The New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority, Bedford, NH, Complied With Housing Choice Voucher Program Requirements
We audited the Housing Choice Voucher Program at the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority because it was rated high risk on our risk assessment and due to the size of the Authority’s program. It averaged 3,508 vouchers and more than $2.4 million in housing assistance payments monthly. In addition, we had not audited the Authority’s program in the last 10 years. The audit objective was to determine whether the Authority…
March 04, 2020
The Owner of Luther Towers II, Wilmington, DE, Did Not Manage Its HUD-Insured Project in Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
We audited Luther Towers II because it was a high-risk multifamily project that received low inspection and financial assessment scores on our multifamily risk assessment for projects within our region and we had never audited it. Our audit objective was to determine whether the owner managed the project in accordance with its regulatory agreement and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements.
The owner of Luther…
September 21, 2018
The New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Administered Its HOME Investment Partnerships Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program based on a risk analysis of the Authority’s program that considered the amount of funding and the results of HUD monitoring reviews and because the Office of Inspector General had not reviewed the Authority’s HOME program within the past 10 years. Our audit objective was to determine whether Authority officials administered the HOME program in…
September 30, 2015
Gruening Park Apartments, Juneau, AK, Did Not Always Comply With HUD Rules and Regulations
he U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited Gruening Park Apartments, a 96-unit apartment complex in Juneau, AK, owned and operated by Alaska Housing Development Corporation, Inc., to determine whether the owner administered the project and its programs in compliance with the regulatory agreement and other HUD requirements. We selected this project primarily due to its having a significantly…
September 05, 2012
The Wilmington, DE, Housing Authority Generally Administered Its Public Housing Capital Fund Recovery Act-Funded Formula and Competitive Grants in Accordance With Applicable Requirements
We audited the Wilmington Housing Authority's administration of its Public Housing Capital Fund Recovery Act-Funded Formula and Competitive Grants that it received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). We selected the Authority for audit because it received a $5.2 million Public Housing Capital Fund Formula (Recovery Act-Funded) grant and two Public Housing Capital Fund Competitive (Recovery Act-Funded)…
June 24, 2011
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation’s Management and Occupancy Reviews Were Not Always as Comprehensive as Required for a Section 8 Performance-Based Contract Administrator
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Section 8 Performance Based Contract Administration (PBCA) program of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (Corporation). We wanted to determine whether the Corporation fulfilled its contractual responsibilities as a performance-based contract administrator (contract administrator) of project-based Section 8 housing assistance payments…
December 16, 2010
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, Anchorage, AK, Needs To Improve Its Quality Control Plan
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC). We wanted to determine whether AHFC admitted and housed tenants properly, calculated tenant rents correctly, and maintained an effective quality control program. We also wanted to determine whether AHFC properly administered its HUD Veterans Affairs…
September 27, 2010
New England Regional Mortgage Corporation, Salem, NH, Generally Complied With HUD Requirements for Loan Origination but Did Not Properly Underwrite One Loan
We audited New England Regional Mortgage Corporation (Corporation), a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) lender approved to underwrite and close mortgage loans without prior FHA review or approval. We selected the Corporation because its early payment default rate for insured single-family loans originated between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2009, was significantly higher than the default rate in the local area in which it does business…
August 03, 2010
The Wilmington Housing Authority, Wilmington, Delaware, Did Not Ensure That Its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Units Met Housing Quality Standards
We audited the Wilmington Housing Authority’s (Authority) administration of its housing quality standards inspection program for its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program as part of our fiscal year 2009 audit plan. The audit objective was to determine whether the Authority adequately administered its Section 8 housing quality standards inspection program to ensure that its program units met housing quality standards in accordance with U.S.…
July 30, 2009
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, Newark, Delaware, Generally Complied with HUD's Origination and Quality Control Requirements for FHA-Insured Single-Family Loans
We audited the Newark, Delaware, branch office (branch office) of J.P. Morgan Chase bank (J.P. Morgan Chase), a supervised direct endorsement lender approved to originate Federal Housing Administration (FHA) single-family mortgage loans. We selected the branch office because its default rate was above the state’s average default rate. Our objective was to determine whether J.P. Morgan Chase complied with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban…
July 28, 2009
New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Generally Administered Its Cost Allocation, Operating Reserves, and Technology Expenditures as Required
We completed our review of the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority's (Authority) cost allocation, operating reserves, and technology expenditures. We initiated this survey at the request of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Public Housing. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority properly allocated costs, maintained appropriate reserves, and managed its technology equipment and…
November 17, 2008
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Newark, Delaware, Did Not Always Comply with HUD Requirements in the Origination of FHA-Insured Single-Family Loans
We audited the Newark, Delaware, branch office (branch office) of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (Wells Fargo). The branch office is mainly responsible for underwriting loans for 22 Wells Fargo sales branch offices in Pennsylvania. We selected the branch office because of its relatively high default rate, compared with the average default rate for the state of Pennsylvania. Our objective was to determine whether the branch office complied with U.S.…
July 31, 2008
Newark Landlords Agree to Pay $430,000 to Settle Allegations of Collecting Excess Rent in Sparrow Run
WILMINGTON, Del. – U.S. Attorney David C. Weiss announced today that landlords Goodfish Enterprises, LLC; Reliant Property Management Company; and Christopher Lukacs have agreed to pay $430,000 to resolve allegations that they violated the False Claims Act during their participation in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP), commonly known as “Section 8.” The HCVP is the federal…
Press release
May 02, 2022
Maryland Woman Federally Indicted For Stealing From Former Employer
WILMINGTON, Del. – A federal grand jury returned an indictment on February 13, 2020, charging a Baltimore, Maryland woman with one count of theft from a Wilmington company receiving federal funds.
According to the indictment, April Pritchett, 37, engaged in a scheme to defraud her former employer, referred to as Company A in the indictment, a property management and development company based in Wilmington, Delaware. Company A receives…
Press release
February 18, 2020