The City of Houston, Houston, TX, Faced Challenges in Administering Its Hurricane Harvey Program and Risked Losing Its Funding
We audited the City of Houston’s Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program. We initiated this audit as part of our commitment to helping the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) address its top management challenges and to support HUD’s strategic objective to support effectiveness and accountability in long-term disaster recovery. Further, Congress has expressed strong…
January 04, 2022
The City of Houston’s Housing and Community Development Department, Houston, TX, Did Not Always Ensure That Its Program Followed Procurement Requirements
We audited the City of Houston’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) 2015 program. Under this program, the Consolidated Appropriations Acts of 2016 and 2017 made funds available for necessary expenses related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and housing, and economic revitalization. We audited this program based upon the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,…
June 21, 2021
Harris County Community Services Department, Houston, TX, Was Inefficient and Ineffective in Operating Its Hurricane Harvey Program
We audited the Harris County Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program. We initiated this audit as part of our commitment to helping the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) address its top management challenges and to support HUD’s strategic objective to support effectiveness and accountability in long-term disaster recovery. Further, Congress has expressed strong interest in HUD’s…
June 02, 2021
The Texas General Land Office, Jasper, TX, Did Not Ensure That Its Subrecipient Administered Its Disaster Grant in a Prudent and Cost-Effective Manner
We audited the Texas General Land Office’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) grant that it used to rehabilitate or reconstruct 125 homes affected by Hurricane Ike in 2008. Texas General Land Office contracted with the Deep East Texas Council of Governments, in Jasper, TX, to operate its program. We reviewed Texas General Land Office and its subrecipient as part of our annual audit plan to review CDBG-DR…
September 30, 2019
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, NY, Generally Administered Its Disaster Recovery-Funded Program in Accordance With Applicable Requirements
We performed the 23rd review of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s (LMDC) administration of the $2.783 billion in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery funds awarded to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City. This review was performed in response to a congressional mandate that we continuously audit the…
August 14, 2019
The State of New York Did Not Ensure That Appraised Values Used by Its Program Were Supported and Appraisal Costs and Services Complied With Requirements
We audited the State of New York’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery-funded New York Rising Buyout and Acquisition program. We initiated this audit based on observations related to the appraised fair market values made during a previous audit (2015-NY-1010) of the State’s program. Our objectives were to determine whether the State ensured that (1) the appraised fair market values used to determine award amounts…
May 29, 2019
The State of New York Did Not Ensure That Properties Purchased Under the Acquisition Component of Its Program Were Eligible
We audited the State of New York’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery-funded New York Rising Buyout and Acquisition program. We initiated this audit due to concerns related to whether properties purchased were substantially damaged. The objective of this audit was to determine whether the State ensured that properties purchased under the acquisition component of the program met applicable U.S. Department of Housing…
March 29, 2019
The City of New York, NY, Did Not Always Use Disaster Recovery Funds Under Its Program for Eligible and Supported Costs
We audited the City of New York’s Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Public Facilities Program. We selected this program for review because the City had allocated nearly $91 million to the program and disbursed more than $59.6 million as of October 31, 2017, and as part of our ongoing oversight of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Disaster Recovery programs. Our objective was to determine…
September 27, 2018
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, NY, Generally Administered Its Disaster Recovery-Funded Programs in Accordance With Applicable Requirements
We performed the 22nd review of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s (LMDC) administration of the $2.783 billion in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery funds awarded to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. The objective of the audit was to determine whether LMDC administered its Disaster Recovery-funded Lower…
May 23, 2018
The Texas General Land Office, Austin, TX, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Hurricane Harvey Disaster Grants
We reviewed the Texas General Land Office in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General’s (HUD OIG) goal to review disaster funding and based on a congressional request for HUD OIG to conduct capacity reviews for Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria grantees. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the State of Texas had the capacity to follow Federal procurement regulations when…
May 07, 2018
The City of New York, NY, Could Improve Its Invoice Review Process Before Disbursing Disaster Funds Under Its Public Housing Rehabilitation and Resilience Program
We audited the City of New York’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery-funded Public Housing Rehabilitation and Resilience Program. Our objective was to determine whether the City had established adequate controls to ensure that it followed U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Federal, and City requirements when disbursing disaster funds under its program.
We found that the City generally had…
September 21, 2017
The State of New York Did Not Show That Disaster Recovery Funds under Its Non-Federal Share Match Program Were Used for Eligible and Supported Costs
We audited the State of New York’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery-funded Non-Federal Share Match Program. We conducted this audit because the State had used approximately $223 million for the program as of December 2016 and a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) review of the program had identified weaknesses related to compliance monitoring and recordkeeping. Our objective was to determine…
September 15, 2017
The State of Texas’ Contractor Did Not Perform Adequate Hurricane Dolly Damage Inspections and Failed To Meet Critical Performance Benchmarks
We audited the State of Texas’ Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program based on a hotline complaint, which alleged mismanagement of the Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council’s Disaster Recovery housing program. The complainant also made allegations concerning excessive home costs and ineligible homeowners. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the State (1) ensured that the contractor limited the…
July 15, 2014
Deutsche Bank, New York, Job Creation and Retention Program Grant, Hotline Complaint Case Number HL-2012-0199
We completed a review of Deutsche Bank’s Job Creation and Retention Program (JCRP) grant. We selected this auditee based on a hotline complaint, case number HL-2012-0199, that was referred from the United States Government Accountability, FraudNet control number 58392, received on November 23, 2011. The complaint alleged that Deutsche Bank officials fraudulently received a $34.5 million JCRP grant under the guise that they would maintain 5,500…
January 10, 2013
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, NY, Approved Invoices That Were Not Always Consistent With Subrecipient Agreements
We completed the 16th audit report in our ongoing review of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s administration of the $2.783 billion in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Assistance funds awarded to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2011, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. During the audit period, April 1, 2010 through March 31, 2011, LMDC disbursed…
July 27, 2012
The State of Texas Did Not Follow Requirements for its Infrastructure and Revitalization Contracts Funded With DCBG Disaster Recovery Program Funds
We audited the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2008 Disaster Recovery assistance for Hurricane Ike and other disasters, administered by the Texas Department of Rural Affairs (the State). Our objective was to determine whether the State administered HUD’s Disaster Recovery funds used for infrastructure and revitalization contracts in compliance with the supplemental…
March 06, 2012
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, NY, Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Assistance Funds
We completed the fifteenth audit report in our ongoing review of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s (LMDC) administration of the $2.783 billion in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Assistance funds provided to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. During the audit period, October 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010, LMDC…
February 06, 2011
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Generally Ensured That Its Program Management Firm Complied With Requirements
We audited the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Supplemental II Disaster Recovery program funds, administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). Specifically, we wanted to determine whether TDHCA monitored its program management firm (the Firm) to ensure compliance with Federal and State regulations and to ensure costs reimbursed for the Housing…
January 25, 2011
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Did Not Fully Follow Requirements or Best Practices in the Acquisition of Its Disaster Recovery-Funded Program Management Firm
We audited the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Supplemental II Disaster Recovery program, funds, administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). Specifically, we wanted to determine whether TDHCA followed Federal and State of Texas (State) regulations in procuring the program management firm to administer the Housing Assistance and Sabine Pass…
July 20, 2010
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, NY, Generally Administered CDBG Disaster Recovery Assistance Funds in Compliance With Regulations
We completed the fourteenth audit report in our ongoing review of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s (the auditee) administration of the $2.783 billion in Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Assistance funds provided to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. During the audit period, April 1 through September 30, 2009, the auditee…
March 22, 2010