The Bucks County Housing Authority, Doylestown, PA, Did Not Always Ensure That Its Program Units Met Housing Quality Standards
We audited the Bucks County Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher program because the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) authorized it more than $15 million per year in fiscal years 2012 to 2014 and we had not audited its housing quality standards inspection program. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority ensured that its Housing Choice Voucher program units met HUD’s housing quality standards…
May 05, 2015
Final Civil Action Court Ordered a Former Executive Director of the Philadelphia Housing Authority To Pay Civil Penalties for Violating Federal Lobbying Disclosure Requirements and Restrictions
We conducted a review of the Philadelphia Housing Authority’s compliance with Federal lobbying disclosure requirements and restrictions. We found that the Authority engaged in the prohibited practice of using Federal funds for lobbying and a former executive director certified to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that it did not do so. In addition, the former executive director falsely certified to HUD that…
February 18, 2015
Final Civil Action Borrower Settled Alleged Violations of Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Program
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of its Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) program and found that contrary to program residency requirements, 37 borrowers were not living in the property associated with the loan and were renting the property to participants in HUD’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program. Renting the properties to Section 8 program participants violated program…
January 29, 2015
The County of Beaver, Beaver Falls, PA, Did Not Always Administer Its HOME Program in Accordance With Applicable HUD and Federal Requirements
We audited the County of Beaver, Beaver Falls, PA’s administration of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds. We audited the County because we received a complaint alleging misuse of Federal funds resulting from a potential conflict of interest involving a County employee. Our audit objective was to determine whether the County administered its HOME program in…
January 29, 2015
The Housing Authority of the County of Lackawanna, Dunmore, PA, Needs To Improve Its Housing Quality Standards Inspections and Properly Abate Housing Assistance Payments as Required
We audited the Housing Authority of the County of Lackawanna’s Housing Choice Voucher program because we received an anonymous complaint alleging incompetent leadership and poor quality of life at the Authority. This is the second of two audit reports on the Authority. Our objectives in this audit were to determine whether the Authority ensured that its Housing Choice Voucher program units met U.S. Department of Housing and Urban…
July 01, 2014
Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton, PA, Generally Administered Its Supportive Housing and HOME Program Funds for St. Hedwig’s Veterans Village in Accordance With Applicable Requirements
We audited the Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton’s (grantee) use of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Supportive Housing and HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds used for the renovation of St. Hedwig’s Veterans Village. We audited the grantee because we received a complaint alleging misuse of HUD funds and a potential conflict of interest involving the construction management company.…
May 23, 2014
Review of the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, PA's Compliance With Federal Lobbying Disclosure Requirements and Restrictions
We conducted a review of the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh’s compliance with Federal lobbying disclosure requirements and restrictions based on concerns noted during our ongoing internal audit of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of public housing authorities’ compliance with Federal lobbying disclosure requirements. Our review objective was to determine whether the Authority complied…
May 02, 2014
The County of Northumberland, Sunbury, PA, Did Not Administer Its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program Grant According to Recovery Act Requirements
We audited the County of Northumberland, PA’s Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program grant because the chairman of the Northumberland County board of commissioners requested that we audit the program. Our objective was to determine whether the County administered its program grant in accordance with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act requirements.
