The Texas General Land Office, Austin, TX, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Hurricane Harvey Disaster Grants
We reviewed the Texas General Land Office in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General’s (HUD OIG) goal to review disaster funding and based on a congressional request for HUD OIG to conduct capacity reviews for Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria grantees. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the State of Texas had the capacity to follow Federal procurement regulations when…
May 07, 2018
Villa Main Apartments, Port Arthur, TX, Subsidized Nonexistent Tenants, Unsupported Tenants, and Uninspected Units
We audited the multifamily Section 8 project-based rental assistance (PBRA) program at the Villa Main Apartments. We selected Villa Main in accordance with the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) goal to review the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) multifamily housing programs and because the OIG Office of Investigation conducted an investigation and suggested that the complex might not have had appropriate controls…
January 30, 2018
Yabucoa Housing Project, Yabucoa Volunteers of America Elderly Housing, Inc., Yabucoa, PR, Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program
We audited the Yabucoa Volunteers of America Elderly Housing, Inc., Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program. We selected the Yabucoa housing project for review based on concerns regarding the slow progress of the project as noted during the audit of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing multifamily special escrow funds. The objective of this audit was to determine whether Volunteers used Section 202 funds in…
December 28, 2017
The Municipality of San Juan, PR, Did Not Always Administer Its Emergency Solutions Grants Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the Municipality of San Juan’s Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program. We selected the Municipality for review as part of our strategic plan based on the large amount of ESG funds approved and because the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) classified the Municipality as a high-risk grantee in its 2016 risk assessment. Our main objective was to determine whether the Municipality administered its ESG…
December 28, 2017
San Sebastian Fine Arts Center, Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs, San Juan, PR, State Block Grant Program
We audited the Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs’ (OCMA) Puerto Rico State Community Development Block Grant program. We selected OCMA for review based on concerns regarding the slow progress of the Municipality of San Sebastian’s fine arts center. The objective of this audit was to determine whether OCMA effectively used State Block Grant funds on a fine arts center that met a national objective of the program and…
September 15, 2017
JPMorgan Chase Complied with the Market Rate Requirement for FHA Home Affordable Modification Program Stand-Alone Partial Claims
We audited JPMorgan Chase’s (Chase) Federal Housing Administration Home Affordable Modification Program (FHA-HAMP) stand-alone partial claims. We selected Chase for review based on our analysis of risk factors of loan servicers that filed FHA-HAMP stand-alone partial claims and in accordance with our annual audit plan. Our audit objective was to determine whether Chase complied with the FHA-HAMP stand-alone partial claim market rate…
September 15, 2017
The Fort Bend County Community Development Department, Richmond, TX, Did Not Always Comply With Office of Community Planning and Development Program Requirements
We audited the Fort Bend County Community Development Department based on our risk analysis and as part of our annual audit plan to review Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) funds. The audit objective was to determine whether the Department (1) properly carried out its activities as shown in its submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in an economical, efficient, and effective manner; (2)…
September 14, 2017
Final Civil Action: Financial Freedom, a Division of CIT Bank, N.A., Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With HUD’s Federal Housing Administration Servicing Requirements for HECM Claims
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), assisted the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Washington, DC, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida in a civil investigation of Financial Freedom Acquisition, a division of CIT Bank, N.A. Financial Freedom was originally owned by IndyMac Bank until its failure in 2008, when the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation…
August 21, 2017
Beverly Place Apartments Subsidized Nonexistent Tenants, Unqualified Tenants, and Tenants With Questionable Qualifications
We audited the multifamily project-based Section 8 program at the Beverly Place Apartments. We selected Beverly Place because we received a complaint of potential fraud, suggesting that the complex did not have appropriate controls to ensure tenant and unit eligibility. Our objective was to determine whether the owner administered its project-based Section 8 program in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development…
June 29, 2017
The Weslaco Housing Authority, Weslaco, TX, Paid Travel Costs That Did Not Comply With Federal, State, and Local Requirements
We audited the Weslaco Housing Authority, Weslaco, TX, because of issues noted in the Authority’s travel while reviewing its independent public accountant’s audited financial statements. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority complied with Federal, State, and local requirements for its travel payments.
