The State of Florida Administered Its Housing Repair and Replacement Program Effectively but Not Always in a Cost-Efficient and Prudent Manner for the Projects and Activity Delivery Costs Reviewed
We audited the State of Florida’s Housing Repair and Replacement Program (HRRP), one of the programs that the State developed to address its unmet disaster recovery housing needs because of Hurricane Irma in 2017. We audited this program due to the large amount of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding allocated of $346.2 million. Our audit objective was to determine whether the State administered its…
March 30, 2022
Palm Beach County Housing Authority, West Palm Beach, FL, Did Not Support and Spend HUD Funds According to Regulations
We audited the Palm Beach County Housing Authority in West Palm Beach, FL, based on concerns raised by news articles stating that the Authority dismissed its former executive director because of financial misconduct and ethical violations. The concerns included bonuses paid and payments for contracted services. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority spent U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)…
September 30, 2019
Final Civil Action: Universal American Mortgage Company, LLC, Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With HUD’s Federal Housing Administration Loan Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), assisted the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern and Western Districts of Washington in the civil investigation of Universal American Mortgage Company, LLC. Our investigation was ongoing when a qui tam action was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington. Universal…
December 21, 2018
The Owners of Civic Towers and Civic Towers Senior in Miami, FL, Generally Corrected Section Eight Housing Assistance Payments To Address Duplicate Benefits and Ensured That the Payments Were Eligible and Supported
We audited the Civic Towers, LLLP, and Civic Towers Senior, LLLP, Section 8 project-based housing assistance payment (HAP) program. We selected the Civic Towers and Civic Towers Senior Section 8 project-based properties for review based on a referral from our Office of Investigation regarding a potential duplication of benefits between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (…
December 14, 2018
The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Tallahassee, FL, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
We reviewed the State of Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program. We selected the State of Florida in accordance with our goal to review disaster funding and based on a congressional request for us to conduct disaster capacity reviews for recent disasters, including Hurricanes Hermine, Matthew, and Irma. Our audit objective was to determine whether the…
September 21, 2018
The Pinellas County Housing Authority, Largo, FL, Generally Administered Its Rental Assistance Demonstration Conversion but Did Not Fully Comply With HUD’s Rent Reasonableness Determinations After Conversion
We audited the Pinellas County Housing Authority’s Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD) conversion to the Section 8 Project-Based Voucher program and compliance after the conversion. We selected the Authority for review in keeping with the goals of our annual audit plan. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority administered its RAD conversion in compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (…
July 13, 2018
The City of Margate, FL, Did Not Properly Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program Grants 1 and 3 in Compliance With HUD Regulations
We audited the City of Margate’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) grants 1 and 3 in accordance with our audit plan to improve the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) execution of and accountability for grant funds. In addition, HUD requested that we review this auditee because a forensic investigation initiated by the City found issues with record keeping, misappropriation of funds, and overages regarding City…
May 29, 2018
The City of Jacksonville, FL’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program Was Not Always Administered in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the City of Jacksonville, FL’s HOME Investment Partnerships program as part of the activities in our annual audit plan. Our audit objective was to determine whether the City administered its HOME program in accordance with applicable U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. Specifically, we evaluated whether the City (1) properly supported HOME commitments in the Integrated Disbursement and…
September 29, 2017
The Washington County, OR, Department of Housing Services’ Clover Court Project Was Eligible For Continuum of Care Funding
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General reviewed the allegations contained in a hotline complaint against the Washington County Department of Housing Services, Hillsboro, OR, to determine whether its application and related submissions to secure HUD grant OR0216L0E061500 were false or misleading or would otherwise cause the Clover Court project to be ineligible for Continuum of Care funding.
