Washington State Generally Complied With HOME Program Requirements; However, It Did Not Always Verify Project Accessibility or Report Accurate Matching Contributions
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited the Washington State Department of Commerce to determine whether it complied with the HOME Investment Partnership Program project eligibility, administrative cost, program income, accessibility, and match fund requirements. We selected the State because it received over $31 million in HOME grants from HUD in fiscal years 2009 through 2011 which…
May 09, 2012
Vancouver, WA, Housing Authority Did Not Always Manage or Report on Recovery Act Funds in Accordance With Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General audited the Vancouver Housing Authority to determine whether it was managing and reporting its three awarded Recovery Act Capital Fund grants in accordance with requirements. We selected the Authority because it was part of our annual audit plan, which includes reviewing funds provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The Authority did not…
December 20, 2011
The Bellingham Whatcom County Housing Authorities, Bellingham, WA, Generally Complied With American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Capital Fund Grant Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General audited the Bellingham Whatcom County Housing Authorities to determine whether expenditures for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Capital Fund Grants were appropriate, eligible, and adequately supported and whether related procurements were made in accordance with 24 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 85 and Recovery Act requirements. We selected…
October 14, 2011
Pierce Commercial Bank, Tacoma, WA, Did Not Properly Underwrite a Selection of FHA Loans
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Office of Inspector General (OIG) reviewed 46 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans that Pierce Commercial Bank underwrote as an FHA direct endorsement lender. Pierce was a supervised FHA direct endorsement lender located in Tacoma, WA. This case was referred to us by OIG’s Office of Investigation. Our review objective was to determine whether Pierce underwrote 46 loans in…
September 30, 2011
King County Housing Authority, Tukwila, WA, Generally Complied With Recovery Act Capital Fund Competition Grant Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General audited King County Housing Authority to determine whether its expenditures for three Recovery Act Capital Fund Competition Grants were appropriate, eligible, and adequately supported and whether related procurements were made in accordance with 24 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 85 and Recovery Act requirements. We selected the Authority because it…
July 20, 2011
Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Seattle, WA, Did not Always Disburse Its Tax Credit Assistance Program Funds in Accordance With Program Requirements
The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General, audited the Washington State Housing Finance Commission (the Commission) to determine whether the Commission established eligible grant projects, reported tax credit assistance program (TCAP) information into Recovery.gov accurately and completely, and paid eligible TCAP expenditures in accordance with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 requirements…
January 18, 2011
Washington State Did Not Disburse Its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Funds in Accordance With Program Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of the Inspector General, audited the Washington State Department of Commerce (State). Our audit objective was to determine whether the State disbursed Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) grant in accordance with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 requirements. The State paid for HPRP services for ineligible participants and participants whose…
August 31, 2010
Seattle Housing Authority’s Capacity To Administer Recovery Act Funding Under the Capital Fund Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Inspector General conducted a capacity review of Seattle Housing Authority’s (Authority) capital fund to determine whether there was evidence that the Authority lacked the capacity to adequately administer its Recovery Act funding in accordance with requirements. Our review of the Authority was limited to gaining an understanding of internal controls over the…
April 21, 2010
The State of Washington Did Not Always Allocate Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program Funds Based on Greatest Need
We audited the State of Washington’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The audit was part of our fiscal year 2009 annual audit plan. We selected the State because it was responsible for the distribution of funds to the entitlement areas, as well as to nonentitlement areas for the state of Washington. Our objective was to determine whether the State’s Program implementation was compliant with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development…
September 15, 2009
Bank of America, Seattle, Washington, Needs to Improve Its Compliance with HUD Requirements
We reviewed Bank of America's (servicer) home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) servicing division located in Seattle, Washington. Bank of America is one of the largest lenders of HECM mortgages for properties located in the five southwest states in the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Region VI jurisdiction. Our objective was to determine whether the servicer complied with HUD regulations, specifically,…
