenClosed
Collaborate with OCFO to review methodologies used to produce grant accrual estimates, to include testing and verification of the resulting accrual estimates.
- Status2020-FO-0003-003-AOpenClosed
Implement information security controls over the Section 108 loan guarantee database that prevent and detect unauthorized changes to program data (or implement an updated Section 108 loan guarantee database with information security controls that prevent and detect unauthorized changes to program data).
- Status2020-FO-0003-004-COpenClosed
Develop and implement policy and procedures for the incremental obligation process used for project-based Section 8 funds, including documentation for determining the incremental amounts and controls to review the amounts for accuracy.
2020-FO-0002 | February 07, 2020
Audit of the Government National Mortgage Association’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2019
Government National Mortgage Association
- Status2020-FO-0002-001-AOpenClosed
Test whether a cumulative housing price appreciation (HPA) variable should be added to the probability of prepayment, probability of default, foreclosure timeline, buyout time models, and cure rate assumptions. Ginnie Mae should provide an analysis if it believes that adding an HPA variable would not be appropriate to support its position.
- Status2020-FO-0002-001-BOpenClosed
Develop and implement policies and procedures to require a sufficiently granular decomposition analysis that can adequately explain the impact of all the model changes made.
- Status2020-FO-0002-001-COpenClosed
Develop and implement policies and procedures or enhance or clarify, as appropriate, existing policies and procedures that will require additional analyses whenever thresholds are breached or other analyses indicate potential modeling issues.
- Status2020-FO-0002-001-DOpenClosed
Document the economic rationale behind unintuitive model coefficients to support that the unintuitive relationships are appropriate.
- Status2020-FO-0002-001-EOpenClosed
Document all model assumptions that are undocumented, providing the basis for any assumptions or decisions made when developing each model assumption.
- Status2020-FO-0002-001-FOpenClosed
Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure compliance with model risk management guidance regarding adequate and well-documented model assumptions.
- Status2020-FO-0002-001-GOpenClosed
Develop and implement controls that ensure the updating of model documentation when model changes are made.