Saltillo Assisted Living, Saltillo, MS, Did Not Maintain Liability and Property Insurance
We are conducting an audit survey of Saltillo Assisted Living (project) based on a referral from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Departmental Enforcement Center and the activities included in our 2015 annual audit plan. Our survey objective is to determine whether the owners and management agents of Saltillo Assisted Living complied with the executed regulatory agreement and HUD’s requirements. Our…
December 15, 2015
Belle Maison Nursing Home, Hammond, LA, Generally Complied With the Owner and Operator Regulatory Agreements and HUD Requirements for Its Section 232 Loan
As part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s annual audit plan, we audited the Belle Maison Nursing Home. We selected the facility for review based on a risk analysis. Our objective was to determine whether the facility complied with the executed owner and operator regulatory agreements and HUD requirements. The facility generally complied with the terms of the owner and…
September 23, 2015