RMS & Associates, Las Vegas, NV, Improperly Originated FHA-Insured Loans With Restrictive Covenants
We audited RMS & Associates’ Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan origination because it was one of the top lenders that originated FHA-insured loans with downpayment assistance from the City of Las Vegas. A previous U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General (HUD OIG), audit (Evergreen Home Loans, 2016-LA-1011) found that Evergreen originated FHA-insured loans in connection with the City of Las…
September 28, 2017
SecurityNational Mortgage Company, Las Vegas, NV, Improperly Originated FHA Loans for Properties With Restrictive Covenants
We audited SecurityNational Mortgage Company’s Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan origination because it was among the top lenders that originated FHA-insured loans with downpayment assistance from the City of Las Vegas. A previous U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General (HUD OIG), audit (Evergreen Home Loans, 2016-LA-1011) found that Evergreen originated FHA-insured loans in connection with…
September 22, 2017
Venta Financial Group, Inc., Las Vegas, NV, Improperly Originated FHA-Insured Loans With Restrictive Covenants
We audited Venta Financial Group’s Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan origination because it was one of the top lenders that originated FHA-insured loans with downpayment assistance from the City of Las Vegas. A previous U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General (HUD OIG) audit (Evergreen Home Loans, 2016-LA-1011) found that Evergreen originated FHA-insured loans in connection with the City of…
September 20, 2017
Evergreen Home Loans, Las Vegas, NV, Branch Did Not Always Comply With HUD FHA Origination Regulations
We performed a survey of Evergreen Moneysource Mortgage Company, doing business as Evergreen Home Loans, regarding its Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan origination process. The review was part of our efforts to improve the integrity of single-family insurance programs. We selected Evergreen’s Las Vegas branch because of its compare ratio. Our audit objective was to determine whether Evergreen’s Las Vegas branch…
September 12, 2016
Memorandum Report on the Wyoming Community Development Authority’s Role in the Village Creek Townhomes’ 51 FHA Mortgage Defaults
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited the Wyoming Housing Opportunities Association (Association) based on information obtained during a separate audit of the Wyoming Community Development Authority (State Finance Agency), which indicated that 51 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages with the same borrower had defaulted. The purpose of our audit was to determine whether…
August 12, 2014
The Wyoming Community Development Authority Properly Administered HUD’s Loss Mitigation Program
We reviewed the administration of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Loss Mitigation Program at the Wyoming Community Development Authority, located in Casper, WY. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority properly administered HUD’s Loss Mitigation Program for Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured mortgages. We selected the Authority based on its high rate of foreclosure claims. Its…
January 21, 2014
Marina Village Apartments, Sparks, NV, Was Not Always Administered in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited Marina Village Apartments as a result of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) internal audit of HUD’s servicing of multifamily HUD-held mortgages and a risk analysis. The objectives were to determine whether project funds were used in compliance with the regulatory agreement and HUD requirements and whether the project operated in compliance with its use agreement.
October 24, 2013
All Western Mortgage, Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Fully Comply With FHA Program Requirements Concerning Outside Employment and Timeliness of Quality Control Reviews
We audited the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loan process at All Western Mortgage’s Las Vegas, NV, home office as part of our efforts to improve the integrity of the single-family insurance programs. We selected All Western Mortgage because it is one of the top 10 originators in Nevada and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Quality Assurance Division had not performed a review since 2005. The…
May 22, 2013
HUD Paid for Unnecessary REO M&M III Field Service Manager Administrative Costs
In conjunction with our external audit of Innotion Enterprises, Inc. (Audit Report #2012-LA-1010), we reviewed termite inspection passthrough costs that it submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for payment as part of its real estate-owned (REO) Management and Marketing III (M&M III) program field service manager contract. We selected Innotion’s Las Vegas, NV, branch based on the size and scope of its…
October 03, 2012
Innotion Enterprirses, Inc., Las Vegas, NV, Single Family REO Contract Administration
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) real estate-owned (REO) Management and Marketing (M&M) III program at Innotion Enterprises, Inc., to determine whether Innotion performed property preservation and protection services according to contract requirements. The review was part of our efforts to improve the integrity of the single-family insurance programs. We selected Innotion’s Las Vegas, NV, branch based…
September 12, 2012
Universal American Mortgage Company, Las Vegas, NV, Branch Did Not Comply With HUD Regulations in the Origination and Quality Control of FHA-Insured Loans
We audited the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loan process at Universal American Mortgage Company (lender) to determine whether the lender complied with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, procedures, and instructions in the origination and quality control review of FHA-insured loans. The review was part of our efforts to improve the integrity of the single-family insurance programs. We selected…
September 21, 2011
First National Bank, Gillette, Wyoming, Did Not Follow HUD Requirements in Originating and Underwriting Insured Loans and Did Not Have a Quality Control Plan
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Inspector General audited First National Bank of Gillette, Wyoming, a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-approved direct endorsement lender, to determine whether it properly processed insured loans and to determine whether its quality control plan met the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) requirements. First National Bank did not follow HUD…
September 24, 2008
Actions under Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act
We completed a review of First Source Financial USA (First Source), a former nonsupervised loan correspondent approved to originate FHA-insured loans. The objective was to determine whether First Source originated FHA loans and had a quality control plan that complied with HUD rules and regulations. We reviewed 20 loans amounting to more than $2.5 million that were in claim status. Our review disclosed that First Source: (1) allowed…
September 03, 2008