Develop and implement a policy that requires OCFO to review all new program notices, new regulations, and new types of funding and evaluate each against the accounting standards and current accounting treatment (as documented in white papers or other forms) to determine whether OCFO’s treatment complies with generally accepted accounting principles and if not, propose changes. The policy should include formal designation of roles and responsibilities as well as internal controls to ensure proper review and approval of conclusions.
2021-FO-0003 | December 04, 2020
Audit of HUD’s Fiscal Year 2020 Consolidated Financial Statements
Chief Financial Officer
- Status2021-FO-0003-001-BOpenClosed
- Status2021-FO-0003-001-COpenClosed
Once additional data are available, and at least quarterly, reduce the CARES Act PIH prepayment by the amount actually spent by PHAs or an estimated amount with a low level of estimation uncertainty.
- Status2021-FO-0003-001-DOpenClosed
As part of the validation process for CPD’s accrued grant liabilities, review CPD’s accrued grant liabilities estimation methodology to ensure that it is based on verifiable grantee supporting documentation and all assumptions and variables used for the grant accrual estimate were properly established, supported, and documented.
- Status2021-FO-0003-001-EOpenClosed
Research the survey responses that resulted in a positive cash on hand balance to determine whether a cash advance exists. If so, the Chief Financial Officer should coordinate with CPD to (1) determine whether the grantees have proper documentation and approvals allowing for cash advances and (2) develop and implement procedures to estimate and account for cash advances for financial reporting purposes.
- Status2021-FO-0003-001-FOpenClosed
Investigate other methods for validating CPD’s accrued grant liabilities estimate, including the use of other sampling units, which could provide additional relevant information that can be used to produce more reasonable results and reduce estimation uncertainty to a low level.
- Status2021-FO-0003-001-GOpenClosed
Work with the Director of the Office of Multifamily Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight to ensure that all debt owed to HUD is identified, accurately reported in HUD’s financial records, and properly monitored to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
2021-SE-1801 | October 05, 2020
Review of the Nampa Housing Authority’s Public Housing Program, Nampa, ID
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2021-SE-1801-001-AOpenClosed$1,550Funds Put to Better Use
Recommendations that funds be put to better use estimate funds that could be used more efficiently. For example, recommendations that funds be put to better use could result in reductions in spending, deobligation of funds, or avoidance of unnecessary spending.
Require the Authority to reimburse the six tenants who overpaid rent totaling $1,550 using non-Federal funds.
- Status2021-SE-1801-001-BOpenClosed
Require the Authority to develop and implement internal control procedures that support its policy and ensure a proper tenant selection process when selecting tenants for housing.
- Status2021-SE-1801-001-COpenClosed
Ensure that the Authority follows all applicable HUD requirements related to accessing, use, and safeguarding credentials of HUD systems.
2020-CH-0006 | September 09, 2020
HUD Could Improve Its Oversight of Portability in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2020-CH-0006-001-AOpenClosed
Conduct a nationwide assessment of the impact of portability and determine whether technical assistance is necessary for certain public housing agencies. Consider seeking input from public housing agencies and industry groups to evaluate the potential impact of portability and (1) determine whether improvements to the portability aspect of the program are warranted, and (2) if deemed warranted, determine how the improvements will be implemented for public housing agencies portable vouchers (both port-in and port-out).
- Status2020-CH-0006-002-AOpenClosed$248,514Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
Pursue collection or recapture $248,514 ($115,335 $133,179) from the applicable public housing agencies for the overpayment of category 2b portability set-aside funds and special administrative fees cited in this finding.
- Status2020-CH-0006-002-BOpenClosed$35,189Funds Put to Better Use
Recommendations that funds be put to better use estimate funds that could be used more efficiently. For example, recommendations that funds be put to better use could result in reductions in spending, deobligation of funds, or avoidance of unnecessary spending.
Distribute $35,189 to the applicable public housing agencies for the underpayment of special administrative fees for portability cited in this finding.
- Status2020-CH-0006-002-COpenClosed
Review the calculations and distributions of funds for the 2019 category 2b portability set-aside and special administrative fees for portability to ensure that the spreadsheet errors did not carry forward from the previous calculations.
2020-LA-1005 | September 03, 2020
Mid America Mortgage, dba 1st Tribal Lending, Pinole, CA, Did Not Always Follow HUD’s Section 184 Program Requirements
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2020-LA-1005-001-AOpenClosed$607,598Funds Put to Better Use
Recommendations that funds be put to better use estimate funds that could be used more efficiently. For example, recommendations that funds be put to better use could result in reductions in spending, deobligation of funds, or avoidance of unnecessary spending.
Request indemnification for the 7 of the 11 loans that had material underwriting deficiencies (appendix D). The unpaid balance for these loans is $1.3 million and the estimated potential loss to HUD is $607,598.
- Status2020-LA-1005-001-BOpenClosed
Require the lender to develop and implement enhanced policies and procedures to ensure electronic signatures from borrowers are properly supported.
- Status2020-LA-1005-001-COpenClosed
Require the lender to fully implement its quality control plan with respect to reverifications and provide HUD with periodic reports for 12 months to ensure that it conducts its quality control reviews in accordance with the requirements.
2020-AT-1003 | August 31, 2020
The Housing Authority of the City of Macon-Bibb County, GA, Improperly Executed the HAP Contract for Vineville Christian Towers’ RAD Conversion
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2020-AT-1003-001-AOpenClosed$256,824Funds Put to Better Use
Recommendations that funds be put to better use estimate funds that could be used more efficiently. For example, recommendations that funds be put to better use could result in reductions in spending, deobligation of funds, or avoidance of unnecessary spending.
Put $256,824 to better use by cancelling the project-based voucher housing assistance payments contract resulting from the RAD conversion. The Authority should work with HUD and the owner to protect the tenancy of the affected tenants at the time of contract cancellation.
- Status2020-AT-1003-001-BOpenClosed$138,925Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
Reimburse its Section 8 program $138,925 in associated administrative fees from non-Federal funds for the improper issuance of tenant protection assistance and an improper conversion to the project-based voucher program.
- Status2020-AT-1003-001-COpenClosed
Develop and implement procedures to ensure that forms HUD-50059 and or tenant profiles is received from HUD before providing tenant protection assistance resulting from a completed housing conversion action.
- Status2020-AT-1003-001-DOpenClosed
Provide adequate training to staff associated with administering tenant protection and project-based vouchers to help address its lack of familiarity with requirements and ensure compliance with program requirements.