Office of Multifamily Housing Boston Hub Staff Effectively Used Contract Fee Inspectors
We reviewed the use of contract fee inspectors by the Office of Multifamily Housing Boston Hub (Boston Hub) as part of our 2007 annual audit plan. This review was initiated because U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) staff rely on contract fee inspectors to oversee the work of contractors performing renovation work on HUD-insured properties. Our objective was to determine whether the Boston Hub effectively used contract fee…
February 13, 2008
Phoenix Apartments Did Not Use Project Funds in Compliance with HUD Requirements
Based on a hotline complaint, we reviewed whether the Phoenix Apartments multifamily project located in Concord, California, used its project funds in accordance with HUD rules and regulations. We found that the project did not use project funds in accordance with the requirements of its regulatory agreement and applicable HUD rules and regulations. Specifically, during fiscal years 2004, 2005, and 2006, the project used $89,751 of its funds…
February 03, 2008
HUD’s Quality Assurance Division Did Not Always Resolve Materially Deficient or Potentially Fraudulent Loans Consistently
HUD OIG audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Quality Assurance Division because the results of some previous OIG audits indicated that the Quality Assurance Division might not have consistently followed its requirements.
Our objective was to determine whether HUD's Quality Assurance Division consistently required Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-approved lenders to indemnify loans with similar…
January 13, 2008
Richard A. Hutchens Associates, Management Agent, Buffalo, New York, Used Project Funds for Ineligible and/or Unsupported Cost
We completed an audit of Richard A. Hutchens and Associates (agent) pertaining to its management of the financial operations of Cayuga Village and Touraine Apartments. The objectives of our audit were to determine whether the agent used project funds in accordance with the regulatory agreement and HUD requirements. Specifically, to determine whether the agent (1) provided adequate documentation to support the reasonableness of payments made to…
December 04, 2007
National City Mortgage, Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, Generally Complied with HUD Requirements in Originating FHA-Insured Single-Family Loans
Attached is the final report on our audit of the Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, branch of National City Mortgage (branch office), Audit Report Number 2008-PH-1002, dated November 20, 2007. We selected the branch office because its default rate was above the state's default rate. Our objective was to determine whether the branch office complied with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, procedures, and…
November 19, 2007
The Los Angeles Multifamily Hub Did Not Properly Monitor Its Performance-Based Contract Administrator, Los Angeles LOMOD
We audited the Los Angeles Multifamily Hub's monitoring of its annual contributions contract with its performance-based contract administrator (contractor), Los Angeles LOMOD (LOMOD). Our overall audit objective was to determine whether the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) appropriately monitored LOMOD with respect to the annual contributions contract. The Los Angeles Multifamily Hub did not properly monitor its…
November 04, 2007
The Cathedral Foundation of Jacksonville, FL, Used More Than $2.65 Million in Project Funds for Questioned Costs
We audited the Cathedral Foundation of Jacksonville, Inc. (Foundation), concerning its involvement as owner and/or manager of four elderly multifamily housing projects (projects) located in Jacksonville, Florida. We conducted the audit based on a request from the Jacksonville Multifamily Housing Hub, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Jacksonville, Florida. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Foundation operated…
August 14, 2007
Multifamily Project Deficiencies Resulted in More Than $730,000 in Cost Exceptions for Moosup Gardens Apartments, Moosup, Connecticut
We audited the records for Moosup Gardens Apartments (project), a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-insured multifamily project in response to a request from HUD. Our audit objective was to determine whether the project's costs were accurately reported to HUD and in accordance with the regulatory agreement and HUD's requirements.
We identified questioned costs and opportunities for funds to be put to better use…
July 25, 2007
Fallbrook Apartments', Houston, Texas, Owner and/or Management Agent Made Unauthorized Distributions of the Project's Funds
July 06, 2007
Oak Mound Associates, Clarksburg, West Virginia, Improperly Billed HUD for Section 8 Subsidies
June 19, 2007
Alethes Mortgage, LLC, and Its Dallas, Texas, Branch, Waters Edge Mortgage, LLC, Did Not Comply with All HUD Underwriting Requirements
June 08, 2007
Trumbull Metropolitan Housing Authority, Warren, Ohio, Did Not Ensure Its Nonprofit Followed HUD's Section 8 Housing Requirements
April 30, 2007
Elders Place II, Incorporated, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Did Not Properly Administer HUD Funds in Accordance with HUD Requirements
April 19, 2007
Rocky Mountain Mutual Housing Association, Denver, Colorado, Paid Ineligible Owner Expenses
April 10, 2007
Peregrine Health Management Company Used Project Funds for Ineleigible, Unsupported, and/or Unnecessary Costs
March 12, 2007