The City of Baltimore, MD, Did Not Administer Its Homelessness Prevention andRapid Re-Housing Program Grant According to Recovery Act Requirements
We audited the City of Baltimore, MD's Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program grant because (1) its $9.5 million grant was the largest grant in the State of Maryland, (2) it had disbursed $6.6 million of its grant funds as of December 2011, and (3) we have a mandate to audit American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 activities. The audit objective was to determine whether the City properly obligated and expended grant…
November 08, 2012
Prince George’s County, Largo, MD, Generally Did Not Administer Its HOME Program in Accordance With Federal Requirements
We audited Prince George’s County, MD’s administration of its HOME Investment Partnerships Program as part of our annual audit plan. Our objective was to determine whether the County properly administered its Program by ensuring that its community housing development organizations were eligible and complied with Program requirements, providing rental, home ownership, and rehabilitation assistance in accordance with requirements and implementing…
August 03, 2012
Healthy Neighborhoods, Inc., Baltimore, MD, Generally Ensured That Its Consortium Members Met Recovery Act Requirements
We audited Healthy Neighborhoods, Inc.’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 based on a complaint received by our office and as part of our annual audit plan to review activities funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The grantee received $26 million in Program funds under the Recovery Act. Our objective was to determine whether the grantee ensured that its consortium members properly awarded Program contracts and…
October 24, 2011
Louisville-Jefferson County Metropolitan Government Generally Complied With Recovery Act Requirements for Its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing and Community Development Block Grant-Recovery Programs
We reviewed the Louisville-Jefferson County Metropolitan Government’s administration of its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) and Community Development Block Grant-Recovery (CDBG-R) program. We selected Louisville Metro for review because it received the largest grants in Kentucky with the exception of the State of Kentucky, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) had not conducted monitoring of…
August 11, 2011
Deutsche Bank Berkshire Mortgage, Inc., Bethesda, MD, Acquired a $45.6 Million Loan That Was Not Properly Underwritten in Accordance With HUD's Multifamily Accelerated Processing Program
We audited the underwriting of a $45.6 million mortgage loan that was acquired by Deutsche Bank Berkshire Mortgage, Inc. (the Lender) to rehabilitate Wingate Towers and Garden Apartments. The audit was performed based on a request from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Multifamily Development. The Lender acquired and became responsible for the loan origination activities, personnel, books and records…
March 22, 2011
NFM, Inc., Linthicum, MD, Did Not Fully Implement Its Quality Control Plan in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited NFM, Inc. (NFM), a nonsupervised lender approved to originate Federal Housing Administration (FHA) single-family mortgage loans. We selected NFM based on significant risk indicators, which included a high percentage of loans with front- and/or and back-end ratios in excess of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements and loans defaulting within six or fewer payments. Our objective was to determine whether…
November 09, 2010
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City, MD, Generally Administered Its Recovery Act Captial Fund Grants in Accordance With Applicable Requirements
We audited the Housing Authority of Baltimore City’s (Authority) administration of its Public Housing Capital Fund grants that it received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). We selected the Authority for audit because it received a $32.7 million formula grant, which was the largest formula grant awarded in the State of Maryland. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority administered…
September 20, 2010
The Louisville/Jefferson County Metropolitan Government Needs To Strengthen Controls Over Reporting for Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program
HUD OIG reviewed the Louisville/Jefferson County Metropolitan Government’s (Louisville Metro) Neighborhood Stabilization Program (program). We selected Louisville Metro for review based on its low percentage of obligations and the approaching September 20, 2010, deadline for obligating funds. Our objective was to evaluate Louisville Metro’s use of program funding, including the propriety of its activities, obligations, expenditures, and…
September 17, 2010
Dell Franklin Financial, LLC, Millersville, MD, Did Not Properly Underwrite a Selection of FHA Loans
We reviewed 20 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans that Dell Franklin Financial, LLC (Dell), underwrote as an FHA direct endorsement lender. Our review objective was to determine whether Dell underwrote the 20 loans in accordance with FHA requirements. This review is part of Operation Watchdog, an Office of Inspector General (OIG) initiative to review the underwriting of 15 direct endorsement lenders at the suggestion of the FHA…
July 30, 2010
The Elkton Housing Authority, Elkton, MD, Did Not Comply With HUD Regulations in Obligating and Disbursing Recovery Act Capital Funds
We audited the Elkton Housing Authority (Authority) because it received Public Housing Capital Fund Recovery Act grant (grant) funding as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). Our objective was to determine whether the Authority obligated and disbursed capital funds received under the Recovery Act according to the requirements of the act and applicable U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)…
May 03, 2010
The Housing Authority of Whitesburg, Kentucky, Mismanaged Its Operations
We audited the Housing Authority of Whitesburg, Kentucky (Authority) pursuant to a request by the director of the Office of Public Housing, Kentucky State Office. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority properly accounted for cash receipts and disbursements, and made procurements in accordance with federal requirements.
