The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
2020-OE-0001 | November 30, 2020
HUD Fiscal Year 2020 Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA) Evaluation Report
Chief Information Officer
- Status2020-OE-0001-25OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
- Status2020-OE-0001-26OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
2019-OE-0002a | June 25, 2020
HUD Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Records Protection and Management
Office of Administration
- Status2019-OE-0002a-01OpenClosed
Designate a Senior Agency Official for Records Management at the Assistant Secretary level or its equivalent.
- Status2019-OE-0002a-02OpenClosed
Update and issue agency formal records policy, including detailed procedures and requirements for completing and maintaining program office and agencywide inventories of systems, records, and PII.
- Status2019-OE-0002a-03OpenClosed
Update and obtain final NARA approval of all HUD records retention schedules, including the Capstone email schedule, to comply with Federal requirements, including OMB M-19-21.
- Status2019-OE-0002a-04OpenClosed
Develop and approve an enterprise strategy to meet all M-19-21 electronic transition requirements.
- Status2019-OE-0002a-05OpenClosed
Issue a formal policy and requirements for managing CUI.
- Status2019-OE-0002a-06OpenClosed
Establish and disseminate a policy on safeguarding or prohibiting the transportation of PII records out of the office for telework purposes.
- Status2019-OE-0002a-07OpenClosed
Complete the development of performance measures and establish a formal records evaluation process to measure the effectiveness and progress of the records management program.
- Status2019-OE-0002a-08OpenClosed
Standardize processes and duties for all RMLOs.
- Status2019-OE-0002a-09OpenClosed
Conduct a staffing resource assessment for the HUD records program and identify any skills gaps or resource needs.
2019-OE-0002 | June 25, 2020
HUD Fiscal Year 2019 Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA) Evaluation Report
Chief Financial Officer
- Status2019-OE-0002-03OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2019-OE-0002-06OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
Chief Information Officer
- Status2019-OE-0002-01OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2019-OE-0002-02OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2019-OE-0002-04OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2019-OE-0002-05OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2019-OE-0002-07OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2019-OE-0002-08OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2019-OE-0002-09OpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.