The City of Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
Support that $3,136,798 in HOME funds disbursed was reasonable and supported in accordance with Federal requirements or repay from non-Federal funds any amount that cannot be supported.
Open Recommendation
The City of Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
Support that the City properly administered the HOME program and earned $130,667 in HOME administrative fees or repay from non-Federal funds any amount that cannot be supported
Open Recommendation
The City of Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
Reallocate the $487,483 in unspent funds to ensure that they will be put to their intended use or, if the activities remain open, maintain support to show that the HOME funds disbursed were reasonable and Reallocate the $487,483 in unspent funds to ensure that they will be put to their intended Read More
Open Recommendation
The City of Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
Identify, review, and approve a CHDO to work with the City to ensure that $254,215 in CHDO funds will be properly committed to avoid being deobligated.
Open Recommendation
The City of Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
Establish underwriting policies and procedures to ensure that HOME activities are consistent and meet Federal requirements.
Open Recommendation
The City of Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
Develop and implement adequate environmental policies and procedures to ensure that environmental reviews are properly documented and supported and that HUD and Federal environmental requirements have been followed before committing HOME funds to an activity.
Open Recommendation
The City of Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
Develop and implement adequate policies and procedures to ensure that fixed HOME units are identified and adequate documentation is maintained to support tenant eligibility and compliance with HOME rental limits for the entire affordability period.
Open Recommendation
The City of Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
Develop and implement tools to improve record-keeping practices to support the eligibility, necessity, and reasonableness of the HOME activities.
Open Recommendation
The City of Bridgeport, CT, Did Not Properly Administer Its HOME Program
Provide technical assistance to the City to ensure that responsible staff receives necessary environmental, underwriting, and overall program administration training.
Open Recommendation
The City of Buffalo Did Not Always Administer Its Community Development Block Grant Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Buffalo Office of Community Planning and Development reimburse from non-Federal funds $162,923 ($134,711 $28,212) expended on ineligible costs pertaining to street improvement projects not done and a duplicate reimbursement.
Open Recommendation
The City of Buffalo Did Not Always Administer Its Community Development Block Grant Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We further recommend that the Director of HUD’s Buffalo Office of Community Planning and Development instruct the City to provide documentation to justify the $1,982,988 in unsupported costs associated with street improvement expenditures incurred between June 2007 and October 2009. Any Read More
Open Recommendation
The City of Buffalo Did Not Always Administer Its Community Development Block Grant Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Buffalo Office of Community Planning and Development instruct the City to provide documentation to justify the $20,143,219 ($4,902,754 $15,240,465) in unsupported transactions recorded in the CDBG program income account. Any receipts determined to be Read More
Open Recommendation
The City of Buffalo Did Not Always Administer Its Community Development Block Grant Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We further recommend that the Director of HUD’s Buffalo Office of Community Planning and Development instruct the City to reimburse from non-Federal funds the $304,506 related to ineligible clean and seal code enforcement costs.
Open Recommendation
The City of Buffalo Did Not Always Administer Its Community Development Block Grant Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We further recommend that the Director of HUD’s Buffalo Office of Community Planning and Development instruct the City to provide documentation to justify the $716,622 ($545,607 $24,069 $146,946) in unsupported clean and seal costs incurred so that HUD can make an eligibility determination. Read More
Open Recommendation
The City of Chattanooga, TN, Did Not Always Administer Its ESG Program in Accordance With HUD's Requirements
Support or reimburse its ESG program participants $705 from non-Federal funds for the inadequately supported pay request.
Open Recommendation
The City of Chattanooga, TN, Did Not Always Administer Its ESG Program in Accordance With HUD's Requirements
Support or reimburse HUD $13,058 from non-Federal funds for the drawdowns after program grant expiration.
Open Recommendation
The City of Chattanooga, TN, Did Not Always Administer Its ESG Program in Accordance With HUD's Requirements
Implement adequate policies and procedures to ensure that payments to subrecipients are issued in accordance with HUD’s requirements.
Open Recommendation
The City of Chattanooga, TN, Did Not Always Administer Its ESG Program in Accordance With HUD's Requirements
Provide adequate training to staff associated with the administration of the ESG program to ensure compliance with HUD’s requirements, including timely drawdowns.
Open Recommendation
The City of Chattanooga, TN, Did Not Always Administer Its ESG Program in Accordance With HUD's Requirements
Implement adequate policies and procedures for conducting complete and consistent monitoring of subrecipients’ matching requirements, including confirming eligibility and existence of matching funds to ensure compliance with HUD’s requirements.
Open Recommendation
The City of Chicago's Department of Public Health, Chicago, IL, Did Not Administer Its Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Support that grant administration services paid were cost reasonable or reimburse its Program $387,443 from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation