The City of Houston, Houston, TX, Faced Challenges in Administering Its Hurricane Harvey Program and Risked Losing Its Funding
We audited the City of Houston’s Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program. We initiated this audit as part of our commitment to helping the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) address its top management challenges and to support HUD’s strategic objective to support effectiveness and accountability in long-term disaster recovery. Further, Congress has expressed strong…
January 04, 2022
The City of Houston’s Housing and Community Development Department, Houston, TX, Did Not Always Ensure That Its Program Followed Procurement Requirements
We audited the City of Houston’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) 2015 program. Under this program, the Consolidated Appropriations Acts of 2016 and 2017 made funds available for necessary expenses related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and housing, and economic revitalization. We audited this program based upon the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,…
June 21, 2021
Harris County Community Services Department, Houston, TX, Was Inefficient and Ineffective in Operating Its Hurricane Harvey Program
We audited the Harris County Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program. We initiated this audit as part of our commitment to helping the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) address its top management challenges and to support HUD’s strategic objective to support effectiveness and accountability in long-term disaster recovery. Further, Congress has expressed strong interest in HUD’s…
June 02, 2021
The Texas General Land Office, Jasper, TX, Did Not Ensure That Its Subrecipient Administered Its Disaster Grant in a Prudent and Cost-Effective Manner
We audited the Texas General Land Office’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) grant that it used to rehabilitate or reconstruct 125 homes affected by Hurricane Ike in 2008. Texas General Land Office contracted with the Deep East Texas Council of Governments, in Jasper, TX, to operate its program. We reviewed Texas General Land Office and its subrecipient as part of our annual audit plan to review CDBG-DR…
September 30, 2019
The City of Dallas, Dallas, TX, Did Not Follow Environmental Requirements or Effectively Manage Its Community Housing Development Organizations
We audited the city of Dallas’ management of its community housing development organizations (CHDO). We performed this audit because of our previous audit work on the City’s Home Investment Partnerships program. During that audit, we concluded that the City did not follow HOME regulations and its own policies and procedures in its reconstruction program or the administration of its match contributions, resulting in more than $4.2…
June 17, 2019
The City of Erie, PA, Did Not Always Administer Its Code Enforcement and Community Policing Activities in Accordance With HUD and Federal Requirements
We audited the City of Erie, PA’s Community Development Block Grant program because we received a complaint regarding its code enforcement program and we had not audited the City’s program since 1997. The complaint alleged that the City targeted low- to middle-income residents in certain neighborhoods requiring expensive repairs to their homes and properties, which could result in legal actions and liens if the homeowners did not make…
September 26, 2018
The City of Dallas, TX, HOME Investment Partnerships Program Was Not Always Administered in Accordance With Requirements
We audited the City of Dallas’ HOME Investment Partnerships program, specifically, its reconstruction program. A City auditor’s report, multiple news articles, and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) monitoring reviews identified issues with the City’s Federal funds and record keeping. Our audit objective was to determine whether the City followed HOME regulations and its own policies and procedures when it…
May 08, 2018
The Texas General Land Office, Austin, TX, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Hurricane Harvey Disaster Grants
We reviewed the Texas General Land Office in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General’s (HUD OIG) goal to review disaster funding and based on a congressional request for HUD OIG to conduct capacity reviews for Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria grantees. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the State of Texas had the capacity to follow Federal procurement regulations when…
May 07, 2018
The Fort Bend County Community Development Department, Richmond, TX, Did Not Always Comply With Office of Community Planning and Development Program Requirements
We audited the Fort Bend County Community Development Department based on our risk analysis and as part of our annual audit plan to review Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) funds. The audit objective was to determine whether the Department (1) properly carried out its activities as shown in its submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in an economical, efficient, and effective manner; (2)…
September 14, 2017
The City of Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Administer Its Community Development Block Grant Program in Accordance With HUD and Federal Requirements
We audited the City of Pittsburgh, PA’s administration of its Community Development Block Grant program. We conducted the audit because the City’s program had the second largest number of completed activities without accomplishment information reported nationwide. Our audit objective was to determine whether the City administered its Block Grant program in accordance with applicable U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (…