September 21, 2017
The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Continuum of Care Program
We reviewed the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust’s Continuum of Care Program because our office had not audited this entity. In addition, this assignment was in accordance with our annual audit plan and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) 2014-2018 strategic objective to end homelessness. Our objective was to determine whether the Trust ensured that Program funds were used for eligible activities and…
May 24, 2017
Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida, Miami, FL Did Not Ensure That NSP2 Funds Were Used for Eligible Purposes and Sufficiently Supported
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded the Miami-Dade NSP Consortium more than $89.3 million in Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) 2 funds. We audited two of the consortium members, Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida, the lead member, and the Urban League of Greater Miami, in accordance with our annual audit plan. The audit objective was to determine whether the two members used NSP2…
May 08, 2017
The Broward County Housing Authority, Lauderdale Lakes, FL, Did Not Always Comply With HUD’s and Its Own Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Requirements
We audited the Broward County Housing Authority’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program as part of the activities in our fiscal year 2016 annual audit plan. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority administered its program in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) and its own requirements.
The Authority did not always comply with HUD’s requirements and its own administrative policies…
September 30, 2016
P.K. Management Group, Inc., Doral, FL, Did Not Always Provide Property Preservation and Protection Services in Accordance With Its Contract With HUD and Its Own Requirements
We audited P.K. Management Group, Inc. (PKMG), a contracted field service manager in HUD’s real estate-owned Management and Marketing III program, as part of the activities included in our 2016 annual audit plan and because it was the sole contractor performing property preservation and protection services for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-acquired properties located in Illinois in Region’s 5 jurisdiction. Our…
September 29, 2016
The City of Miami Beach Did Not Always Properly Administer Its CDBG Program
We audited the City of Miami Beach’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program in accordance with our annual audit plan because it had projects overseen by the same administration questioned in our audit of the City’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program. In addition, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Miami Office of Community Planning and Development ranked the City as high risk in its 2015 risk assessment. Our…
June 22, 2016
The City of Miami Beach Did Not Always Properly Administer Its HOME Program
We audited the City of Miami Beach’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program, in accordance with our annual audit plan, because (1) the Miami U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Community Planning and Development ranked the City as high risk in its 2015 risk assessment and (2) HUD’s onsite monitoring review identified concerns with the City’s administration of the HOME program. Our objective was to determine…
June 17, 2016
Broward County, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Did Not Properly Administer One of Its Projects and Did Not Comply With Some Match Requirements
We audited Broward County’s Continuum of Care Program, which was awarded more than $21 million in the 2011 through 2013 grant years. The objectives were to determine whether Broward County (1) spent grant funds for eligible program activities and ensured that expenditures were sufficiently supported and (2) maintained sufficient documentation to support that the funding sources used to match the grant funds were eligible.
Broward County…
August 23, 2015
The State of Florida, Tallahassee, FL, Did Not Properly Support the Eligibility of Some Funds Used for the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program
We audited the State of Florida’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program because the State was awarded more than $107 million to recover from the 2008 natural disasters and to undertake activities and long-term strategies that focus on reducing future natural disasters. Further, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, had not audited the State since 2006.…
July 27, 2015
Final Civil Action: Civic Construction, LLC, Settled Allegations of Making False Claims to the Seattle Housing Authority
Based on a referral from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Seattle Office of Labor Relations, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) performed a review of certain payrolls of the owner of Civic Construction, LLC, of Portland, OR. The payrolls were subject to the Davis-Bacon Act. We completed the review and referred alleged violations to HUD’s Office of Program Enforcement for action under the Program Fraud…
March 30, 2015
Final Civil Action – Group One Mortgage, Inc., Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With Federal Housing Administration Underwriting Requirements
HUD OIG assisted the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Southern District of Florida, in the civil investigation of Group One Mortgage, Inc. Group One’s principal place of business is located in Jupiter, FL. Group One has participated in the FHA insurance program since 2004 and became a direct endorsement lender in 2005. The direct endorsement program authorizes private-sector mortgage lenders to approve mortgage loans for FHA insurance…
March 27, 2015
The Housing Authority of the City of Spartanburg, SC, Used HUD Program Funds for Ineligible Expenses
We audited the public housing program of the Housing Authority of the City of Spartanburg, SC, because of a citizen’s complaint. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority’s performance in the areas of financial operations, procurement, and inventory practices met HUD requirements.
The Authority used HUD program funds for ineligible or unsupported expenses, and failed to maintain an accurate accounting and financial control…
September 30, 2014