Union County, NJ'S HOME Investment Partnerships Program Was Not Always Administered in Compliance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to reimburse the $536,507 in program income to the County’s HOME program local bank account and record the income in IDIS.
Open Recommendation
Union County, NJ'S HOME Investment Partnerships Program Was Not Always Administered in Compliance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to reconcile the County’s carryover balance of HOME match as of September 30, 2015, for the ineligible HOME match contributions and the understated HOME match contributions.
Open Recommendation
Union County, NJ'S HOME Investment Partnerships Program Was Not Always Administered in Compliance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to disburse the $92,557 to pay eligible HOME costs before making additional drawdowns from LOCCS.
Open Recommendation
Union County, NJ'S HOME Investment Partnerships Program Was Not Always Administered in Compliance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to strengthen the County’s financial controls over reconciling bank records to ensure that HOME funds in the local bank account are spent before drawdowns are made from LOCCS.
Open Recommendation
Union County, NJ'S HOME Investment Partnerships Program Was Not Always Administered in Compliance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to provide documentation, such as pay stubs and leases, to support compliance with HOME program rent limit and income eligibility requirements for the six tenants who occupied Read More
Open Recommendation
Union County, NJ'S HOME Investment Partnerships Program Was Not Always Administered in Compliance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to provide documents, such as pay stubs and bank statements, to support the eligibility of the two home buyers. If documentation cannot be provided, reimburse $260,736 from Read More
Open Recommendation
Union County, NJ'S HOME Investment Partnerships Program Was Not Always Administered in Compliance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to strengthen the County’s administrative controls to ensure that County staff adequately monitors its subgrantee for compliance with HOME program requirements and provide Read More
Open Recommendation
United Shore Financial Services, LLC, Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With HUD's Federal Housing Administration Loan Requirements
Acknowledge that $45 million in the attached settlement agreement represents an amount due HUD, less the Department of Justice’s civil debt collection fees.
Open Recommendation
Universal American Mortgage Company, LLC, Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With HUD's Federal Housing Administration Loan Requirements
Acknowledge that $6,076,741 of the $13,200,000 in the attached settlement agreement represents an amount due HUD, less DOJ’s civil debt collection fees.
Open Recommendation
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Did Not Always Prevent Program Participants From Receiving Multiple Subsidies
Require public housing agencies to run the Enterprise Income Verification existing tenant search during the admission process and retain the results in the tenant file, which would avoid unnecessary costs to HUD’s subsidy programs, allowing an estimated $935,283 to be put to better use.
Open Recommendation
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Did Not Always Prevent Program Participants From Receiving Multiple Subsidies
Require public housing agencies to report the program admission date to any multifamily property listed on the Enterprise Income Verification existing tenant search during the admission process.
Open Recommendation
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Did Not Always Prevent Program Participants From Receiving Multiple Subsidies
Require public housing agencies to maintain support for any communication with a multifamily property listed on the Enterprise Income Verification existing tenant search.
Open Recommendation
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Did Not Always Prevent Program Participants From Receiving Multiple Subsidies
Require HUD staff to review Enterprise Income Verification reports from the last 12-month period during onsite housing agency reviews to ensure that any multiple subsidies have been resolved.
Open Recommendation
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Did Not Always Prevent Program Participants From Receiving Multiple Subsidies
Implement recommendations 1A through 1D to ensure that $2.24 million in housing assistance funds will be put to better use.
Open Recommendation
Venta Financial Group, Inc., Las Vegas, NV, Improperly Originated FHA-Insured Loans With Restrictive Covenants
Work with HUD to nullify the restrictions on conveyance that violate HUD policy or indemnify HUD. This action will protect HUD against future losses of $418,277 for the eight loans.
Open Recommendation
Venta Financial Group, Inc., Las Vegas, NV, Improperly Originated FHA-Insured Loans With Restrictive Covenants
Repay HUD $5,482 for partial claims paid on two FHA loans that contained prohibited restrictive covenants.
Open Recommendation
Venta Financial Group, Inc., Las Vegas, NV, Improperly Originated FHA-Insured Loans With Restrictive Covenants
Develop and implement policies and procedures to identify prohibited restrictions on conveyance to ensure that it does not originate FHA loans with prohibited restrictive covenants.
Open Recommendation
Venta Financial Group, Inc., Las Vegas, NV, Improperly Originated FHA-Insured Loans With Restrictive Covenants
Provide training to its employees regarding HUD’s requirements related to prohibited restrictions on conveyance.
Open Recommendation
Venta Financial Group, Inc., Las Vegas, NV, Improperly Originated FHA-Insured Loans With Restrictive Covenants
Determine legal sufficiency and if legally sufficient, pursue civil and administrative remedies, civil money penalties, or both against Venta, its principals, or both for incorrectly certifying to the eligibility for FHA mortgage insurance or that due diligence was exercised during the origination Read More
Open Recommendation
Vieques Sports City Complex, Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs, San Juan, PR, Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program
Provide all supporting documentation associated with the $10,838,880 (Footnote 13) Total disbursements of $10,876,095 were adjusted to consider $37,215 questioned in recommendation 1D. in State CDBG, Section 108, and program income proceeds disbursed for the development of the sports complex, if Read More
Open Recommendation