The County did not administer its program according to Recovery Act…
April 30, 2014
The Housing Authority of the County of Lackawanna, Dunmore, PA, Needs To Improve Its Controls Over Its Operations To Comply With HUD Requirements
We audited the Housing Authority of the County of Lackawanna, PA, because we received an anonymous complaint alleging incompetent leadership, nepotism, misuse of funds, and poor quality of life at the Authority. Our objectives were to determine whether the allegations in the complaint had merit and whether the Authority had effective controls to prevent conflicts of interest, ensure that interfund accounts were settled in a timely manner…
February 27, 2014
The State of Mississippi Did Not Ensure That Its Subrecipient and Appraisers Complied With Requirements, and It Did Not Fully Implement Adequate Procedures For Its Disaster Infrastructure Program
We audited the State of Mississippi’s Community Development Block Grant Hurricane Disaster Recovery Program. The Gulf Coast Regional Infrastructure Program was selected for audit based upon a congressional request, and it was also included in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General’s (HUD OIG) annual audit plan. Our main objectives were to determine whether the State ensured that (1)…
December 29, 2013
Review of the Administration of HUD Funds by Brownsville Apartments, Brownsville, PA
We conducted a review of Brownsville Apartments based on a referral from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Departmental Enforcement Center and the Pittsburgh Office of Multifamily Housing due to concerns that project funds were used inappropriately for purposes other than the operation of the project. This concern was due largely to the owner’s lengthy history of being uncooperative with HUD. Our objective…
July 22, 2013
The Blair County Housing Authority Generally Followed HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Program Regulations
We audited the Blair County Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher program due to a citizen’s complaint alleging that the Authority (1) did not properly calculate housing assistance payments, (2) did not allow tenants to receive disability allowances, and (3) used outdated utility allowance schedules. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority accurately calculated housing assistance payments, disability allowances and…
June 27, 2013
Philadelphia Housing Authority - Federal Lobbying Disclosure Requirements and Restrictions
We conducted a review of the Philadelphia Housing Authority’s compliance with Federal lobbying disclosure requirements and restrictions based on concerns noted during our ongoing internal audit of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of public housing authorities’ compliance with Federal lobbying disclosure requirements and during the resolution of recommendations from our prior audit report concerning the…
April 26, 2013
Review of the Circumstances Concerning the Abrupt Departure of the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Housing Authority, Philadelphia, PA, and the Potential Improper Use of HUD Funds
We conducted a limited scope review of the Philadelphia Housing Authority based on questions surrounding the abrupt departure of the Authority’s executive director in June 2012. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority’s executive director improperly used U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds by providing improper gifts or unsupported promotions to a senior staff member with whom he had an improper…
January 09, 2013
Luzerne County, PA, Did Not Properly Evaluate, Underwrite, and Monitor a High-Risk Loan
We audited Luzerne County, PA’s $6 million loan of Community Development Block Grant funds to CityVest that was expected to be used to revitalize the historic Hotel Sterling and surrounding properties. We did the audit because HUD Office of Inspector General audit report 2012-PH-0001 identified this long standing open Block Grant activity and because we received a citizen complaint alleging possible misappropriation of these funds. Our…
October 31, 2012
The Allegheny County Housing Authority, Pittsburgh, PA, Needs To Improve Its Inspections To Ensure That All Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Units Meet Housing Quality Standards
We audited the Allegheny County Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher program because (1) the Authority received more than $27.3 million in Housing Choice Voucher funding in fiscal year 2011, (2) an article in the October 22, 2011, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette described housing quality standards problems with a housing unit participating in the Authority’s program, and (3) we had never audited the Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher program. The…
September 21, 2012
The City of Philadelphia, PA, Generally Administered Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 Grant in Accordance With Applicable Requirements
We audited the City of Philadelphia, PA’s administration of its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 grant that it received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 as part of our fiscal year 2012 audit plan. Our objective was to determine whether the grantee administered the grant in accordance with Recovery Act and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. We found that the grantee generally…
June 21, 2012
Four Freedoms House of Philadelphia, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, Generally Managed Its Section 202 Housing Project in Accordance With Applicable Requirements
We audited Four Freedoms House of Philadelphia, Inc.’s management of its Section 202 housing project. We selected Four Freedoms for an audit because we received a complaint alleging that it mismanaged its Section 202 housing project. Our audit objective was to determine whether Four Freedoms managed its Section 202 housing project according to the requirements of its regulatory agreement and applicable HUD requirements. We focused the audit…
March 14, 2012
Ally Financial, Incorporated Foreclosure and Claims Process Review Fort Washington, PA
As part of the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) nationwide effort to review the foreclosure practices of the five largest Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage servicers (Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank, CitiMortgage, JP Morgan Chase, and Ally Financial, Incorporated) we reviewed Ally Financial, Incorporated’s foreclosure and claims processes. In addition to this memorandum, OIG issued separate memorandums for each of the other…
March 12, 2012
Luzerne County, PA, Generally Administered Its Community Development Block Grant Recovery Act Funds According to Applicable Requirements
We audited Luzerne County, PA's administration of its Community Development Block Grant funds that it received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. We selected the County for an audit because we received a complaint alleging that the County may have misappropriated Block Grant funds and because of our mandate to audit Recovery Act activities. Our audit objective was to determine whether the County obligated, expended…
January 12, 2012