Consider implementing a policy to review any of the 292 loans not reviewed as part of this audit that result in a request for claim to ensure that the loans qualified for endorsement under the temporary endorsement policy so that HUD can avoid unnecessary payments for loans that should not have been endorsed.
2023-NY-0002 | May 15, 2023
HUD Can Improve Oversight of Its Temporary Endorsement Policy for Loans in COVID-19 Forbearance
- Status2023-NY-0002-001-FOpenClosed
- Status2023-NY-0002-001-GOpenClosed$3,493,636Funds Put to Better Use
Recommendations that funds be put to better use estimate funds that could be used more efficiently. For example, recommendations that funds be put to better use could result in reductions in spending, deobligation of funds, or avoidance of unnecessary spending.
Record indemnification agreement data in its system for the 34 loans for which the lender properly executed an indemnification agreement before endorsement and HUD had not recorded the agreement in its system to put up to $3,493,636 to better use by avoiding potential losses.
- Status2023-NY-0002-001-HOpenClosed
Review and correct indemnification agreement data in HUD’s computer systems as needed for all agreements currently classified as having 2-year terms and all agreements related to 2-year agreements contained on its SharePoint site to ensure that its systems contain accurate data for monitoring and enforcement of agreements. This recommendation includes but is not limited to reviewing the agreement number, agreement term, billing lender, expiration date, refinance indicator, and source indicator.
- Status2023-NY-0002-001-IOpenClosed
Update indemnification agreements or obtain updated indemnification agreements for the 30 loans for which the indemnification agreements had incorrect or missing information or were not signed by HUD and upload them to its SharePoint site so that such agreements are properly executed and can be traced to HUD’s computer systems for future use.
2023-BO-0002 | March 30, 2023
HUD Could Improve Its Field Service Management Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans
Chief Procurement Officer
- Status2023-BO-0002-001-AOpenClosed
We recommend that the Chief Procurement Officer direct the contracting officers to review the current FSM contracts’ QASP and update accordingly to ensure that all minimum contract requirements are included.
- Status2023-BO-0002-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that the Chief Procurement Officer direct the contracting officers to oversee the implementation of the current FSM contracts’ QASP.
- Status2023-BO-0002-001-COpenClosed
We recommend that the Chief Procurement Officer require the contracting officers to implement the policies and procedures in the HUD Acquisition Policy and Procedure Handbook for completion of HUD’s FSM contractor performance assessment reports in CPARS to ensure that Government past performance is documented properly and in a timely manner, at least annually, for use by all Federal agencies and maintained in the contract files.
- Status2023-BO-0002-001-DOpenClosed
We recommend that the Chief Procurement Officer require all staff involved in the oversight of FSM contracts to maintain the required documentation in the official contract file identified by HUD policy to support the contracts.
- Status2023-BO-0002-001-FOpenClosed
We recommend that the Chief Procurement Officer require the contracting officers to formally designate CORs in a timely manner and maintain the required documentation in the proper location identified in the relevant HUD policies and procedures, which fully supports the CORs’ oversight of the FSM contract.
- Status2023-BO-0002-001-GOpenClosed
We recommend that the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing coordinate with OCPO to require that the contracting officers and CORs be involved in the development, implementation, and documentation of the FSM QASPs for their FSM contracts to ensure that performance statements, acceptable quality levels, and deviation percentages are aligned with the contracts’ requirements in the performance work statement, the performance requirement summary, and the contractor’s quality control plan.
- Status2023-BO-0002-001-HOpenClosed
We recommend that the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing coordinate with OCPO to require the contracting officers and CORs to monitor contractor performance to ensure that evidence is maintained and documented in the contract files for each performance statement completed in the FSM QASPs and that contractor quality control report deliverables resolve problems identified by the Government during reviews conducted in accordance with the QASP for its future FSM contracts.
- Status2023-BO-0002-001-IOpenClosed
We recommend that the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require the CORs to ensure that contractor past performance evaluations are prepared at least annually and as required by HUD policy to ensure that reporting of contractors is completed properly and in a timely manner for contract options and in CPARS.
2023-LA-0004 | March 29, 2023
Opportunities Exist to Enhance Oversight of the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative to Improve Program Effectiveness
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2023-LA-0004-001-AOpenClosed
Develop and implement a plan to assist PHAs in improving voucher utilization, including providing additional guidance to PHAs to improve coordination between PHAs and PCWAs to improve voucher utilization and limit barriers to leasing.
- Status2023-LA-0004-001-BOpenClosed
Require PHAs to document that they informed FYI participants at program entry of their eligibility for supportive services and the availability of those services for the duration of the program.
- Status2023-LA-0004-001-COpenClosed
For each youth referred, require PHAs to obtain PCWA certification that the PCWA will provide or secure access to supportive services.
- Status2023-LA-0004-001-DOpenClosed
Include FYI in its voucher risk assessment and develop and implement monitoring policies, procedures, and controls.
- Status2023-LA-0004-001-EOpenClosed
Establish and implement methods to regularly assess the effectiveness of the program in preventing and ending youth homelessness and improving participants’ self-sufficiency, which could include performance metrics and periodic studies performed by the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R).
2023-AT-1001 | March 28, 2023
The State of Georgia Did Not Adequately Monitor Its Harvey, Irma, and Maria Grants’ Activities and Subrecipients
Community Planning and Development
- Status2023-AT-1001-001-AOpenClosed
Provide technical assistance to the State and the staff to ensure that they understand the requirements for conducting a monitoring review in accordance with regulations.
- Status2023-AT-1001-001-BOpenClosed
Instruct the State to update and implement the CDBG-DR standard operating procedures, which clearly outline what activities, including the frequency, will be reviewed by its monitoring and internal audit function.
- Status2023-AT-1001-001-COpenClosed
Instruct the State to conduct monitoring reviews of its CDBG-DR HIM activities and subrecipients that satisfy monitoring requirements.