HUD Did Not Effectively Negotiate, Execute, or Manage Its Agreements Under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act
Due to deficiencies found in prior reviews of two Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA or Act) assignments, we audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) implementation and oversight of the IPA mobility program. The audit objectives were to determine whether (1) HUD’s use of IPA agreements met the purpose and intent of the IPA mobility program, (2) HUD’s policies and procedures related to IPA agreements were adequate…
March 30, 2016
Departmentwide Approach Needed to Address HUD Contractor Employee Security Risks
Contractors comprise around half of HUD’s workforce. We reviewed progress HUD had made in addressing previously identified background investigation issues. Personnel Security Division (PSD) had reduced the backlog of suitability adjudication cases, but on average it took about four times longer than the Office of Personnel Management standard of 90 days to complete a case—resulting in several hundred contractor employees working at HUD without…
March 30, 2016
New York State Did Not Always Disburse Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds in Accordance With Federal and State Regulations
We completed a review of the State of New York Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery’s administration of the Small Business Grants and Loans program funded with Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The objectives of the audit were to determine whether State officials (1) approved and disbursed CDBG-DR funds for the Small Business Grants…
March 29, 2016
FHA Approved Nonprofits Purchasing Real Estate-Owned Homes
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Office of Inspector General audited HUD’s Federal Housing Administrations rules and requirements pertaining to nonprofits purchasing real estate-owned (REO) homes during the exclusive listing period. We initiated this review based on information found during an audit of a nonprofit that purchased homes during the exclusive listing period in memorandum 2015-DE-1801. Our objective…
March 23, 2016
The City of New York, NY, Generally Disbursed Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds for Its Temporary Disaster Assistance Program in Accordance With Federal Regulations
We audited the City of New York, Office of Management and Budget’s administration of its Temporary Disaster Assistance Program (TDAP) funded with Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to assist in the disaster recovery and rebuilding efforts resulting from Hurricane Sandy. The disaster recovery funds were authorized by Congress under the…
March 10, 2016
HUD Lacked Adequate Oversight of Public Housing Agencies’ Compliance With Its Declaration of Trust Requirements
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of public housing agencies’ declarations of trust. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2015 annual audit plan. Our audit objective was to determine whether HUD had adequate oversight of public housing agencies’ compliance with its declaration of trust requirements.
HUD did not always ensure that public housing agencies maintained…
February 25, 2016
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, NY, Generally Administered CDBG Disaster Recovery Assistance Funds in Accordance With HUD Regulations
We performed the 20th review of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s (LMDC) administration of the $2.783 billion in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery funds awarded to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. The objective of the audit was to determine whether LMDC disbursed CDBG Disaster Recovery funds in accordance…
February 18, 2016
Risk Based Enforcement Could Improve Program Effectiveness
Historically, HUD program managers have not wanted to enforce program requirements. That reluctance increases the risk that program funds will not provide maximum benefits to recipients and allows serious noncompliances to go unchecked. When it was created, the Departmental Enforcement Center had independent enforcement authority, but it lost that authority when it moved from the Deputy Secretary’s office to the Office of General Counsel (OGC…
February 11, 2016
The City of Rochester, NY Did Not Always Administer Its Community Development Block Grant Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the City of Rochester’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to address our audit plan priority to improve financial management controls over CDBG grants. We selected this grantee based on a risk analysis of grantees administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Buffalo field office, which considered funds received and the risk score assigned by HUD. The City received more than $…
February 04, 2016
Comprehensive Strategy Needed to Address HUD Acquisition Challenges
We assessed the HUD Office of the Chief Procurement Officer’s acquisition improvement initiatives. HUD has faced many acquisition challenges over the years and we found HUD had made progress in addressing those challenges. We observed that HUD had not developed a sound, cohesive strategy to address improvement initiatives, offices did not communicate or coordinate effectively, and offices did not agree on the best way to address acquisitions…
February 01, 2016
The City of Niagara Falls, NY Had Weaknesses in Controls Over CDBG-Funded Subgrantee Administered Rehabilitation Activities
We reviewed the City of Niagara Falls’ Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. We selected this auditee based on our risk assessment of CDBG grantees administered through the Buffalo, NY, field office, which considered the City’s funding, HUD’s risk assessment of the City, and prior Office of Inspector General (OIG) audits. The City received more than $2.2 million in each of its program years 2013 and 2014; was ranked…
January 06, 2016
Review of Information System Controls Over SFIS and Claims
We reviewed the general and application controls over the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) Single Family Insurance System (SFIS) and Single Family Insurance Claims subsystem (Claims) as part of the internal control assessments required for the fiscal year 2015 financial statement audit under the Chief Financial Officer’s Act of 1990. Our objective was to evaluate the general and application controls over SFIS and Claims for…
December 20, 2015
Review of Information System Controls Over the Government National Mortgage Association
We have completed a review of the internal controls over the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) data. We focused our review primarily on performing an in-depth business process analysis of Ginnie Mae’s two Master Subservicer supporting contractors. This review was conducted as part of the Office of Inspector General’s audit of HUD’s financial statements for…
November 29, 2015
Fiscal Years 2015 and 2014 (Restated) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Consolidated Financial Statements Audit
In accordance with the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, as amended, we are required to annually audit the consolidated financial statements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the stand alone financial statements of the Federal Housing Administration and the Government National Mortgage Administration (Ginnie Mae). Our objective was to express an opinion on the fairness of the financial…
November 22, 2015
Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) Fiscal Year 2015 Evaluation Report
The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA) directs the Office of Inspector General (OIG) to conduct an annual evaluation of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) information security program. FISMA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) establish information technology (IT) security guidance and…
November 19, 2015
State Energy Standards (Project Number 2015-OE-0005)
In response to a request made by the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD), the Office of Inspector General, Office of Evaluation reviewed State qualified action plans to determine whether States included alternative building standards that are equivalent to Energy Star® building standard. CPD tracks HUD funded new home constructions that meet the Energy Star® building standard as they contribute…
November 19, 2015
Additional Details To Supplement Our Fiscal Years 2015 and 2014 (Restated) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Financial Statement Audit
We are required to audit the consolidated financial statements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) annually in accordance with the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 as amended. This report supplements our independent auditor’s report on the results of our audit of HUD’s principal financial statements for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2015 and 2014. Provided are assessments of HUD’s internal…
November 17, 2015
Audit of FHA’s Fiscal Years 2015 and 2014 Financial Statements
In accordance with the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-576), as amended, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) is required to audit the financial statements of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) annually. The scope of our audit included FHA’s fiscal years 2015 and 2014 financial statements, which are composed of the balance sheets and the related statements of net cost and changes in net position and the combined…
November 15, 2015
Audit of Ginnie Mae’s Fiscal Years 2015 and 2014 (Restated) Financial Statements
This report presents the results of our audit of Ginnie Mae’s fiscal years 2015 and 2014 (restated) financial statements, including our report on Ginnie Mae’s internal control and test of compliance with selected provisions of laws and regulations applicable to Ginnie Mae.
For the second consecutive year, in fiscal year 2015, we were unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to express an opinion on the fairness of the $ 5.4…
November 12, 2015
Fiscal Year 2015 Review of Information System Controls in Support of the Financial Statements Audit
We reviewed information system controls over the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) computing environment. This review was conducted as part of the Office of Inspector General’s audit of HUD’s financial statements for fiscal year 2015 under the Chief Financial Officer’s Act of 1990.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this report would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its…
November 12, 2015