The Fort Collins Housing Authority, Fort Collins, CO, Administered Its RAD Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements for the Items Reviewed
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Fort Collins Housing Authority’s Village on Redwood Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD) project. We selected the Authority because it had completed the entire RAD conversion process with new construction, and its Village on Redwood RAD project used the largest amount of Federal funds of the State of Colorado projects. Our…
April 18, 2019
The Denver Housing Authority Generally Complied with HUD’s and its Own Procurement Regulations
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General audited the Denver Housing Authority of Denver, CO for calendar years 2013-2015. The audit was initiated because of deficiencies found in other procurement audits in our region. The Authority is the largest recipient of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds in the region, and we wanted to ensure that it did not have the…
August 18, 2017
Final Civil Action: Civic Construction, LLC, Settled Allegations of Making False Claims to the Seattle Housing Authority
Based on a referral from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Seattle Office of Labor Relations, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) performed a review of certain payrolls of the owner of Civic Construction, LLC, of Portland, OR. The payrolls were subject to the Davis-Bacon Act. We completed the review and referred alleged violations to HUD’s Office of Program Enforcement for action under the Program Fraud…
March 30, 2015
Review of Home Forward, Portland, OR’s Compliance With Federal Lobbying Disclosure Requirements and Restrictions
We conducted a review of Home Forward (previously named the Housing Authority of Portland, OR) based on concerns noted during our ongoing internal audit of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of public housing authorities’ compliance with Federal lobbying disclosure requirements. Our review objective was to determine whether Home Forward complied with Federal lobbying disclosure requirements and…
September 05, 2014
Allegations Against the Northeast Oregon Housing Authority Were Unsubstantiated or Did Not Violate HUD Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited the Northeast Oregon Housing Authority. We selected the Authority because we received a hotline complaint expressing several concerns about the Authority’s procurement, asset disposal, payroll withholdings, maintenance charge rates, and tenant commissioner housing issues. Our objective was to determine whether the allegations in hotline…
July 28, 2014
The Jefferson County Housing Authority, Wheat Ridge, CO, Did Not Properly Use Its Disposition Sales Proceeds
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited the Jefferson County Housing Authority (Authority) based on concerns that there were irregularities in its disposition process. The objective of our audit was to determine whether the Authority followed HUD disposition procedures and used its sales proceeds properly.
The Authority did not follow required disposition procedures and did not use…
September 30, 2013
The Adams County Housing Authority, Commerce City, CO, Did Not Properly Use Its Disposition Sales Proceeds
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited the Adams County Housing Authority based on concerns that the Authority did not follow HUD regulations in the use of its disposition sales proceeds. The objectives of our audit were to determine whether the Authority placed the required number of Section 8 voucher holders into its Terrace Gardens units and appropriately spent its disposition…
September 26, 2013
The Aurora Housing Authority Did Not Always Follow Requirements When Obligating, Expending, and Reporting Information About Its Recovery Act Capital Funds
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General reviewed the Aurora Housing Authority to determine whether the Authority obligated its funds by the deadline, adequately managed its procurements and contracts, and accurately reported its Recovery Act information in We determined that the Authority did not obligate $22,018 of its Recovery Act funds by the March 17, 2010, deadline,…
May 04, 2012
Trinidad Housing Authority Did Not Always Follow Requirements When Expending and Reporting Information About Its Recovery Act Capital Funds
November 28, 2011
The Housing Authority of the City and County of Denver, CO, Generally Followed Requirements When Obligating and Expending its Recovery Act Capital Funds But Did Not Accurately Report Recovery Act Grant Information
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, reviewed the Housing Authority of the City and County of Denver, CO (Authority), because it had the largest number of low-rent and Section 8 units and received the largest amount of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) capital funds of all of the housing authorities in HUD's Region VIII (Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, North…
June 16, 2011
The Housing Authority of the City of Pueblo, CO, Generally Followed Recovery Act Rules and Regulations When Obligating and Expending its Recovery Act Capital Funds, But Did Not Accurately Report Recovery Act Funded Jobs
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, reviewed the Housing Authority of the City of Pueblo, CO (Authority), based on out risk assessment considering the amount of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) capital funds it received and expended along with other evaluative factors. The review is consistent with our responsibility to provide oversight of Recovery Act…
September 17, 2010
Capacity Reviews of the Warm Springs Housing Authority, Warm Springs, Oregon
In accordance with our goal to review funds provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act), we conducted a capacity review of Warm Springs Housing Authority’s (Authority) operations. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority has the capacity to adequately administer Recovery Act funding.
Our limited review found no evidence indicating the Authority lacks the capacity to administer its Recovery Act…
September 21, 2009
The Housing Authority of the City of Brush, Colorado, Did Not Perform Contracting Activities in Accordance with Federal Procurement Requirements
The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Housing Authority of the City of Brush, Colorado (Authority) because we received information indicating there were irregularities in the Authority's procurement process. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority performed contracting activities in accordance with federal procurement requirements.
The Authority did not…
February 24, 2009
The Housing Authority of Douglas County, Roseburg, Oregon, Needs to Strengthen Its Internal Controls
At the request of HUD's Region X Office of Public Housing, we audited the Housing Authority of Douglas County, Oregon, (Authority) to determine whether the Authority procured goods and services in accordance with HUD regulations and its procurement policy, accounted for HUD funds in accordance with HUD's administrative requirements and managed its Housing Choice Voucher program in accordance with HUD regulations.
We found the…
January 08, 2009
The Housing Authority of the City of Brighton, Colorado, Did Not Maintain Proper Inventory Records and Improperly Awarded Contracts
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Brighton, Colorado (Authority) in response to a complaint alleging that it did not have an inventory control system and that it used poor procurement practices.
Our audit objectives were to determine whether the Authority had an adequate inventory control system and whether it performed contracting activities in accordance with federal procurement requirements.
The Authority did not have complete…
March 18, 2008
The Housing Authority of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Improperly Managed Contracts and Improperly Maintained Its Section 8 Waiting List
HUD-OIG audited the Housing Authority of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado in response to an anonymous complaint alleging that it improperly awarded all contracts for rehabilitation services to the same bidder, did not properly maintain its waiting list, and inappropriately awarded new Section 8 housing choice vouchers.
Our audit objectives were to determine whether the Authority followed federal procurement requirements and its own…
November 26, 2007
Accounting for Program Income from NAHASDA-Assisted 1937 Act Housing Projects at Warm Springs Housing Authority, Warm Springs, Oregon
We audited Warm Springs Housing Authority (Authority) as part of our review of the Office of Native American Programs' guidance on calculating program income for United States Housing Act of 1937 (1937 Act) housing projects assisted by the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA). The objective of the audit was to determine whether the Authority calculated program income for NAHASDA-assisted 1937 Act…
October 30, 2007