Indictment Details Charges in Conspiracy to Defraud Financially Distressed Homeowners, Financial Institutions
PROVIDENCE – A Johnston-based real estate investment firm, the company’s founder, and a person who held himself out to be a negotiator on behalf of financially distressed homeowners but who was, in reality, associated with the real estate investment firm, have been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges they participated in a series of schemes to defraud homeowners and financial institutions.
It is alleged in the indictment that members of…
Press release
March 09, 2021
Mastermind of Mortgage Fraud Scheme Sentenced to 13 Years in Prison
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – The mastermind of a mortgage fraud scheme that defrauded financially distressed homeowners, investors, and financial institutions of nearly $1.5 million dollars was sentenced today to more than 13 years in federal prison.
Hasan Hussain, 57, of Princeton, N.J., masterminded a scheme that defrauded distressed homeowners, investors, and financial institutions of fees, rental income, mortgage payment funds, property ownership and…
Press release
January 08, 2019