Assurity Financial Services, LLC, Englewood, CO, Did Not Properly Underwrite a Selection of FHA Loans
We performed a review of 20 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans underwritten by Assurity Financial Services, LLC (Assurity). Our review objective was to determine whether Assurity underwrote the 20 loans in accordance with Federal Housing Administration (FHA) requirements. This review is part of Operation Watchdog, an Office of Inspector General (OIG) initiative to review the underwriting of 15 direct endorsement lenders at the suggestion…
August 05, 2010
The Retreat at Santa Rita Springs, Green Valley, AZ, Did Not Comply With HUD Rules and Regulations and Other Federal Requirements
We completed a review of the Retreat at Santa Rita Springs (community), a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured multifamily project under Section 231 of the National Housing Act. Our audit was in response to a request for audit from Representative Gabrielle Giffords of the 8th District of Arizona. The owner defaulted on the $29.9 million U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-insured mortgage in November 2009, the month…
August 02, 2010
Access National Mortgage Corporation, Denver, CO, Did Not Follow HUD Requirements When Submitting Two of Its Loans for Endorsement
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited Access National Mortgage Corporation (Access National) to determine whether it complied with HUD regulations, procedures, and instructions in originating, underwriting, and submitting for endorsement the FHA-insured loans selected for review.
Access National generally complied with HUD regulations, procedures, and instructions in the origination and…
July 02, 2010
Arizona Department of Housing's Administration of its Recovery Act Grant Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program
We audited the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program at the State of Arizona Housing Department (Department) because it was the largest single Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program grant awarded within Arizona under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). Our objective was to determine whether the Department administered the grant in compliance with Recovery Act and other applicable…
May 07, 2010
DHI Mortgage Company, LTD's Scottsdale, AZ, Branches Did Not Follow FHA-Insured Loan Underwriting Requirements
We audited Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loan processes at two DHI Mortgage Company, LTD (DHI Mortgage), branches in Scottsdale, AZ, to determine whether DHI Mortgage originated, approved, and closed FHA-insured single-family loans in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. We recently conducted an audit of DHI Mortgage’s Tucson and Scottsdale branches and identified significant…
March 19, 2010
Review Results for Hotline Case Number HL-09-0756 Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians, Pipe Spring, AZ
In response to an April 3, 2009, hotline request from the Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians, Pipe Spring, AZ (Kaibab), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General reviewed HUD’s evaluation of Kaibab’s application for an Indian Community Development Block Grant (Indian Block Grant) under HUD’s 2008 notice of funding availability. The review objective was to evaluate the merits of the complainant’s…
January 24, 2010
Kier Paid or Recorded Ineligible Costs and Did Not Properly Compute Subsidies
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited Kier Property Management and Real Estate, LLC (Kier) to determine whether Kier properly accounted for property and management agent costs and properly accomplished its occupancy functions.
Kier recorded more than $2 million in notes payable in the properties’ books for notes that did not properly restrict repayment of the principal to surplus cash…
December 17, 2009
HUD Should Provide Additional Monitoring of the Navajo Housing Authority's Implementation of Recovery Act-Funded Projects
We conducted a capacity review of the Navajo Housing Authority’s (Authority) operations. The objective of the review was to evaluate the Authority’s capacity to administer its American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) funds and identify related potential internal control weaknesses that could impact its ability to properly administer the funds. We did not find evidence indicating that the Authority lacked the basic capacity to…
October 09, 2009
City of Aurora, Colorado’s Capacity to Administer Recovery Act Funding
The City of Aurora, Colorado will receive more than $1.6 million in Recovery Act funding to carry out its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program and perform additional activities under its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. HUD's Office of Inspector General (OIG) evaluated the City's capacity to administer its Recovery Act funds. The OIG did not find evidence to indicate that the City lacked the capacity…
September 30, 2009
The Housing Authority of the City of Eloy Lacked Capacity to Administer Its Recovery Act Capital Fund Grant Without Outside Assistance
We performed a capital fund administrative capacity review of the Housing Authority of the City of Eloy (Authority) because, despite the Authority’s persistent management problems, HUD awarded the Authority a Public Housing Capital Fund grant of $113,672 under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). Our objective was to determine whether the Authority had sufficient capacity to administer its Recovery Act Public…
September 25, 2009
Adams County, Colorado Had Weaknesses That Could Significantly Affect Its Capacity to Administer Its Recovery Act Funding
Adams County, Colorado will receive more than $1.3 million in Recovery Act funding to carry out its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program and to provide additional funding to its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. HUD's Office of Inspector General (OIG) evaluated the County's capacity to administer its Recovery Act funds. The OIG found weaknesses that could significantly affect the County’s capacity to…
September 24, 2009
Adams County, Colorado, Did Not Have Adequate Controls over Its Block Grant Funds
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited Adams County, Colorado’s Community Development Block Grant (Block Grant) program to determine whether Adams County’s Community and Economic Opportunity Department (Department) had adequate controls over the administration of its Block Grant funds.
