Develop and implement metrics to evaluate each nursing home’s financial data for changes in utilization, payments, profitability, and solvency (debt service credit ratios).
2018-BO-0001 | September 17, 2018
HUD’s Office of Residential Care Facilities Did Not Always Have and Use Financial Information to Adequately Assess and Monitor Nursing Homes
- Status2018-BO-0001-002-EOpenClosed
2018-OE-0001 | September 13, 2018
HUD Privacy Program Evaluation Report
Office of Administration
- Status2018-OE-0001-01OpenClosed
Ensure the privacy program is staffed with experienced personnel (such as a Chief Privacy Officer) to manage the operational aspects of the program.
- Status2018-OE-0001-02OpenClosed
Issue a notice at the Secretary level delegating and clarifying the authority and responsibilities of the SAOP and Privacy Office
- Status2018-OE-0001-03OpenClosed
A. Document the roles and specific responsibilities of all positions assigned privacy responsibilities. B. Communicate these responsibilities on a recurring basis, at least annually, to individuals holding these positions.
- Status2018-OE-0001-04OpenClosed
Implement thorough human capital processes to ensure execution of the HUD privacy program and all its requirements
- Status2018-OE-0001-05OpenClosed
Finalize and approve the draft privacy program strategic plan
- Status2018-OE-0001-06OpenClosed
Ensure the privacy program is integrated with the enterprise risk program and that privacy risks are incorporated into the agency risk management process
- Status2018-OE-0001-07OpenClosed
Establish an executive leadership dashboard to communicate continuous monitoring of key program risks and issues
- Status2018-OE-0001-08OpenClosed
A. Develop an internal privacy program communication plan to describe how privacy issues will be disseminated and best practices will be shared. B. Implement the communication plan
- Status2018-OE-0001-09OpenClosed
Develop a dedicated budget to address Privacy Office training needs and initiatives
- Status2018-OE-0001-10OpenClosed
Update all privacy guidance to reflect current Federal requirements and processes.
- Status2018-OE-0001-11OpenClosed
Implement a formal process for the Privacy Office to issue and communicate privacy guidance, requirements, and deadlines.
- Status2018-OE-0001-12OpenClosed
Update and continue to maintain a central collaboration area to include all current privacy program policies, procedures, and guidance
- Status2018-OE-0001-13OpenClosed
Establish standard processes to ensure consistent work flow and communications between program office and Privacy Office personnel
- Status2018-OE-0001-14OpenClosed
Ensure role-based privacy training is provided to all personnel with privacy responsibilities
- Status2018-OE-0001-15OpenClosed
Ensure privacy awareness training is provided to all contractor and third party personnel
- Status2018-OE-0001-16OpenClosed
Provide personnel tasked with handling Privacy Act requests with recurring training on Privacy Act exceptions
- Status2018-OE-0001-17OpenClosed
Establish documentation procedures for accounting of disclosures made under the Privacy Act, as required by 5 USC 552a(c)
- Status2018-OE-0001-18OpenClosed
Establish an annual computer matching activity reporting process to meet the requirements of OMB Circular A-108
- Status2018-OE-0001-19OpenClosed
Determine if general support system privacy threshold assessments or privacy impact assessments should be completed; if not, document the rationale