HUD’s Monitoring of the Vieques Sports City Complex’s Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program
We reviewed HUD’s San Juan, PR, Office of Community Planning and Development’s monitoring of the Vieques, PR, Sports City Complex project. The review was performed based on indicators identified in the audit of the Vieques Sports City Complex, Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs’ (OCMA) Puerto Rico State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Section 108 Loan Guarantee program. More than 11 years had elapsed since HUD…
September 18, 2014
The Municipality of Carolina Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
We audited the Municipality of Carolina’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program as part of our strategic plan, based on the amount of HOME funds approved. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether HOME-funded activities met program objectives, home buyers complied with HOME’s primary residency requirement for the duration of the period of affordability, and the Municipality maintained a financial management system in compliance…
August 08, 2014
Summit Bradford Apartments, Tulsa, OK, Did Not Comply With the Requirements of Its Housing Assistance Payments Contract
We audited the Section 8 program administered by Summit Bradford Apartments in Tulsa, OK. We selected Bradford because we were informed that its management agent may have received Section 8 subsidies for vacant units. Our objective was to determine whether Summit Bradford Apartments, LP, the owner, and Summit Housing Partners, LLC, the management agent, administered Bradford’s Section 8 program in compliance with its housing…
April 09, 2014
Vieques Sports City Complex, Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs, San Juan, PR, Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program
We audited the Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs’ (OCMA) Puerto Rico State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Section 108 Loan Guarantee program as part of our strategic plan, based on concerns regarding the slow progress of the Vieques sports complex project. The objective of this audit was to determine whether OCMA used Section 108 loan proceeds on a project that met a national objective of the CDBG program and…
March 20, 2014
The Municipality of Arecibo Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
We audited the Municipality of Arecibo’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program as part of our strategic plan based on the results of a recent audit of the Municipality’s Community Development Block Grant program. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether dwelling units acquired under the home-ownership program complied with the HUD’s housing standards and affordability requirements, whether the Municipality disbursed HOME funds…
December 02, 2013
The Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority Did Not Always Comply With HOME Requirements
We audited the Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program as part of our strategic plan based on the large amount of HOME funds approved. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the Authority reported accurate and supported information in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Integrated Disbursement and Information System and disbursed HOME funds within HUD-established…
July 23, 2013
Final Civil Action: Heartland Health Care Center of Bethany Owners Settled Alleged Violations of Equity Skimming
The civil division of the Western District of Oklahoma U.S. Attorney’s Office settled alleged violations of equity skimming against the owners of Heartland Health Care Center of Bethany. The equity skimming allegations stemmed from our December 2004 audit report outlining the misuse of funds. As a result of the combined efforts of the U.S. Attorney’s office; the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector…
March 28, 2013
The Municipality of Arecibo, PR, Did Not Always Ensure Compliance With Community Development Block Grant Program Requirements
As part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) annual plan and based on the large amount of funds approved, we audited the Municipality of Arecibo’s Community Development Block Grant program. Our main objective was to determine whether the Municipality complied with HUD regulations, procedures, and instructions related to the administration of its Block Grant program.
March 22, 2013
The Cherokee Nation Generally Administered Its Recovery Act Funds According to Requirements
We audited the Cherokee Nation in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s goal to review funds provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Our objective was to determine whether the Nation complied with Recovery Act requirements for procuring, expending, and reporting its formula Native American Housing Block Grant funds received under the Recovery Act.
March 12, 2013
The Cherokee Nation Generally Administered Its Recovery Act Funds According to Requirements
We audited the Cherokee Nation in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s goal to review funds provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Our objective was to determine whether the Nation complied with Recovery Act requirements for procuring, expending, and reporting its formula Native American Housing Block Grant funds received under the Recovery…
March 12, 2013
The Municipality of Ponce, PR, Did Not Always Ensure Compliance With HOME Investment Partnerships Program Requirements
We audited the Municipality of Ponce’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program. We selected the Municipality for review as part of our strategic plan based on the large amount of HOME funds approved. Our objectives were to determine whether the Municipality maintained its financial management system in compliance with HUD requirements and met HOME program objectives.
The Municipality’s financial management system (1) did not properly identify the…
November 29, 2012
Final Civil Action: Bartlesville Health Care Center, Inc., Owners and Lender Settled Alleged Violations of the False Claims Act
Based on a request by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) multifamily housing Kansas City hub office, we started an audit of three related nursing facilities on August 2008:
• Bartlesville Health Care Center, Inc., doing business as Silver Lake Care Center;
• Mannford Health Care Center, Inc., doing business as Cimarron Pointe Care Center; and
• Owasso Nursing Center, Inc., doing business as…
August 24, 2012
The Municipality of Bayamón, PR, Did Not Always Ensure Compliance With HOME Investment Partnerships Program Requirements
We audited the Municipality of Bayamón’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program. We selected the Municipality for review as part of our strategic plan based on the large amount of HOME funds approved. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the Municipality maintained its financial management system in compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements and met HOME program objectives.
May 23, 2012
Corrective Action Verification, City of Tulsa – Community Development Block Grant Land Use and Program Income Audit Report 2008-FW-1012
The Director of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Oklahoma City Office of Community Planning and Development requested that we perform a corrective action verification of recommendation 1B in audit report 2008-FW-1012, The City of Tulsa, OK, Allowed Its Largest Subrecipient To Expend $1.5 Million in Unsupported CDBG Funding. We expanded the review to include recommendation 1C. The purpose of the review was to…
April 10, 2012
The Municipality of San Juan Generally Complied With Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program Requirements
We audited the Municipality of San Juan Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program. The audit was in accordance with our audit plan to review funds provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. We selected the Municipality based on the large amount of Program funds approved. Our objective was to determine whether the Municipality ensured that its Program complied with Recovery Act and U. S. Department of Housing…
October 24, 2011
The Municipality of San Juan Did Not Properly Manage Its HOME Investment Partnerships Program
We audited the Municipality of San Juan’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). We selected the Municipality for review as part of our strategic plan based on the large amount of HOME funds approved. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the Municipality met HOME program objectives and its financial management system complied with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements.
The Municipality…
September 28, 2011
The Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs Did Not Always Ensure Compliance With Block Grant Recovery Act Program Requirements
We audited the Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs’ (OCAM) State Community Development Block Grant (Block Grant) funds that it received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). We selected OCAM for review as part of our strategic plan, based on the amount of Block Grant Recovery Act funds allocated. The objectives of this audit were to determine whether OCAM (1) disbursed Block Grant Recovery Act…
July 08, 2011
The City of Tulsa, OK, Mismanaged Its Recovery Act Funding
In accordance with our goal to review funds provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) and based on the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) concerns about the capacity of the City of Tulsa’s (City) subrecipient, we audited the City’s Community Development Block Grant Recovery (CDBG-R) program. Our objective was to determine whether the City complied with HUD’s CDBG-R obligation,…
June 16, 2011
Midland Mortgage Company, Oklahoma City, OK, Generally Complied With FHA-HAMP Rules and Regulations
We performed a limited review of Midland Mortgage Company (Midland) as a result of our internal audit of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) – Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). Our objective was to determine whether Midland followed U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rules and regulations when processing defaulted loans for the FHA-HAMP loss mitigation option.
Overall, Midland complied with FHA-HAMP rules…
April 08, 2011
The Municipality of Mayaguez Did Not Ensure Compliance With HOME Program Objectives
We audited the Municipality of Mayaguez (Municipality) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). We selected the Municipality for review as part of our strategic plan, based on the amount of HOME funds approved. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the Municipality met program objectives in its HOME-funded activities and maintained its financial management system in compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban…
April 08, 2011