The Benkelman Housing Authority, Benkelman, NE, Did Not Follow HUD Rules and Regulations for Public Housing Programs Related to Procurement and Maintenance, Tenant Certifications, Laundry Machine Income, and Expenditures
Work with the Authority to develop a plan to ensure that a third party reviews the initial tenant certifications and annual recertifications with an actual or potential conflict of interest.
Open Recommendation
The Benkelman Housing Authority, Benkelman, NE, Did Not Follow HUD Rules and Regulations for Public Housing Programs Related to Procurement and Maintenance, Tenant Certifications, Laundry Machine Income, and Expenditures
Ensure that the Authority’s board of commissioners and staff receive HUD-approved training on conflicts of interest.
Open Recommendation
The Benkelman Housing Authority, Benkelman, NE, Did Not Follow HUD Rules and Regulations for Public Housing Programs Related to Procurement and Maintenance, Tenant Certifications, Laundry Machine Income, and Expenditures
Monitor the Authority to ensure that initial tenant certifications and annual recertifications with an actual or potential conflict of interest are appropriately handled.
Open Recommendation
The Benkelman Housing Authority, Benkelman, NE, Did Not Follow HUD Rules and Regulations for Public Housing Programs Related to Procurement and Maintenance, Tenant Certifications, Laundry Machine Income, and Expenditures
Require the Authority to develop and implement detailed policies and procedures to address collections, tracking, and use of its laundry machine revenue.
Open Recommendation
The Benkelman Housing Authority, Benkelman, NE, Did Not Follow HUD Rules and Regulations for Public Housing Programs Related to Procurement and Maintenance, Tenant Certifications, Laundry Machine Income, and Expenditures
Require the Authority to determine how much laundry machine revenue was not deposited into its accounts and used for eligible purposes and reimburse its program from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Benkelman Housing Authority, Benkelman, NE, Did Not Follow HUD Rules and Regulations for Public Housing Programs Related to Procurement and Maintenance, Tenant Certifications, Laundry Machine Income, and Expenditures
Monitor the Authority to ensure compliance with its new laundry machine revenue policies.
Open Recommendation
Beverly Place Apartments, Groves, TX Subsidized Nonexistent Tenants, Unqualified Tenants, and Tenants With Questionable Qualifications
We recommend that the Southwest Region Director of Multifamily Housing require Beverly Place’s owner to repay HUD $574,930 for subsidized units that were not occupied by qualified tenants. Repayment must be from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
Beverly Place Apartments, Groves, TX Subsidized Nonexistent Tenants, Unqualified Tenants, and Tenants With Questionable Qualifications
We recommend that the Southwest Region Director of Multifamily Housing require Beverly Place’s owner to provide support to show that the subsidies for 11 tenants with falsified income were accurate or repay HUD $150,082 for those subsidies. Repayment must be from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
Beverly Place Apartments, Groves, TX Subsidized Nonexistent Tenants, Unqualified Tenants, and Tenants With Questionable Qualifications
We recommend that the Southwest Region Director of Multifamily Housing require Beverly Place’s owner to provide support to show that the subsidies for 18 tenants without files or without adequate income documentation in their files were accurate or repay HUD $77,621 for those subsidies. Repayment Read More
Open Recommendation
Beverly Place Apartments, Groves, TX Subsidized Nonexistent Tenants, Unqualified Tenants, and Tenants With Questionable Qualifications
We further recommend that the Southwest Region Director of Multifamily Housing require its contract administrator for Beverly Place to verify that the owner’s recently implemented quality control program is working as designed.
Open Recommendation
Beverly Place Apartments, Groves, TX Subsidized Nonexistent Tenants, Unqualified Tenants, and Tenants With Questionable Qualifications
We further recommend that the Southwest Region Director of Multifamily Housing ensure that the project-based contract administrator’s review process includes steps to obtain reasonable assurance that tenants being reported as subsidized at Beverly Place live in the subsidized units.
Open Recommendation
BLM Companies LLC Failed To Ensure That It Protected and Preserved HUD Properties Under Its Field Service Manager Contract for Area 1D
We recommend that the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require BLM to certify and provide supporting documentation that the identified deficiencies have been corrected for the 57 properties cited in this audit report.
Open Recommendation
BLM Companies LLC Failed To Ensure That It Protected and Preserved HUD Properties Under Its Field Service Manager Contract for Area 1D
We recommend that the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require BLM to repay $8,034 in ineligible monthly management and inspection fees for 57 sample properties with health and safety hazards or significant not-ready-to-show conditions.
Open Recommendation
BLM Companies LLC Failed To Ensure That It Protected and Preserved HUD Properties Under Its Field Service Manager Contract for Area 1D
We recommend that the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require BLM to support or repay $488,883 in unearned property management and inspection fees for 1,028 properties with three or more consecutive unresolved discrepancies in its routine exceptions reports.
Open Recommendation
BLM Companies LLC Failed To Ensure That It Protected and Preserved HUD Properties Under Its Field Service Manager Contract for Area 1D
We recommend that the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require BLM to implement an effective quality control system, including specifying how many quality control field inspections it will perform, how it will select properties for review and inspection, reviewing Read More
Open Recommendation
BLM Companies LLC Failed To Ensure That It Protected and Preserved HUD Properties Under Its Field Service Manager Contract for Area 1D
We recommend that the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require BLM to evaluate the structure of its exception reports to ensure that they do not omit existing hazards and other issues reported by inspectors.
Open Recommendation
BLM Companies LLC Failed To Ensure That It Protected and Preserved HUD Properties Under Its Field Service Manager Contract for Area 1D
We recommend that the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require BLM to perform required background investigations before allowing individuals and vendors to work under the contract, and prevent those who have not had background checks from performing further work under Read More
Open Recommendation
BLM Companies LLC Failed To Ensure That It Protected and Preserved HUD Properties Under Its Field Service Manager Contract for Area 1D
We recommend that the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require BLM to sign its contracts with vendors.
Open Recommendation
BLM Companies LLC Failed To Ensure That It Protected and Preserved HUD Properties Under Its Field Service Manager Contract for Area 1D
We recommend that HUD’s Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing assess BLM’s performance under the area 1D contract at least quarterly to determine whether it has improved its performance. If its performance does not improve, coordinate with the Office of the Chief Read More
Open Recommendation
BLM Companies LLC, Hurricane, UT, Did Not Provide Property Preservation and Protection Services in Accordance With Its Contract With HUD and Its Own Requirements
Certify and provide supporting documentation showing that the identified deficiencies have been corrected for the 8 of 109 properties cited in this audit report.
Open Recommendation