Englewood Apartments Did Not Comply With Tenant Eligibility and Recertification Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited Englewood Apartments’ Project-Based Section 8 Rental Assistance program based on a request from HUD’s Region 7 Office of Multifamily Housing Programs. HUD conducted a management and occupancy review in January 2018 to assess the overall quality of management and services provided in accordance with HUD guidelines and instructions. Overall…
June 08, 2020
The City of Mesa, AZ, Did Not Administer Its Community Development Block Grant in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the City of Mesa’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program based on (1) a hotline complaint alleging CDBG noncompliance; (2) a prior U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audit (2011-LA-1006), which determined that the City needed to improve how it administered its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1 funds; and (3) our objective to promote fiscal responsibility and financial…
April 13, 2020
The Little Rock Housing Authority, Little Rock, AR, Did Not Fully Meet Rental Assistance Demonstration Program Requirements
We audited the Little Rock Housing Authority’s Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD program). We initiated this assignment due to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Little Rock Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) field office’s concern about the amount of funds that the Authority had spent on RAD program predevelopment costs. HUD designated the Authority as “troubled” mainly due to its…
April 23, 2019
The Columbia Housing Authority, Columbia, MO, Did Not Maintain Written Records of Resident Relocation Incentive Payment Consultations or Properly Pay Business Relocation Incentives
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited Columbia Housing Authority in Columbia, MO because it was the only public housing agency in the State of Missouri that had converted units under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s RAD program at the time. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority maintained auditable written records of resident relocation incentive…
April 11, 2019
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), audited the Kansas City, MO, Health Department’s Lead Safe KC program due to increased media attention on lead-based paint poisoning in the Kansas City area. Further, we had never conducted an audit of the more than $21.6 million in grants received by the Health Department since 1997. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Health…
April 06, 2018
CitiMortgage, Inc., O’Fallon, MO, Improperly Filed for FHA-HAMP Partial Claims Before Completing the Loan Modifications and Reinstating the Loans
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited CitiMortgage’s processing of partial claims. Our audit objective was to determine whether CitiMortgage filed for partial claims only after completing the loan modifications and reinstating the loans.
CitiMortgage improperly filed for 66 partial claims before completing the loan modifications and reinstating the loans. The Federal Housing…
March 04, 2018
New Horizons, Kansas City, MO, Received Improper Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited the Section 8 housing assistance payments program of the New Horizons project in Kansas City, MO. Our objective was to determine whether New Horizons properly verified tenants’ eligibility, requested assistance only for tenants living in the units, retained tenant files for the required period, and properly collected and deposited tenant rents…
March 02, 2017
Final Action Memorandum: Purchaser of HUD-Insured Single-Family Property Settled Allegations of Causing the Submission of a False Claim
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), reviewed preforeclosure sales under the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) program in the St. Louis, MO, area. We found that the purchaser of a property being sold in a preforeclosure sale entered into a consulting agreement with the realtor. The agreement required that when the purchaser later sold the property, he would pay half of the…
February 22, 2017
Majestic Management, LLC, a Multifamily Housing Management Agent in St. Louis, MO, Did Not Always Comply With HUD’s Requirements When Disbursing Project Funds
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited Majestic Management, LLC, located in St. Louis, MO. Our objective was to determine whether Majestic Management charged only the appropriate fees in managing the projects, properly procured goods and services, and disbursed project funds only for eligible and supported expenses.
Majestic Management improperly charged fees to its projects, did not…
December 15, 2016
DHI Mortgage Company Ltd., Settled Allegations of Making False Certifications Regarding Federal Housing Administration Loans
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), referred alleged violations to HUD’s Office of Program Enforcement for action under the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act based on two audits of DHI Mortgage Company Ltd. (DHIM) that found it did not follow HUD requirements when it underwrote Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loans with prohibited restrictive addenda to the purchase…
September 29, 2016
The City of Joplin, MO, Did Not Always Comply With the Requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 for Its Disaster Recovery Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited the City of Joplin, MO’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program because the City was awarded more than $45 million in
CDBG-DR funds in April 2012 and received an additional $113 million in May 2013. We previously audited the City’s CDBG-DR program in 2013 and issued audit report 2014-KC-
1002. At that time, the City…
September 28, 2016
Final Action Memo: Agent-Broker of HUD-Insured Single-Family Property Settled Allegations of Making a False Certification on a Preforeclosure Sale Closing Worksheet
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), reviewed preforeclosure sales under the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) program in the St. Louis, MO, area. We found that a realtor purchased a property in January 2010 using a limited liability company he controlled while also acting as the seller’s agent.
On October 23, 2015, HUD served a complaint on the realtor, alleging…
September 21, 2016
James B. Nutter & Company, Kansas City, MO, Did Not Always Follow HUD’s Rules and Regulations for Loss Mitigation
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited James B. Nutter & Company, a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) lender located in Kansas City, MO. We selected James B. Nutter based on data analysis showing that the servicer might be completing foreclosures faster than the industry standard, which would suggest that it might not be fully using HUD’s loss mitigation tools. Our…
May 16, 2016
The Poplar Bluff Housing Authority Improperly Phased In Flat Rents
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited the Poplar Bluff Housing Authority because information obtained from HUD’s Public and Indian Housing Information Center indicated that the Authority appeared to have flat rents set at a rate below 80 percent of the fair market rent in that area. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority complied with HUD’s flat rent requirements…
March 08, 2016
The State of Missouri Did Not Correctly Allocate Salaries to Its Disaster Recovery Grants
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited the State of Missouri’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery program because it was initially awarded more than $103 million in two CDBG Disaster Recovery grants for storms and flooding that occurred in 2008 and we had not previously audited the State’s activities regarding these funds. Our audit objective was to…
February 21, 2016
The Anderson Housing Authority Mismanaged Its Public Housing Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - Office of Inspector General audited the Anderson Housing Authority in Anderson, MO’s participation in HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing programs. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority operated its public housing program in accordance with HUD requirements.
The Authority did not operate its public housing program in accordance with HUD requirements.…
September 30, 2015
The Lanagan Housing Authority Mismanaged Its Public Housing Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - Office of Inspector General audited the Lanagan Housing Authority in Lanagan, MO’s participation in HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing programs. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority operated its public housing program in accordance with HUD requirements.
The Authority did not operate its public housing program in accordance with HUD requirements. …
September 30, 2015
The Pineville Housing Authority Mismanaged Its Public Housing Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - Office of Inspector General audited the Pineville Housing Authority in Pineville, MO’s participation in HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing programs. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority operated its public housing program in accordance with HUD requirements.
The Authority did not operate its public housing program in accordance with HUD…
September 30, 2015
The Owner of Coconut Grove Apartments Did Not Always Operate Its HUD-Insured Project in Accordance With HUD Rules and Requirements
We audited Coconut Grove Apartments due to concerns expressed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Multifamily Housing Programs regarding the management of the project. The main concern was that the owner may have diverted project funds for nonproject expenses. Our audit objective was to determine whether Coconut Grove’s owner operated its Sections 223(f) and 241(a)-insured multifamily rental…
September 22, 2015
The Hot Springs Housing Authority, Hot Springs, AR Did Not Comply With Federal Regulations and Other Requirements When Administering Its Public Housing Programs
In accordance with our regional plan to review public housing programs and because of a complaint filed by a contractor with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and issues identified by HUD’s Office of Public Housing, we performed a review of the Hot Springs Housing Authority. The contractor alleged that the Authority did not procure a contract in compliance with Federal…
August 14, 2015