The City of Durham, North Carolina Did Not Comply with HOME Investment Partnerships Requirements
We audited the City of Durham (City), North Carolina 's HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) program as part of our annual audit plan. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the City complied with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements for monitoring HOME subrecipients and recording and using HOME program income.
The City did not always perform required monitoring reviews or provide adequate evidence that…
August 07, 2008
The Shreveport Housing Authority, Shreveport, Louisiana, Made Excessive Housing Assistance Payments in Its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Shreveport, LA
As part of the Office of Inspector General's strategic plan, we audited the Shreveport Housing Authority's (Authority) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program (Section 8 program). Our objective was to determine whether the Authority ensured that it made housing assistance payments in accordance with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Section 8 program requirements. The Authority's contracted…
May 08, 2008
Review of Duplication of Participants Benefits under HUD's Katrina Disaster Housing Assistance Program and Disaster Voucher Program
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Katrina Disaster Housing Assistance Program (KDHAP) and Disaster Voucher Program (DVP) administered by various public housing agencies. Our audit objective was to determine whether HUD established controls to ensure that the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO) pre-Hurricane Katrina Housing Choice Voucher program participants did not receive duplicate assistance…
March 28, 2008
State of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Road Home Program, Funded 418 Grants Coded Ineligible or Lacking an Eligibility Determination
We audited the State of Louisiana's (State) additional compensation grant (grant) component of the Road Home homeowner assistance program, managed by the State's contractor, ICF Emergency Management Services, LLC (ICF). We initiated the audit in conjunction with the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Gulf Coast Region's audit plan and examination of relief efforts provided by the federal government in the aftermath of Hurricanes…
January 29, 2008
The State of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Road Home Program, ICF, Did Not Always Provide Contract Deliverables as Required
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Inspector General audited the State of Louisiana's (State) Road Home program (Road Home) housing manager's performance under a contract worth more than $750 million. The State is a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) disaster recovery grantee under the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2006. We initiated the audit in conjunction with the Office of…
December 18, 2007
The Shreveport Housing Authority, Shreveport, Louisiana, Did Not Ensure That Section 8 Units Met Housing Quality Standards
We audited the Shreveport Housing Authority's (Authority) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program as part of our strategic plan. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority's Section 8 units met housing quality standards and if not, determine the extent, cause, and impact of its noncompliance on its Section 8 program.
The Authority did not have adequate management controls to ensure that it complied with U. S.…
November 27, 2007
The Wilmington Housing Authority, Wilmington, North Carolina, Did Not Follow HUD Requirements for Its Nonprofit Development Activities
September 26, 2007
The Wilmington Housing Authority, Wilmington, North Carolina, Needs to Improve Internal Controls Over Its Program
March 08, 2007
Cityside Management Corporation, Hammond, Louisiana, Did Not Enforce The Lease Terms Over Payment of Property Utilities Files
August 31, 2006
Cityside Management Corporation, Hammond, Louisiana, Did Not Enforce The Lease Terms Over Payment of Property Utilities
January 30, 2006
Bob Dean Jr. and Affiliated Corporate Entities Agree to $8.2M Consent Judgment to Resolve Allegations of Financial Misconduct Stemming from Evacuation of Nursing Homes During Hurricane Ida
Bob Dean Jr. and several companies that he owned and operated have agreed to an $8.2 million consent judgment to resolve allegations that they violated the National Housing Act of 1934 (NHA), by misappropriating and misusing the assets and income of four nursing homes in Louisiana before and after Hurricane Ida’s landfall in August 2021. The four nursing homes, all of which were owned and operated by Dean and his companies, and had loans insured…
Press release
October 08, 2024
Leessa Augustine, Former Sewerage & Water Board Special Agent and New Orleans Police Officer, Indicted for Multiple Fraud Schemes
