HUD Addressed Multifamily Mortgage Application Processing Delays, but Additional Action Is Needed To Manage Future Backlogs
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Multifamily Housing Programs’ efforts to address multifamily mortgage application processing delays. When applications for these loans are delayed, it slows the production and availability of affordable multifamily housing units. During the COVID-19 pandemic, HUD took action to eliminate a backlog of over 500 applications waiting to be assigned to…
August 09, 2024
HUD Can Improve Its Loan Purchaser Qualification Vetting To Better Achieve Its Mission Objectives
We audited the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Office of Asset Sales’ U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-Held Vacant Loan Sales (HVLS) program. The audit objective was to assess the extent to which HUD achieved its mission objectives for a 2022 vacant loan sale. We noted deficiencies in 52 of 53 HUD-approved applications within the reviewed vacant loan sale. These deficiencies occurred in transactions…
April 18, 2024
Opportunities Exist To Improve HUD’s FHA Resource Center’s Routing of Housing Discrimination Inquiries
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Single Family Housing’s Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Resource Center’s handling of housing discrimination inquiries. We initiated the audit to assist HUD with ensuring that the FHA Resource Center (1) provided accurate and complete information on potential housing discrimination to its customers and (2) ensured that instances of potential housing…
December 18, 2023
Approximately 31,500 FHA-Insured Loans Did Not Maintain the Required Flood Insurance Coverage in 2020
Develop a control to detect loans that did not maintain the required flood insurance to put $1.5 billion to better use by avoiding potential future costs to the FHA insurance fund from inadequately insured properties.
Corrective Action Taken
In November 2022, FHA published the Acceptance of Private Flood Insurance for FHA-Insured Mortgages final rule (Docket No. FR-6084-F-02) in the Federal Register and issued Mortgagee Letter 2022-18,…
March 22, 2022
Evaluation Closure – Federal Housing Administration Residency Requirements
In June 2020, we received letters from members of Congress, including the chairpersons of the House Committee on Financial Services and Oversight and Investigation Subcommittee, expressing concern that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) imposed a new, nonpublic, and legally erroneous policy that prohibited issuing Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loans to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)…
March 30, 2021
Contaminated Sites Pose Potential Health Risks to Residents at HUD-Funded Properties
The West Calumet Housing Complex (WCHC), located in East Chicago, IN, was a public housing development that opened in 1972 on top of a former lead smelting plant. HUD and other agencies missed multiple opportunities to identify site contamination at WCHC. As a result, WCHC residents continued living in unsafe conditions for decades, and inadequate oversight led to the lead poisoning of children in WCHC. Between 2005 and 2015, a…
February 14, 2021
Tuscan Homes I and II in Hartford, CT, Was Not Always Managed in Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
We audited Tuscan Homes I and II, a multifamily project located in Hartford, CT, because our risk assessment ranked the project as the highest risk multifamily project in New England. Our audit objective was to determine whether the owner managed the project in accordance with its regulatory agreement and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements; specifically, whether (1) exigent health and safety deficiencies…
September 09, 2019
The Middlesex Health Care Center, Middletown, CT, Was Not Always Operated According to Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
We audited the Federal Housing Administration-insured nursing home, Middlesex Health Care Center in Middletown, CT, because we identified profitability and solvency issues during ongoing work with the Section 232 program. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) identified the project as potentially troubled as of November 2017. Our audit objective was to determine whether the project was operated…
June 29, 2018
The Riverside Health and Rehabilitation Center, East Hartford, CT Was Not Operated Under the Required Controlling Documents of the Section 232 Program
We audited the Federal Housing Administration-insured nursing home, Riverside Health and Rehabilitation Center (the project), of East Hartford, CT, based on our risk assessment of nursing homes in the New England region. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) identified the project as potentially troubled as of January 9, 2017, and four physical inspections performed by HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center…
November 12, 2017
Glenbrook Manor Could Not Always Show That Project Costs Were Eligible and Supported in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the multifamily project, Glenbrook Manor, in Stamford, CT, based on a request by officials from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Hartford, CT, Office of Multifamily Housing Programs. Our audit objectives were to determine whether Glenbrook Manor expended project funds for eligible activities and costs that were reasonable and supported, and whether surplus cash was properly calculated and deposited…
December 15, 2014
Ofori & Associates, PC, Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Its REO Contract and Marketing Plan Requirements
We audited Ofori & Associates, PC, regarding its U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) real estate-owned (REO) Management and Marketing (M&M) III program. This review was part of the Office of Inspector General’s efforts to improve the integrity of the single-family insurance program. Our audit objective was to determine whether Ofori complied with case processing requirements and timeframes to obtain the highest net…
February 18, 2013
Prysma Lending Group, LLC, Danbury, CT, Complied With HUD-FHA Loan Origination and Quality Control Requirements
We audited Prysma Lending Group, LLC, a nonsupervised lender, located in Danbury, CT, in support of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) goal of improving the integrity of the single-family insurance program. We selected Prysma for audit because its 3.28 percent default rate for Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured single-family loans with beginning amortization dates between…
November 13, 2012
Webster Bank, Cheshire, CT, Did Not Properly Underwrite a selection of FHA Loans
We conducted a review of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans underwritten by Webster Bank (Webster), an FHA direct endorsement lender. This review was conducted as part of our “Operation Watchdog” initiative to review the underwriting of 15 direct endorsement lenders at the suggestion of the FHA Commissioner. The Commissioner expressed concern regarding the increasing claim rates against the FHA insurance fund for failed loans. The…
September 01, 2010
Casa Otonal Multifamily Housing Project, New Haven, Connecticut, Was Not Properly Managed in Accordance with HUD Regulations
We audited the Casa Otonal multifamily housing project, located in New Haven, Connecticut, based on a referral received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Hartford Program Center. The referral disclosed compliance findings regarding the project’s audited financial statements, including instances of unauthorized loans/disbursements to an affiliate. Our primary audit objective was to determine whether the project…
August 04, 2009
Countrywide Bank, Milford and Madison, Connecticut, Did Not Comply with Certain HUD Requirements in Administering Its Federal Housing Administration Insured Loan Programs
We audited the Milford, Connecticut, branch office of Countrywide Bank, FSB (Countrywide), which is a supervised national bank approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to originate, underwrite, and service Federal Housing Administration (FHA) single-family insured loans. We selected the Milford, Connecticut, branch office largely based on a lender risk analysis, which showed that the loans it originated had a higher…
July 24, 2008
Multifamily Project Deficiencies Resulted in More Than $730,000 in Cost Exceptions for Moosup Gardens Apartments, Moosup, Connecticut
We audited the records for Moosup Gardens Apartments (project), a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-insured multifamily project in response to a request from HUD. Our audit objective was to determine whether the project's costs were accurately reported to HUD and in accordance with the regulatory agreement and HUD's requirements.
We identified questioned costs and opportunities for funds to be put to better use…
July 25, 2007
Former Property Manager Pleads Guilty to Theft from Federally Subsidized Housing Complexes
Leonard C Boyle, Acting United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, announced that ALICIA GARDNER, 51, of Griswold, waived her right to be indicted and pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Judge Victor A. Bolden in Bridgeport to embezzling money from federally subsidized housing complexes that she had managed.
According to court documents and statements made in court, Gardner was employed by Garden Homes Management Corporation…
Press release
June 03, 2021