The Authority badly mismanaged its operations. It did not properly account for rental receipts of about $134,…
April 28, 2010
Residential Home Funding Corporation, Gaithersburg, MD, Did not Always Comply With HUD Requirements in Origination FHA-Insured Single-Family Loans
We audited Residential Home Funding Corporation, a nonsupervised lender approved to originate Federal Housing Administration (FHA) single-family mortgage loans. Residential Home Funding Corporation has one office located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. We selected Residential Home Funding Corporation because its default rate was significantly higher than the average default rate for the State of Maryland. Our objective was to determine whether…
January 20, 2010
The Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis, Maryland, Did Not Comply with HUD and State of Maryland Lead-Based Paint Requirements in a Timely Manner
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis' (Authority) management of lead-based paint in its public housing units in response to a citizen complaint. The audit objective was to determine whether the Authority complied with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and State of Maryland (State) requirements for inspecting and abating lead-based paint hazards in its public housing units.
The Authority did not…
March 05, 2009
Housing Authority of Baltimore City, Maryland, Did Not Ensure That Its Program Units Met Housing Quality Standards under Its Moving to Work Program
We audited the Housing Authority of Baltimore City's (Authority) administration of its leased housing under its Moving to Work Demonstration (Moving to Work) program based on our analysis of various risk factors relating to the housing authorities under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Baltimore field office. This is the second audit report issued on the Authority's program. The…
September 12, 2008
The State of Maryland Did Not Always Administer Its HOME-Assisted Single-Family Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program in Accordance with Federal Regulations
We audited the State of Maryland's (State) HOME Investment Partnerships program (HOME) as part of our annual audit plan. We chose to audit the State's HOME-assisted single-family owner-occupied rehabilitation program based on deficiencies identified in a sample of work-write ups reviewed during a previous review of the State's HOME program. This audit is the second phase of our review of the State's HOME program. Our overall…
April 30, 2008
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City, Baltimore, Maryland, Generally Had Adequate Controls over Its Tenant Files
We audited the Housing Authority of Baltimore City's (Authority) administration of its leased housing under its Moving to Work Demonstration (Moving to Work) program. We conducted the audit based on our analysis of various risk factors relating to the housing authorities under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Baltimore field office. This is the first of two audit reports to be issued on…
December 18, 2007
The State of Maryland Did Not Always Administer Its Homeownership Assistance Program in Accordance with Federal Regulations and Written Agreements
August 27, 2007
Justice Department Sues Kentucky Rental Property Owner for Sexual Harassment
The Justice Department announced today that it has filed a lawsuit against Joseph E. Johnson, also known as Joe Johnson, the owner and operator of rental properties in Lexington, Kentucky, for engaging in sexual harassment and retaliation in violation of the Fair Housing Act.“For decades, this landlord used his position of power to sexually harass vulnerable women who simply wanted roofs over their heads,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen…
Press release
December 03, 2024
Justice Department Sues Kentucky Rental Property Manager and Owners for Sexual Harassment
The Justice Department announced today that it has filed a lawsuit against Adnan Shalash, the owner and operator of rental properties in Lexington, Kentucky, for engaging in sexual harassment and retaliation in violation of the Fair Housing Act. The lawsuit also names as defendants 12 owners of rental properties managed by Adnan Shalash, including Fox Den Properties LLC and Griffith Market Inc.“Sexual harassment by housing providers is an…
Press release
November 19, 2024