Health Concepts Ltd’s., Providence, RI Service Charges at FHA-Insured Nursing Homes Did Not Always Comply With Management Agreements.
We audited Health Concepts Ltd., a management agent that administers six Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured nursing homes. We conducted this audit based on our review of the Pine Grove Health Center. The review found that Pine Grove’s owners paid salaries for onsite staff that were covered under the management agreement and charged for services that should have been included in the management fee. Our objectives for…
April 21, 2017
Staffing Costs and Charges at Pine Grove Health Center, Pascoag, RI, Did Not Always Comply With Regulatory Requirements and Management Agreements
We audited the Federal Housing Administration-insured Burrillville Nursing Home, Incorporated, doing business as Pine Grove Health Center, based on a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General risk assessment. Additionally, HUD identified Pine Grove as a high financial risk and a potentially troubled facility, and Pine Grove’s auditors reported substantial doubt regarding its ability to continue as…
January 23, 2017
Central City Housing Development Corporation, New Orleans, LA, Did Not Always Operate Satchmo Plaza in Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
We audited Central City Housing Development Corporation’s U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Sections 202 and 8-funded project, Satchmo Plaza, as part of our annual audit plan to review multifamily projects. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Corporation met the requirements of its regulatory agreement and followed HUD requirements when operating the project.
We found that the Corporation did not always…
July 27, 2016
Belle Maison Nursing Home, Hammond, LA, Generally Complied With the Owner and Operator Regulatory Agreements and HUD Requirements for Its Section 232 Loan
As part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s annual audit plan, we audited the Belle Maison Nursing Home. We selected the facility for review based on a risk analysis. Our objective was to determine whether the facility complied with the executed owner and operator regulatory agreements and HUD requirements. The facility generally complied with the terms of the owner and…
September 23, 2015
Eustis Mortgage Did Not Always Operate Its FHA Program In Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited Eustis Mortgage Corporation, a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) direct endorsement lender located in New Orleans, LA. We selected Eustis Mortgage as a result of our regional risk analysis and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) annual audit plan goal to review single-family programs and lenders. Our objective was to determine whether Eustis Mortgage (1) complied with…
March 21, 2013
Semper Home Loans, Inc., Providence, RI, Needs To Improve Its Quality Control Process for Loan Origination and Updating of Mortgage Records
We audited Semper Home Loans, Inc. (Semper), a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) lender approved to underwrite and close mortgage loans without prior FHA review or approval. We selected Semper because its early payment default rate was higher than the default rate in the local area in which it does business. Our audit objectives were to determine (1) whether Semper acted in a prudent manner and complied with U.S. Department of Housing and…
March 01, 2011