The Authority paid its commissioners and employees for ineligible, unreasonable, unnecessary, and unsupported travel…
June 28, 2017
The Housing Authority of the City of Jasper, TX, Did Not Operate Its Public Housing Programs in Compliance With HUD’s Requirements
In coordination with our Office of Investigations, we audited the Housing Authority of the City of Jasper, TX, because we received a complaint. The complainant’s allegations included the executive director’s misuse of Authority vehicles and other issues. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority operated its Public Housing programs in compliance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD)…
April 26, 2017
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Did Not Properly Administer Its Multifamily Special Escrow Funds
We audited the Puerto Rico Department of Housing’s multifamily special escrow funds. This audit was the result of a referral from the San Juan Office of Multifamily Housing Programs. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the Department administered and disbursed its escrow funds in accordance with its memorandum of understanding with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and whether funded…
March 01, 2017
The Houston Housing Authority, Houston, TX, Needs To Improve Its Procurement and Financial Operations and Its Housing Choice Voucher Program Subsidy Determinations
The Houston Housing Authority, Houston, TX, Needs To Improve Its Procurement and Financial Operations and Its Housing Choice Voucher Program Subsidy Determinations
We audited the Houston Housing Authority’s public housing and Housing Choice Voucher programs. We selected the Authority for review in accordance with our audit plan and based upon risk analyses. Our objectives were to determine whether the Authority (1) followed U.S.…
December 26, 2016
Fort Worth Housing Solutions, Fort Worth, TX, Generally Complied With HUD Regulations In Its Transactions With Its Related Entity, QuadCo Management Solutions, LLC
Based on the results of a prior audit, we reviewed Fort Worth Housing Solutions (FWHS) and transactions with its related entity QuadCo Management Solutions, LLC (QuadCo) of Fort Worth, TX. Our objectives were to determine whether FWHS (1) properly managed its U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds, specifically whether it improperly loaned $1.6 million in HUD funds to QuadCo; (2) paid management fees within HUD’s…
December 20, 2016
Park View Care Center, Fort Worth, TX, Did Not Always Comply With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
We audited Park View Care Center’s owner based on a referral from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Departmental Enforcement Center. Our objective was to determine whether the property owner complied with the owner’s regulatory agreement and HUD requirements for the Section 232 program. Park View’s owner did not comply with all the terms of its regulatory agreement and HUD requirements. Specifically…
September 29, 2016
The Harris County Community Services Department Needs to Improve Procurement and Subrecipient Oversight in Its CDBG Program Activities
We audited the Harris County Community Services Department’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program based on our risk analysis and as part of our annual audit plan to review community planning and development funds. The audit objective was to determine whether the Department properly administered and adequately documented its CDBG program activities in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)…
September 27, 2016
Final Civil Action: The City of Malakoff Housing Authority’s Prior Executive Director Improperly Hired and Contracted With Family Members
We reviewed the Malakoff Housing Authority, Malakoff, TX. The review was part of a joint initiative between the HUD Office of Inspector General’s Office of Audit and Office of Investigation. We completed the review and referred the former executive director’s improper use of Authority funds by hiring and contracting with family members to HUD’s Office of Program Enforcement for action under the Program Civil Fraud Remedies Act of 1986.
On May…
September 13, 2016
Final Civil Action: The City of Brackettville Housing Authority's Prior Executive Director Improperly Used Authority Funds for Personal Expenses
We reviewed the City of Brackettville Housing Authority, Brackettville, TX. The review was part of a joint initiative between the HUD Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) Office of Audit and Office of Investigation. We completed the review and referred the former executive director’s improper use of Authority funds for personal expenses to HUD’s Office of Program Enforcement for action under the Program Civil Fraud Remedies Act of 1986.
September 06, 2016
The Municipality of Bayamon, PR, Did Not Always Ensure Compliance With HUD Program Requirements
We audited the Municipality of Bayamon’s Emergency Shelter Grants and Emergency Solutions Grants programs. We selected this auditee based on congressional and hotline complaints alleging that the Municipality improperly used Emergency funds to transport people from Puerto Rico to mainland U.S. cities to receive rehabilitation treatment. Our main audit objectives were to determine whether allegations included in the complaints had…
August 29, 2016
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Did Not Adequately Enforce HUD’s Housing Quality Standards
We audited the Puerto Rico Department of Housing’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program’s housing quality standards as part of the activities in our fiscal year 2014 audit plan. We selected the Department because it had a large program receiving more than $54 million in 2014. Our main audit objective was to determine whether the Department’s inspection process adequately ensured that its units complied with the U.S. Department…
March 14, 2016