NEW ORLEANS - United States Attorney Duane A. Evans announced that LEESSA AUGUSTINE (“AUGUSTINE”), age 46, was indicted on September 20, 2024 for her involvement in multiple fraud schemes while employed as a Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans (“S&WB”) Senior Special Agent, a position tasked with investigating the alleged misconduct of other Sewerage & Water Board employees.In one alleged scheme, AUGUSTINE, who…
Press release
September 23, 2024
Two Sentenced in Scheme to Steal More than $850,000 in COVID-19 Housing Assistance Funds
RALEIGH, N.C. – Two members of a New Bern family were sentenced for their role in a scheme to defraud a program designed to help struggling North Carolina residents stay in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Takeeia Hawkins, age 43, and her daughter, Shanasia Hawkins, age 22, both pled guilty to conspiracy to commit mail fraud earlier this year. Takeeia Hawkins was sentenced to 36 months in prison for her role in the scheme, while…
Press release
June 07, 2024
U.S. Attorneys for the Eastern, Middle, and Western Districts of North Carolina, Department of Housing & Urban Development Office of Inspector General Host Community Conversation on Combatting Sexual Harassment in Housing
Focused on the Use of the Fair Housing Act to Prevent and Address Complaints of Sexual Harassment in HUD-Assisted HousingRALEIGH, N.C. – United States Attorneys Michael Easley for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Sandra Hairston for the Middle District of North Carolina, and Dena King for the Western District of North Carolina joined the Civil Rights Division and the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Inspector…
Press release
April 10, 2024
After More Than 6 Years, the City of New Orleans’ National Disaster Resilience Project Activities Made Little Impact on Resilience
WASHINGTON DC— Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued an audit report examining the City of New Orleans’ (the City) use of HUD’s National Disaster Resilience grant funding. HUD’s program is designed to help state and local communities recover from past disasters, while also improving their infrastructure to withstand future extreme events through strategic community…
Press release
March 13, 2024
Former Chatham Housing Executive Sentenced
GREENSBORO – A Durham, North Carolina woman was sentenced today to 30 months in prison, after pleading guilty to conspiring to commit wire fraud that victimized the Chatham County Housing Authority, announced United States Attorney Sandra J. Hairston of the Middle District of North Carolina (MDNC).JOANN JOHNSON DAVIS, age 65, was sentenced to a 30-month term of imprisonment and ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $194,136 by the…
Press release
February 08, 2024
Two Plead Guilty in Scheme to Steal More than $850,000 in COVID-19 Housing Assistance Funds
RALEIGH, N.C. – Two members of a New Bern family pled guilty for their role in a scheme to defraud a program designed to help struggling North Carolina residents stay in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Takeeia Hawkins, age 43, and her daughter, Shanasia Hawkins, age 22, both pled guilty to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and face up to 30 years at sentencing later this year. Takeeia Hawkins’ son, Jmari Hawkins, age 24, and another…
Press release
January 25, 2024
Asheville Man Convicted Of Bank Fraud Involving The Purchase Of Short-Term Rental Properties And Illegal Firearms Possession Is Sentenced To More Than Seven Years In Prison
ASHEVILLE, N.C. – Shawn Thomas Johnson, 38, of Asheville, was sentenced today to 92 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release for bank fraud and possession of a firearm by a felon, announced Dena J. King, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina. In addition, U.S. District Judge Martin Reidinger imposed a $2.77 million asset forfeiture judgement against Johnson.According to information contained in filed…
Press release
December 14, 2023
Employee of Cottonport Housing Authority Pleads Guilty to Theft of Federal Program Funds
ALEXANDRIA, La. - United States Attorney Brandon B. Brown announced that Lisa G. Cooper, 55, of Cottonport, Louisiana, has pleaded guilty to federal program theft. The hearing was held today before United States District Judge Dee D. Drell.
According to evidence presented to the court, Cooper was employed by, and an agent of, the Cottonport Housing Authority (“CHA”), which is a local government agency that provides…
Press release
August 04, 2022
Employee of Cottonport Housing Authority Pleads Guilty to Theft of Federal Program Funds
ALEXANDRIA, La. - United States Attorney Brandon B. Brown announced that Lisa G. Cooper, 55, of Cottonport, Louisiana, has pleaded guilty to federal program theft. The hearing was held today before United States District Judge Dee D. Drell.
According to evidence presented to the court, Cooper was employed by, and an agent of, the Cottonport Housing Authority (“CHA”), which is a local government agency that provides…
Press release
August 04, 2022