Develop and implement policies and procedures to revisit the classifications at least annually.
2018-BO-0001 | September 17, 2018
HUD’s Office of Residential Care Facilities Did Not Always Have and Use Financial Information to Adequately Assess and Monitor Nursing Homes
- Status2018-BO-0001-001-KOpenClosed
- Status2018-BO-0001-002-AOpenClosed
Develop and implement computerized controls to flag blank data fields and illogical financial data.
- Status2018-BO-0001-002-BOpenClosed
Develop and implement procedures to require owners, operators, and lenders to submit accurate and complete financial data.
- Status2018-BO-0001-002-COpenClosed
Develop and implement internal controls to routinely compare financial data on mortgage payments to Multifamily Delinquency and Default Reporting System data on mortgage payments and follow up on any conflicting data.
- Status2018-BO-0001-002-DOpenClosed
Develop and implement procedures for referring operators who fail to provide required financial statements to the Departmental Enforcement Center.
- Status2018-BO-0001-002-EOpenClosed
Develop and implement metrics to evaluate each nursing home’s financial data for changes in utilization, payments, profitability, and solvency (debt service credit ratios).
2018-OE-0001 | September 13, 2018
HUD Privacy Program Evaluation Report
Office of Administration
- Status2018-OE-0001-01OpenClosed
Ensure the privacy program is staffed with experienced personnel (such as a Chief Privacy Officer) to manage the operational aspects of the program.
- Status2018-OE-0001-02OpenClosed
Issue a notice at the Secretary level delegating and clarifying the authority and responsibilities of the SAOP and Privacy Office
- Status2018-OE-0001-03OpenClosed
A. Document the roles and specific responsibilities of all positions assigned privacy responsibilities. B. Communicate these responsibilities on a recurring basis, at least annually, to individuals holding these positions.
- Status2018-OE-0001-04OpenClosed
Implement thorough human capital processes to ensure execution of the HUD privacy program and all its requirements
- Status2018-OE-0001-05OpenClosed
Finalize and approve the draft privacy program strategic plan
- Status2018-OE-0001-06OpenClosed
Ensure the privacy program is integrated with the enterprise risk program and that privacy risks are incorporated into the agency risk management process
- Status2018-OE-0001-07OpenClosed
Establish an executive leadership dashboard to communicate continuous monitoring of key program risks and issues
- Status2018-OE-0001-08OpenClosed
A. Develop an internal privacy program communication plan to describe how privacy issues will be disseminated and best practices will be shared. B. Implement the communication plan
- Status2018-OE-0001-09OpenClosed
Develop a dedicated budget to address Privacy Office training needs and initiatives
- Status2018-OE-0001-10OpenClosed
Update all privacy guidance to reflect current Federal requirements and processes.
- Status2018-OE-0001-11OpenClosed
Implement a formal process for the Privacy Office to issue and communicate privacy guidance, requirements, and deadlines.
- Status2018-OE-0001-12OpenClosed
Update and continue to maintain a central collaboration area to include all current privacy program policies, procedures, and guidance
- Status2018-OE-0001-13OpenClosed
Establish standard processes to ensure consistent work flow and communications between program office and Privacy Office personnel
- Status2018-OE-0001-14OpenClosed
Ensure role-based privacy training is provided to all personnel with privacy responsibilities