Develop and implement time-to-hire goals that account for each hiring process step.
2020-OE-0002 | August 02, 2021
Opportunities Exist To Improve the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Hiring Process
Office of Chief Human Capital Officer
- Status2020-OE-0002-08OpenClosed
- Status2020-OE-0002-09OpenClosed
Develop and document methodologies on how OCHCO calculates hiring metrics to ensure that its hiring metrics and hiring goals align across all of its data sources, including the POL, the human capital dashboard, and the HCOP.
- Status2020-OE-0002-10OpenClosed
Track the quality of candidates as measured by the hiring officials.
- Status2020-OE-0002-11OpenClosed
Track the number of recruit attempts that result in a selection, the number of recruit attempts that result in a successful hire, and the number of positions that are reposted due to unsuccessful first recruit attempts.
2021-KC-0004 | July 28, 2021
HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs’ Complaint Process Did Not Ensure That Health and Safety Complaints Were Resolved in a Timely Manner
- Status2021-KC-0004-001-AOpenClosedPriorityPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
Develop a comprehensive process to ensure that complaints received by HUD’s Multifamily Housing Clearinghouse are resolved in a timely manner.
October 2023, the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs reported that HUD was transitioning the Multifamily Clearinghouse responsibilities to the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Resource Center. The Office stated that it had requested IT Technology Fund funding for FY 2024 for system enhancements to coordinate tenant complaints throughout Multifamily Housing including Multifamily field staff and the Multifamily Clearinghouse Call Center.
In June 2024, the Office reported that because the FY 2024 funding was not approved by Congress, it will use the FHA Resource Center and its system that will allow for tracking and monitoring of customer calls. In addition, the Office will request assistance from its Project Based Contract Administrators to use a standard, Multifamily-wide reporting format to standardize and aggregate tenant complaints.
- Status2021-KC-0004-001-BOpenClosedPriorityPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
Develop agencywide policies and procedures for the intake, monitoring, and tracking of health and safety complaints.
October 2023, the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs reported that HUD was transitioning the Multifamily Clearinghouse responsibilities to the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Resource Center. The Office stated that it had requested IT Technology Fund funding for FY 2024 for system enhancements to coordinate tenant complaints throughout Multifamily Housing including Multifamily field staff and the Multifamily Clearinghouse Call Center.
In June 2024, the Office reported that because the FY 2024 funding was not approved by Congress, it will use the FHA Resource Center and its system that will allow for tracking and monitoring of customer calls. In addition, the Office will request assistance from its Project Based Contract Administrators to use a standard, Multifamily-wide reporting format to standardize and aggregate tenant complaints.
- Status2021-KC-0004-001-COpenClosed
Develop an automated real-time system for HUD and PBCA staff to use to receive, track, and resolve health and safety issues.
- Status2021-KC-0004-001-DOpenClosed
Revise the annual contributions contract to more clearly define the required treatment of health and safety issues, to include: • Specific timeliness requirements for resolving life-threatening and non-life-threatening health and safety issues. • Notification that HUD will actively monitor the status of complaints and become involved in resolution if necessary. • Requirement that PBCAs will immediately contact HUD staff if a property has a life-threatening or non-life-threatening health and safety issue and report when the issue is resolved. • Requirement that the projects’ property management will immediately contact PBCA staff if a property has a life-threatening or non-life-threatening health and safety issue and report when the issue is resolved.
2021-KC-0003 | July 26, 2021
HUD’s Major Program Offices Can Improve Their Preparedness To Respond to Upcoming Natural Disasters
Community Planning and Development
- Status2021-KC-0003-003-AOpenClosed
Establish and implement a process to ensure that CPD’s supervisory controls are effective related to its staff’s requirement to contact grantees following a disaster. This process should also integrate with other HUD program offices as appropriate to improve consistency with HUD’s overall disaster response and to ensure the effectiveness of disaster controls.
