The District of Columbia Housing Authority, Washington, DC, Did Not Ensure That Its Program Units Met Housing Quality Standards under Its Moving to Work Program
We audited the District of Columbia Housing Authority's (Authority) administration of its leased housing under its Moving to Work Demonstration (Moving to Work) program based on our analysis of various risk factors relating to the housing authorities under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Baltimore field office. This is the second of three audit reports to be issued on the Authority'…
November 04, 2007
Plymouth Housing Commission Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, Plymouth, MI, The Commission Failed to Adequately Administer Its Program
September 28, 2007
The Plymouth Housing Commission, Plymouth, Michigan, Needs to Improve Its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Administration
August 03, 2007
The Boyne City Housing Commission, Boyne City, Michigan, Failed to Follow HUD's Requirements for Its Nonprofit Development Activities
July 17, 2007
Social Security Number Validation for Single Family Loans
We completed a limited review of social security number validation procedures used by lenders to qualify single family loans for FHA mortgage insurance. Prior to 2005, the use of invalid or false social security numbers (SSNs) by borrowers and co-borrowers to obtain FHA insured mortgages was an issue. Effective June 2005, FHA required the lenders to validate borrowers social security numbers by matching their names and dates of birth through…
June 05, 2007
We completed a limited review concerning Sprint FONCARDS or calling cards. We conducted the review to ensure adequate controls were present.
The objectives of our review were to determine the controls in place to identify waste, fraud or abuse regarding the FTS 2001 Sprint FONCARD.
We determined that verification memorandums were not being sent to individuals to verify that calls were official and were made by the individual as required in…
June 05, 2007
College Student Section 8 Recipients
We completed a limited review concerning college students living in Section 8 subsidized housing. We conducted the review in response to media and congressional attention and subsequent issuance of new regulations and policy guidance by HUD that restricted the eligibility of the students. The media had reported that taxpayer subsidized housing was being occupied by students to offset the high price of college. It also reported concerns by the…
June 01, 2007
The Procurement Office Did Not Maintain Complete Contract Files
August 29, 2006
The New York City Housing Authority Should Enhance Its Fraud Risk Management Practices
WASHINGTON DC— Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report examining how the New York City Housing Authority’s (NYCHA) evaluates fraud risk, designs antifraud controls, and responds to known fraud to prevent it in the future. The audit found that NYCHA has several antifraud measures in place but lacks a comprehensive strategy or framework for identifying and…
Press release
March 11, 2025
The Boston Housing Authority: Audit of the Physical Condition of the Authority’s Public Housing Units
WASHINGTON DC— Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report examining the Boston Housing Authority’s (Authority) compliance with HUD and local requirements for maintaining Public Housing units in decent, safe, sanitary, conditions and in good repair.The audit found that the Authority’s units and buildings were not consistently maintained in accordance with HUD’s and the…
Press release
February 27, 2025
Illinois Man Sentenced in Scheme to Fraudulently Obtain Over $800K in Mortgages
WASHINGTON DC— An Illinois man was sentenced today in federal court to seven months for his role in a scheme to defraud financial institutions in connection with over $800,000 in loans.Lamar Spells, 60, of Flossmoor, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Steven C. Seeger of the Northern District of Illinois, who also ordered Spells to pay $276,788 in restitution, joint and severally. In April 2023, Spells pleaded guilty to one count of an…
Press release
January 17, 2025
United States Attorney Dawn N. Ison and HUD Inspector General Rae Oliver Davis Host Safe Housing Summits
DETROIT – United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan Dawn N. Ison and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Inspector General Rae Oliver Davis hosted two summits yesterday focused on promoting the health, safety, and civil rights of tenants living in HUD-assisted housing. The program focused on combatting sexual misconduct and eliminating environmental hazards in HUD-assisted housing.The summits, which took place at…
Press release
November 20, 2024
HUD Fiscal Year 2024 Federal Information Security Modernization Act Evaluation
WASHINGTON DC— Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued its annual independent evaluation of the effectiveness of HUD’s information security (InfoSec) program and practices under the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA).FISMA requires all Inspectors General (IG) to annually assess the effectiveness of their Federal agency’s InfoSec programs. The Office…
Press release
October 31, 2024
The Boston Housing Authority Did Not Always Comply with HUD’s Requirements for Its Housing Choice Voucher Program Units
HUD OIG found that the Authority did not always ensure that its HCV Program units met HUD’s housing quality standards and did not consistently stop payments to owners who failed to correct unit deficiencies. We also found the Authority did not comply with HUD’s monitoring and data collection requirements of the Lead Safe Housing Rule for cases of children with elevated blood lead levels (EBLLs).
Press release
August 27, 2024
The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles Did Not Adequately Manage Lead-Based Paint in Its Public Housing
HUD OIG found that the Authority did not adequately manage lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards in its public housing, including failing to perform timely lead‐based paint visual inspections in an estimated 4,762 units.
Press release
August 20, 2024
HUD OIG Review of Puerto Rico’s Electrical System Enhancement Efforts
The review found the Puerto Rico Department of Housing budgeted most of its $1.93 billion disaster recovery funds for its two main electrical grid programs which were launched in 2023. Both programs are in their early implementation stages. As of July 12, 2024, PRDOH had spent less than 1 percent of its total budget for both programs – only $179,761 of $1.93 billion.
Press release
August 13, 2024
The City and County of Honolulu Should Enhance Its Fraud Risk Management Practices for Its ESG CARES Act Program
WASHINGTON DC— Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report examining the City and County of Honolulu ’s Department of Budget and Fiscal Services’ and Department of Community Services’ (the City) practices for preventing, detecting, and responding to fraud in the administration of more than $25 million in HUD’s Emergency Solutions Grant Cares Act (ESG-CV) program funding…
Press release
August 08, 2024
The California Department of Housing and Community Development Should Improve Its Fraud Risk Management Practices for Its ESG CARES Act Program
Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report examining the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) practices for preventing, detecting, and responding to fraud in the administration of over $319 million in pandemic funding through HUD’s Emergency Solutions Grant – CARES Act (ESG-CV) program.Congress appropriated $4 billion for ESG-CV grants to…
Press release
August 06, 2024
The Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority Did Not Have Adequate Oversight of Lead-Based Paint in Its Public Housing
WASHINGTON DC— Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Inspector General issued a report examining the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority’s (Authority) management of cases of children with elevated blood lead levels and oversight of lead‐based paint and associated hazards in its public housing program.The Authority is one of the 10 largest public housing authorities (PHA) in the country with approximately…
Press release
July 16, 2024