The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
Complete, within 30 days of the issuance of this audit report, the review for preventing duplication of benefits associated with its 2008 CDBG-DR grant and pursue appropriate remedies for any instances of noncompliance found.
Open Recommendation
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
Review and update its procurement policy for the 2017 CDBG-DR grant to address weaknesses identified, including but not limited to required contract clauses, processes for soliciting and accepting noncompetitive proposals, and performing cost or price analyses before receiving bids or quotations, Read More
Open Recommendation
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
Ensure that the 2017 CDBG-DR procurement policy addresses the establishment of a contract register that, at a minimum, contains the procurement information specified in section 3.8 of HUD’s Buying Right Guide regarding the PRDOH’s acquisitions of goods and services, as well as of its subrecipients Read More
Open Recommendation
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
Establish procurement policies and procedures for the 2008 CDBG-DR grant to ensure compliance with 2 CFR 200.318-326, including but not limited to procedures to ensure full and open competition, supporting independent cost estimates, properly documenting the procurement history, and including Read More
Open Recommendation
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
Continue to fill its vacancies with qualified and trained staff, thus ensuring that staffing levels remain adequate to administer the 2017 and 2008 CDBG-DR grant funds.
Open Recommendation
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
Structure the internal audit division within a framework that can ensure its organizational independence and allow the internal audit activity to fulfill its responsibilities.
Open Recommendation
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
Provide additional training and technical assistance to the PRDOH on the development of policies and procedures to ensure that procedures comply with applicable Federal and grant requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
Submit supporting documentation showing that contracts and purchase orders complied with Federal and its own procurement requirements and that these were reasonable and necessary costs or reimburse the CDBG-DR program $55,010 from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
Submit supporting documentation showing that contracts and purchase orders complied with Federal and its own procurement requirements and that these were reasonable and necessary costs or cancel the $361,501 in unpaid obligations related to CDBG-DR funds.
Open Recommendation
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, PR, Should Strengthen Its Capacity To Administer Its Disaster Grants
Revise and finalize the procurement procedures to ensure compliance with applicable Federal requirements, including but not limited to procedures to ensure full and open competition, supporting independent cost estimates, properly documenting the procurement history, and including required clauses Read More
Open Recommendation
Puerto Rico Public Housing Administration, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Require the PRPHA to submit all supporting documentation and determine the accuracy of the $4,230,646 owed by PBA and its public housing management agents. Any amounts determined ineligible must be reimbursed to the ACC projects, from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
Quicken Loans, Inc., Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With HUD's Federal Housing Administration Loan Requirements
Acknowledge that $32,500,000 in the attached settlement agreement represents an amount due HUD, less DOJ’s civil debt collection fees.
Open Recommendation
REAC Could Improve Its Inspections Processes and Controls
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for REAC require REAC to develop and implement written policies and procedures requiring REAC to (1) select a sample of inspector candidates, (2) require the sampled inspector candidates to provide written documentation supporting their minimum Read More
Open Recommendation
REAC Could Improve Its Inspections Processes and Controls
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for REAC require REAC to ensure that the nine contract inspectors, who did not meet the minimum requirements to begin the training, receive specialized training in residential or commercial building for electrical; heating, ventilation, and air Read More
Open Recommendation
REAC Could Improve Its Inspections Processes and Controls
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for REAC require REAC to develop, use, and document an electronic checklist for each contract inspector’s file to ensure that inspectors (1) obtain and maintain the required insurance, and (2) have approved background checks before conducting Read More
Open Recommendation
REAC Could Improve Its Inspections Processes and Controls
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for REAC require REAC to execute administrative action related to outside standards determinations for five inspectors.
Open Recommendation
REAC Could Improve Its Inspections Processes and Controls
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for REAC require REAC to develop and implement processes and procedures, in accordance with its system security plan and the HUD Handbook, Information Technology Security Policy, to ensure that annual assessments and continuous monitoring of the Read More
Open Recommendation
REAC Could Improve Its Inspections Processes and Controls
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for REAC require REAC to establish and implement written processes and procedures to verify the accuracy of the unit numbers sampled and entered for inspection by the inspector, which could include requiring (1) inspectors to upload a picture of the Read More
Open Recommendation
The Red Bank Housing Authority, Red Bank, NJ Did Not Always Administer Its Operating and Capital Funds In Accordance With Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark Office of Public Housing require the Authority to provide documentation to show that the $252,000 paid to the Long Branch Housing Authority was for eligible, reasonable, necessary, and allocable costs or reimburse its Operating and Capital Fund Read More
Open Recommendation
The Red Bank Housing Authority, Red Bank, NJ Did Not Always Administer Its Operating and Capital Funds In Accordance With Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark Office of Public Housing require the Authority to update its policies and procedures to ensure that any additional payments made under interagency agreements are adequately supported before payment is made and that the services are provided in Read More
Open Recommendation