- Status2021-KC-0003-001-AOpenClosed
Establish and implement a process to ensure that The Office of Multifamily Housing Programs’ policies, procedures, and supervisory controls are effective. This process should include addressing postdisaster damage assessments, properly updating iREMS, and executing loan forbearances. This process should also integrate with other HUD program offices as appropriate to improve consistency with HUD’s overall disaster response and to ensure the effectiveness of disaster controls.
- Status2021-KC-0003-002-AOpenClosed
Establish and implement a process to ensure that the Office of Single Family Housing’s policies, procedures, and supervisory controls are effective. This process should address the proper use, maintenance, and reporting of gathered information on disaster-damaged properties as well as the proper assessment of properties with appropriate disaster codes. This process should also integrate with other HUD program offices as appropriate to improve consistency with HUD’s overall disaster response and to ensure the effectiveness of disaster controls.
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2021-KC-0003-004-AOpenClosed
Establish and implement a process to ensure that ONAP’s policies and procedures are effective. This process should address the identification of presidentially declared disaster areas and the requirement to contact disaster-affected housing entities. This process should also integrate with other HUD program offices as appropriate to improve consistency with HUD’s overall disaster response and to ensure the effectiveness of disaster controls.
- Status2021-KC-0003-005-AOpenClosed
Improve the Office of Public Housing’s procedures with written guidance to ensure that its staff formally tracks outreach to PHAs.
2021-OE-0003 | June 29, 2021
HUD IT Modernization Roadmap Evaluation Report
Chief Information Officer
- Status2021-OE-0003-01OpenClosedPriorityPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
Develop an enterprise-wide IT modernization strategy that establishes a framework to align with the IT modernization roadmap.
Corrective Action Taken
In January, 2024, HUD provided an OCIO approved an IT Modernization strategy that established a framework that aligned with its IT modernization roadmap. The strategy addressed each of the recommendation components (a. roles and responsibilities, b. prioritization of modernization initiatives, c. coordination process between OCIO and program offices, d. phased approach, and e. how lessons learned will be captured.
- Status2021-OE-0003-02OpenClosed
Obtain the proper approval and communicate the IT modernization strategy to all appropriate stakeholders, including HUD program offices.
2021-FW-1002 | June 21, 2021
The City of Houston’s Housing and Community Development Department, Houston, TX, Did Not Always Ensure That Its Program Followed Procurement Requirements
Community Planning and Development
- Status2021-FW-1002-001-AOpenClosed$9,736,636Funds Put to Better Use
Recommendations that funds be put to better use estimate funds that could be used more efficiently. For example, recommendations that funds be put to better use could result in reductions in spending, deobligation of funds, or avoidance of unnecessary spending.
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development require the City to provide documentation, including but not limited to showing that it (1) notified and allowed a response from bidders regarding the bidding and scoring processes; and (2) awarded home repair master agreement contracts without restriction and were in line with the bid evaluation requirements, or provide a documented re-evaluation of the procurement showing that it provided the best advantage to it and HUD, thereby putting the remaining $9,736,636 award amount to better use.
- Status2021-FW-1002-001-BOpenClosed$1,063,364Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development require the City to support $1,063,364 or repay its CDBG-DR program from non-Federal funds for payments made to one prequalified contractor under its home repair program without independent cost estimates and cost analyses.
- Status2021-FW-1002-001-COpenClosed$170,066Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development require the City to support $170,066 or repay its CDBG-DR program from non-Federal funds for payments made to the demolition contractor under its housing buyout program without independent cost estimates and cost analyses.
- Status2021-FW-1002-001-DOpenClosed$27,250Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development require the City to support $27,250 or repay its CDBG-DR program from non-Federal funds for payments made to three appraisal contractors under its housing buyout program without cost analyses.
- Status2021-FW-1002-001-EOpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development require the City to develop and implement a HUD-approved written plan and checklists that will correct and prevent the deficiencies outlined in the finding.