Ensure that its staff appropriately determines exemptions from the Lead Safe Housing Rule and documents support of the determinations.
Corrective Action Taken
In June 2023, HUD publicly issued Notice 2023-16, Implementation of National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) Administrative Procedures, providing guidance covering the process and operational requirements for HUD’s public housing programs that clarifies for its staff (1) actions that should be taken by the PHA and (2) documentation that must be provided to support that a housing unit is exempt from the Lead Safe Housing Rule. The guidance describes the process that a PHA or property owners and/or agents must take when a NSPIRE inspection identifies deteriorated paint in a property or housing unit. Specifically, the PHA or property owners and/or agents should first verify that the property or housing unit is considered “target housing,” and if so, determine whether it is exempt from the Lead Safe Housing Rule. If an exemption applies, documentation such as, a lease or other residency agreement that affirms that the property is designated exclusively for occupancy by the elderly or persons with disabilities must be provided to HUD. Other residency agreements could include a HUD-approved designated housing plan, property deed or charter, or occupancy restrictions approved by HUD or the PHA’s board of commissioners. The PHA or property owners and/or agency must also affirm whether children under the age of 6 years reside in the property.