Develop and implement controls to ensure that future grant data reporting to stakeholders is consistent and accurate, including defining how records should be counted and data should be presented and ensuring that accurate POP dates are maintained in HUD’s systems.
2022-NY-0001 | March 09, 2022
HUD Did Not Implement Adequate Grant Closeout and Reporting Processes To Ensure Consistent Application of GONE Act Requirements
Chief Financial Officer
- Status2022-NY-0001-002-AOpenClosed
2022-FO-0004 | December 09, 2021
Audit of HUD’s Fiscal Years 2021 and 2020 Consolidated Financial Statements
Chief Financial Officer
- Status2022-FO-0004-001-AOpenClosed
As part of the validation process for CPD’s accrued liabilities, improve its validation process to ensure that it is based on verifiable grantees responses and supporting documentation.
- Status2022-FO-0004-001-BOpenClosed
We are recommending OCFO reopen the following recommendation reported in audit report 2021-FO-0003-0001-D: 1B. As part of the validation process for CPD’s accrued grant liabilities, review CPD’s accrued grant liabilities estimation methodology to ensure that it is based on verifiable grantee supporting documentation and all assumptions and variables used for the grant accrual estimate were properly established, supported, and documented.
- Status2022-FO-0004-004-AOpenClosed
Implement a policy to ensure the federal regulation responsibilities for outgoing HUD employees are reassigned to appropriate HUD personnel to enable HUD to continue to address those federal regulation requirements.
- Status2022-FO-0004-004-BOpenClosed
Establish controls to determine if single audits for HUD grantees are being completed and reported in a timely manner in accordance with 2 CFR §200.512.
- Status2022-FO-0004-004-COpenClosed
Provide a means for which HUD grantees and their auditors can request technical advice and counsel.
- Status2022-FO-0004-004-DOpenClosed
Establish controls to determine if follow-up is being conducted to determine if the grant recipients have taken appropriate and timely corrective action. That follow-up must include the following: a. Issuing a management decision letter as prescribed in 2 CFR §200.521; b. Monitoring recipients to ensure they are taking appropriate and timely corrective action; c.Using cooperative audit resolution mechanisms (see 2 CFR §200.25) to improve federal program outcomes through better audit resolution, follow-up, and corrective action; and d. Developing a baseline, metrics, and targets to track, over time, the effectiveness of HUD’s process to follow-up on audit findings and on the effectiveness of single audits in improving recipient accountability and their use by HUD in making award decisions.
- Status2022-FO-0004-004-EOpenClosed
Establish controls to ensure that HUD provides Office of Management Budget (OMB) annual updates to the compliance supplement6 and works with OMB to ensure that the supplement focuses the auditor to test compliance requirements most likely to cause improper payments, fraud, waste, abuse or generate audit findings for which HUD will take sanctions.
- Status2022-FO-0004-004-FOpenClosed
Establish a control to hold HUD’s Single Audit Accountable Official responsible for improving the effectiveness of the single audit process based on single audit metrics that HUD will establish in response to recommendation 4D above.
2022-FO-0801 | October 12, 2021
Fraud Risk Inventory for the CDBG and ESG CARES Act Funds
Chief Financial Officer
- Status2022-FO-0801-001-AOpenClosed
Coordinate with CPD program staff to clarify the (1) roles and responsibilities of the CRO, HCCRT, and CPD’s risk management staff with regard to identifying, assessing, and mitigating fraud risks and (2) purpose and role of HUD’s ERM processes and program office risk management processes with regard to identifying, assessing, and mitigating fraud risks.
2020-OE-0002 | August 02, 2021
Opportunities Exist To Improve the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Hiring Process
Office of Chief Human Capital Officer
- Status2020-OE-0002-01OpenClosed
Standardize position descriptions and job analyses for mission-critical occupations, high-risk occupations, and positions with high-volume staffing needs.
- Status2020-OE-0002-02OpenClosed
Develop and share best practices with HUD’s program offices on how hiring managers can execute hiring process responsibilities to meet timeliness goals.
- Status2020-OE-0002-03OpenClosed
Determine the cause for the variations in the timeliness of the preemployment and security checks step in FY 2017, 2018, and 2019 and develop appropriate process improvements.
- Status2020-OE-0002-04OpenClosed
Develop and document comprehensive reference documents on the hiring processes, procedures, roles, and responsibilities.
- Status2020-OE-0002-05OpenClosed
Develop and implement regular training for process owners on the hiring process.
- Status2020-OE-0002-06OpenClosedPriorityPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
Create and implement a knowledge management strategy, such as developing standard operating procedures, reference sheets, and program office fact sheets.
Corrective Action Taken
OCHCO developed and implemented client profiles for each HUD program office to address knowledge loss and the need for offices to explain or reexplain their mission and functions. The profiles will serve as a central repository to learn about the various programs and missions of HUD and will allow OCHCO staff, other key HUD pro
- Status2020-OE-0002-07OpenClosed
Conduct a feasibility study for an automated POL.
- Status2020-OE-0002-08OpenClosed
Develop and implement time-to-hire goals that account for each hiring process step.
- Status2020-OE-0002-09OpenClosed
Develop and document methodologies on how OCHCO calculates hiring metrics to ensure that its hiring metrics and hiring goals align across all of its data sources, including the POL, the human capital dashboard, and the HCOP.
- Status2020-OE-0002-10OpenClosed
Track the quality of candidates as measured by the hiring officials.