The Department did not have adequate controls over its Block Grant funds. Specifically, it did not (1)…
September 17, 2009
The Owner of Park Lee Apartments, Phoenix, Arizona, Violated Its Regulatory Agreement with HUD
We audited Park Lee Apartments to determine whether it complied with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regulatory agreement and other federal requirements.
We found that Park Lee Apartments did not use its project funds in compliance with HUD and other federal requirements. Specifically, the owner and/or management agents violated the regulatory agreement with HUD by paying $512,562 in questioned costs from the…
September 15, 2009
DHI Mortgage Company, LTD’s Scottsdale and Tucson, Arizona, Branches Did Not Always Follow FHA-Insured Loan Underwriting and Quality Control Requirements
We audited FHA-insured loan processes at two DHI Mortgage Company, LTD (DHI Mortgage) branches in Tucson and Scottsdale, Arizona, to determine whether DHI Mortgage originated, approved, and closed FHA-insured single-family loans in accordance with HUD requirements. We chose DHI Mortgage because the Scottsdale, Arizona, branch had a default rate that was double the default rate for FHA-insured loans for the state of Arizona, and then expanded…
September 10, 2009
The City of Thornton, Colorado, Did Not Sufficiently Document That Its Community Development Block Grant Projects Met a National Objective
The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General audited the City of Thornton (City) to determine whether it used its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for projects that met a national objective.
The City did not maintain sufficient records demonstrating that each CDBG activity met a national objective. Of the 10 CDBG projects reviewed, the City sufficiently documented that five of the projects…
August 14, 2009
The HUD Phoenix Field Office's Procedures for Monitoring the Nogales Housing Authority Were Not Adequate
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Public Housing field office in Phoenix, Arizona (Public Housing). The objective of the audit was to determine whether Public Housing’s procedures for monitoring the Nogales Housing Authority (Authority) were effective. The audit was started because Public Housing performed several monitoring reviews at the Authority; however, there were indications that some of…
July 13, 2009
Corrective Action Verification, Housing Authority of Maricopa County, Mixed-Finance Development Activities, Phoenix, Arizona
We performed a corrective action verification of HUD's actions in implementing recommendation 1F from our audit of the Housing Authority of Maricopa County's Mixed Finance Development Activities (Rose Terrace and Maricopa Revitalization), Audit Report 2005-LA-1002, issued March 14, 2005. The purpose of the corrective action verification was to determine whether HUD officials appropriately closed audit recommendation 1F in accordance…
June 16, 2009
Campaige Place at Jackson, Phoenix, Arizona, Did Not Use Its Project Funds in Compliance with HUD’s Regulatory Agreement and Other Federal Requirements
We audited Campaige Place at Jackson (Campaige Place) to determine whether it used its project funds in compliance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regulatory agreement and other federal requirements.
Campaige Place did not use its project funds in compliance with HUD’s and other federal requirements. Specifically, we determined that:
•Owner advances of $73,750 were repaid when the project had no surplus cash…
March 18, 2009
The Housing Authority of the City of Brush, Colorado, Did Not Perform Contracting Activities in Accordance with Federal Procurement Requirements
The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Housing Authority of the City of Brush, Colorado (Authority) because we received information indicating there were irregularities in the Authority's procurement process. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority performed contracting activities in accordance with federal procurement requirements.
The Authority did not…
February 24, 2009
The Adams County, Colorado, Did Not Comply with HOME Investment Partnerships Program Regulations
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited Adams County, Colorado's HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) to determine whether Adams County appropriately spent and accounted for HOME funds and maintained supporting documentation for its matching contributions reported to HUD.
Adams County inappropriately spent or could not support more than $2.1 million in HOME funds. Specifically…
February 10, 2009