March 22, 2017
The Harris County Community Services Department Needs to Improve Procurement and Subrecipient Oversight in Its CDBG Program Activities
We audited the Harris County Community Services Department’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program based on our risk analysis and as part of our annual audit plan to review community planning and development funds. The audit objective was to determine whether the Department properly administered and adequately documented its CDBG program activities in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)…
September 27, 2016
The County of Beaver, Beaver Falls, PA, Did Not Always Administer Its HOME Program in Accordance With Applicable HUD and Federal Requirements
We audited the County of Beaver, Beaver Falls, PA’s administration of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds. We audited the County because we received a complaint alleging misuse of Federal funds resulting from a potential conflict of interest involving a County employee. Our audit objective was to determine whether the County administered its HOME program in…
January 29, 2015
The County of Northumberland, Sunbury, PA, Did Not Administer Its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program Grant According to Recovery Act Requirements
We audited the County of Northumberland, PA’s Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program grant because the chairman of the Northumberland County board of commissioners requested that we audit the program. Our objective was to determine whether the County administered its program grant in accordance with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act requirements.
The County did not administer its program according to Recovery Act…
April 30, 2014
Luzerne County, PA, Did Not Properly Evaluate, Underwrite, and Monitor a High-Risk Loan
We audited Luzerne County, PA’s $6 million loan of Community Development Block Grant funds to CityVest that was expected to be used to revitalize the historic Hotel Sterling and surrounding properties. We did the audit because HUD Office of Inspector General audit report 2012-PH-0001 identified this long standing open Block Grant activity and because we received a citizen complaint alleging possible misappropriation of these funds. Our…
October 31, 2012
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Austin, TX, Did Not Always Comply with Neighborhood Stabilization Program Requirements
We audited the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP1) administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. We selected the Department based upon the large amount of NSP1 funding that it received, more than $101 million. Our objective was to determine whether the Department complied with NSP1 requirements for obligations, expenditures, program income, monitoring, and…
August 22, 2012
The City of San Antonio, TX, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program Grant in Accordance With Requirements
In accordance with our goal to review Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 grantees and because of weaknesses identified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated a review of the City of San Antonio’s activities funded by its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1 grant. The objective was to determine whether the City administered its grant in accordance with program…
August 06, 2012
The City of Houston Could Have Better Used Its Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Downpayment Assistance Funds
We audited the City of Houston’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery downpayment assistance program. The program allowed the City to provide up to $45,000 in downpayment assistance for homebuyers in low to moderate income areas within the City limits. We initiated the audit as part of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) annual audit plan to implement oversight…
July 19, 2012
The City of Philadelphia, PA, Generally Administered Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 Grant in Accordance With Applicable Requirements
We audited the City of Philadelphia, PA’s administration of its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 grant that it received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 as part of our fiscal year 2012 audit plan. Our objective was to determine whether the grantee administered the grant in accordance with Recovery Act and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. We found that the grantee generally…
June 21, 2012
Luzerne County, PA, Generally Administered Its Community Development Block Grant Recovery Act Funds According to Applicable Requirements
We audited Luzerne County, PA's administration of its Community Development Block Grant funds that it received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. We selected the County for an audit because we received a complaint alleging that the County may have misappropriated Block Grant funds and because of our mandate to audit Recovery Act activities. Our audit objective was to determine whether the County obligated, expended…
January 12, 2012
The City of Reading, PA, Generally Complied With Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 Requirements
We audited the City of Reading, PA’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 as part of our annual audit plan to review activities funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) because the City received $5 million in Program funds under the Recovery Act. Our audit objective was to determine whether the City (1) met Program expenditure deadlines, (2) made Program expenditures that were eligible and adequately supported…
June 30, 2011