July 29, 2009
Eagle Home Mortgage, Kirkland, Washington, Did Not Always Comply with HUD Guidelines When Underwriting Federal Housing Administration-Insured Loans
We audited single-family loan originations at Eagle Home Mortgage (Eagle Mortgage), located in Kirkland, Washington, to determine whether it originated Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loans in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. Eagle Mortgage did not always originate FHA insured loans in accordance with HUD requirements. Specifically, Eagle Mortgage did not follow HUD's…
July 20, 2009
The John C. Cannon Retirement and Assisted Living Residence, Seattle, Washington, Violated Its Regulatory Agreement
At the request of the Region X Multifamily Hub, we audited the John C Cannon Retirement and Assisted Living Residence (project) to determine if the project owner used project funds in accordance with the regulatory agreement. We found that the project owner failed to get HUD approval for leases costing $189,000, used project funds to obtain unneeded equipment costing $10,700, and failed to keep adequate documentation to support expenditures…
April 15, 2009
Actions Under Program Civil Remedies Act, Washington Mutual Bank, Seattle, Washington
We audited late endorsement payment histories at Washington Mutual Bank (Washington Mutual), Seattle, Washington. We reported the results of our review in Audit Report 2005-SE-1006, issued on July 5, 2005. After the audit report was issued and the report recommendations were closed out in HUD’s Audit Resolution and Corrective Actions Tracking System (ARCATS), we recommended that HUD’s Office of General Counsel take additional sanctions against…
November 16, 2008
First National Bank, Gillette, Wyoming, Did Not Follow HUD Requirements in Originating and Underwriting Insured Loans and Did Not Have a Quality Control Plan
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Inspector General audited First National Bank of Gillette, Wyoming, a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-approved direct endorsement lender, to determine whether it properly processed insured loans and to determine whether its quality control plan met the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) requirements. First National Bank did not follow HUD…
September 24, 2008
The Richland Housing Authority, Richland, Washington, Did Not Adequately Account for Housing Choice Voucher Funds
At HUD's request, we audited the Housing Choice Voucher program of the Richland Housing Authority (Authority). HUD was concerned about the results of an audit of the Authority performed by the Washington State Auditor's Office. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority made ineligible purchases with program funds. We found that the Authority did not track its program expenses. Also, it charged more than $57,000 in…
July 07, 2008
Renton Housing Authority, Renton, Washington, Overpaid Rental Assistance And Did Not Have Sufficient Controls Over Rent Reasonableness
We audited Renton Housing Authority (Authority), Renton, Washington. The review was initiated due to a hotline complaint from a Housing Choice Voucher program recipient. The complainant stated that the contract rent was unreasonable because it exceeded the rent for comparable unassisted units on the premises. The audit objective was to determine whether the complaint was valid. We also wanted to determine whether the Authority had controls in…
June 03, 2008
A Plus Mortgage Inc., Tukwila, WA, Overcharged Borrowers and Allowed Independent Contractors and Unapproved Branches to Originate Loans
We audited A Plus Mortgage, Inc. (A Plus), to determine whether (1) the fees charged to Federal Housing Administration (FHA) borrowers by A Plus were appropriate under U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), FHA, and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) regulations and (2) the loan officers originating FHA-insured loans were employees of A Plus.
A Plus disregarded HUD FHA requirements and provisions of RESPA and engaged…
May 07, 2008
The Tacoma Consortium, Tacoma, Washington, Did Not Properly Administered Its HOME Investment Partnerships Program Grants
We audited the Tacoma Consortium HOME Investment Partnerships Program as a result of a risk assessment performed by HUD-OIG Region IX. Our objective was to determine whether the Consortium complied with HOME requirements, laws, and regulations with respect to the homeowner rehabilitation program and HUD procurement regulations. The Consortium generally administered HOME in accordance with HUD requirements but violated HOME regulations when it…
September 30, 2007
Cheyenne Housing Authority in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Improperly Awarded Its Administration and Management Contract
HUD-OIG reviewed the Cheyenne Housing Authority's (Authority) administration and management contract with Housing Operations and Management, Incorporated (contractor), to determine whether the Authority awarded the contract in accordance with federal procurement requirements.
The Authority did not follow federal procurement requirements and its own procurement policy when it awarded its administration and management contract to the contractor.…
March 04, 2007
The Lusk Housing Authority in Lusk, Wyoming, Improperly Awarded Its Administration and Management Contract
February 26, 2007