Require New Horizons to conduct a review to determine who currently lives in the units and verify their eligibility.
2017-KC-1002 | March 02, 2017
New Horizons, Kansas City, MO, Received Improper Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments
- Status2017-KC-1002-001-EOpenClosed
- Status2017-KC-1002-001-FOpenClosed
Monitor New Horizons to ensure that it properly maintains tenant files, completes required annual recertifications, and supports disability exemptions in accordance with HUD requirements.
2017-LA-0003 | March 02, 2017
HUD Failed To Adequately Oversee FHA-Insured Loans With Borrower-Financed Downpayment Assistance
- Status2017-LA-0003-001-AOpenClosed
Reconsider HUD’s position on questioned borrower-financed downpayment assistance programs, including an analysis of the financial impact to FHA borrowers, risk to the FHA program, and whether current statute prohibits borrower-financed downpayment assistance programs as they are currently structured.
- Status2017-LA-0003-001-BOpenClosed
Develop and implement policies and procedures to strengthen HUD’s comprehensive loan-level, postendorsement, and lender reviews by evaluating loans containing downpayment assistance (for example, interest rates, fees, borrower certifications, lender reviews, impact to borrower, related agreements, etc.). Policies and procedures should include evaluating the structure of downpayment assistance programs, including whether the programs’ structure and funding mechanisms comply with all HUD requirements and guidelines.
- Status2017-LA-0003-001-COpenClosed
Develop specific requirements and guidance for lenders to review HFA downpayment assistance programs (for example, interest rates, fees, borrower certifications, lender reviews, impact to borrower, related agreements, etc.). Requirements and guidance should include evaluating the structure of downpayment assistance programs, including whether the programs’ structure and funding mechanisms comply with all HUD requirements and guidelines.
- Status2017-LA-0003-001-DOpenClosed
Require lenders to obtain a borrower certification that details their participation in an HFA downpayment assistance program, including relevant details of the specific program (for example, impact on interest rate, mortgage payments, fees, equity, acknowledgement of other less costly loan products, etc.).
- Status2017-LA-0003-001-EOpenClosed
Ensure that lenders enter accurate and missing downpayment assistance gift data into FHA Connection when identified by HUD.
- Status2017-LA-0003-001-FOpenClosed
Implement new data fields where lenders would be required to enter specific downpayment assistance information (for example, name of the source, name of assistance program, name of government entity or HFA, etc.) to allow for auditability and for HUD to generate reports and perform risk assessments.
- Status2017-LA-0003-001-GOpenClosed
Review fees identified in this report that were charged as part of borrower-financed downpayment assistance programs and determine whether they are reasonable or necessary. HUD should immediately notify lenders to discontinue charging any fees that are determined to be unreasonable and unnecessary.
- Status2017-LA-0003-001-HOpenClosed
Require any participating lender to reimburse borrowers that received an FHA loan with borrower-financed downpayment assistance for any fees that were determined to be unreasonable and unnecessary.
2017-AT-1003 | March 01, 2017
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Did Not Properly Administer Its Multifamily Special Escrow Funds
- Status2017-AT-1003-001-AOpenClosed$7,984,429Funds Put to Better Use
Recommendations that funds be put to better use estimate funds that could be used more efficiently. For example, recommendations that funds be put to better use could result in reductions in spending, deobligation of funds, or avoidance of unnecessary spending.
Submit a plan showing how it will use the $7,984,429 in unspent escrow funds to meet program objectives and increase the supply of low- and moderate-income housing for the residents of Puerto Rico, including a schedule HUD can track to ensure the expenditure.
- Status2017-AT-1003-001-BOpenClosed$2,432,271Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
Submit supporting documentation so HUD can reevaluate the feasibility of the three activities and determine the eligibility of the $2,432,271 in escrow funds already disbursed. If HUD determines that an activity has been canceled or is not feasible, the Department must reimburse the escrow account from non-Federal funds.
- Status2017-AT-1003-001-COpenClosed
Submit a plan showing how it will proceed regarding the Yabucoa, Juncos, and Barceloneta housing projects, including a schedule that HUD can track to ensure their completion.
- Status2017-AT-1003-001-DOpenClosed$2,176,733Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
Submit supporting documentation showing the reasonableness and allowability of $2,176,733 disbursed or reimburse its escrow account from non-Federal funds.
- Status2017-AT-1003-001-EOpenClosed
Develop and implement written policies detailing procedures and responsibilities related to program administration and monitoring of the escrow program.
- Status2017-AT-1003-002-AOpenClosed
Transfer all escrow funds to a financial institution that is supervised by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Administration and ensure that all deposits are secured by the Federal Government. Any amount not recovered from the Development Bank must be reimbursed to the escrow account from non-Federal funds.
- Status2017-AT-1003-002-BOpenClosed
Submit required certifications and supporting documentation showing that residents of escrow-funded activities met the established income limit requirements. Any amounts determined ineligible must be reimbursed to the escrow account from non-Federal funds.
2017-NY-1007 | February 16, 2017
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC, Elma, NY, Generally Complied With HUD’s Loss Mitigation Program Requirements for Servicing Its Portfolio of FHA-Insured Mortgages
- Status2017-NY-1007-001-AOpenClosed$19,136Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
We recommend that the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing instruct Seneca Mortgage to repay the $19,136 in ineligible holding costs to the FHA insurance fund.
- Status2017-NY-1007-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing instruct Seneca Mortgage to ensure that reimbursement is not requested for holding costs incurred beyond the conveyance deadline related to FHA loan number 281-3493258.
- Status2017-NY-1007-001-COpenClosed
We recommend that the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing instruct Seneca Mortgage to instruct the investors or holders for FHA loan numbers 501-7067695, 501-6877136, 061-0982338, and 501-5885504 to transfer these loans to FHA-approved servicers.