The State of New Jersey Did Not Disburse Disaster Funds to Its Contractor in Accordance With HUD, Federal, and Other Applicable Requirements
We audited the State of New Jersey’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery-funded Superstorm Sandy Housing Incentive Program contract. We conducted the audit because the contract involved a significant amount of funds ($67.7 million), was critical to the implementation of three of the State’s disaster programs, and was terminated less than 1 year into the 3-year contract term. Our objective was to determine whether the…
September 30, 2016
The State of New Jersey Awarded Disaster Funds to Eligible Businesses for Eligible Expenses in Accordance With HUD and Federal Requirements
We audited the State of New Jersey’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery-funded Grants and Forgivable Loans to Small Businesses program. We conducted the audit because the program was one of the largest funded economic revitalization programs in the State’s action plan and because the State had disbursed more than 37 percent of the funds allocated for the program as of September 2014. Our objective was to determine…
July 20, 2015
The State of New Jersey Did Not Comply With Federal Procurement and Cost Principle Requirements in Implementing Its Disaster Management System
We audited the State of New Jersey’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery-funded Sandy Integrated Recovery Operations and Management System. We conducted the audit based on the significant amount of funds associated with the system and the importance of the system to the successful implementation of the State’s Disaster Recovery grant. Our objective was to determine whether the State procured services and products for…
June 04, 2015