The City of Jersey City, NJ's Community Development Block Grant Program Had Administrative and Financial Control Weaknesses
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct City officials to provide documentation, such as proof of advertising, bids received, bid analysis reports, cost estimates, contracts, and other applicable records, to support compliance with Read More
Open Recommendation
The City of Jersey City, NJ's Community Development Block Grant Program Had Administrative and Financial Control Weaknesses
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct City officials to provide documentation to support compliance with Federal procurement regulations when contracts were awarded to the three single bidders.
Open Recommendation
The City of Jersey City, NJ's Community Development Block Grant Program Had Administrative and Financial Control Weaknesses
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct City officials to provide documentation to support the eligibility of the three tenants occupying low- to moderate-income housing units at a residential property assisted with CDBG funds.
Open Recommendation
The City of Jersey City, NJ's Community Development Block Grant Program Had Administrative and Financial Control Weaknesses
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct City officials to provide documentation to support that those laborers employed by the four contractors are compensated in accordance with Davis-Bacon wage rates. If documentation cannot be Read More
Open Recommendation
The City of Jersey City, NJ's Community Development Block Grant Program Had Administrative and Financial Control Weaknesses
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct City officials to provide documentation to support the income eligibility of the homeowner who received $30,600 in CDBG funds related to the rebate program. If documentation cannot be Read More
Open Recommendation
The City of Jersey City, NJ's Community Development Block Grant Program Had Administrative and Financial Control Weaknesses
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct City officials to reimburse $9,730 from non-Federal funds to the City’s CDBG program line of credit for the ineligible homeowner rehabilitation assistance provided that exceeded the subsidy Read More
Open Recommendation
The City of Jersey City, NJ's Community Development Block Grant Program Had Administrative and Financial Control Weaknesses
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct City officials to reimburse $83 from non-Federal funds to the City’s CDBG program line of credit for disbursements made for the two contracts exceeding 10 percent of the cost estimate.
Open Recommendation
The City of Jersey City, NJ's Community Development Block Grant Program Had Administrative and Financial Control Weaknesses
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct City officials to reimburse the City’s CDBG program line of credit for $100,982, which was used to pay costs that had been paid with CDBG program income, thus ensuring that these funds can be Read More
Open Recommendation
The City of Jersey City's Administration of Its Lead Paint Activities Did Not Comply With Federal and New Jersey State Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development instruct City officials to collect and test lead dust samples from the floors and window sills of the 27 homeowner units that received CDBG funds in program years 2012 and 2013 to ensure that the Read More
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Modify the recapture provisions of the 35 home-buyer assistance agreements totaling $488,519 to meet HUD recapture requirements relating to the sales price, closing costs, and net proceeds.
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Update its procedures to ensure that any additional home-buyer assistance agreements contain recapture provisions that meet HUD recapture requirements relating to the sales price, closing costs, and net proceeds.
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Train its staff to ensure that recapture amounts do not exceed net sales proceeds.
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Revise and implement written policies and procedures for managing and accurately tracking all NSP3 activity to ensure that the $12,275 in identified closing cost refunds and any additional refunds identified in recommendation 2B are not overpaid by recipients.
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Identify any additional closing cost refunds for NSP3 properties using the general ledger, DRGR supporting documentation, and the property file and either repay the recipients from non-Federal funds or update its tracking spreadsheet.
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Repay $95 from non-Federal funds to the two recipients who paid more than the assistance provided (appendix E).
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Repay the program $1,495 for closing cost expenses not incurred from non-Federal funds and remove the expenses from program records if the City incorrectly recorded the refunds as program income.
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Reclassify home-buyer assistance expenses and refunds from the City’s NSP3 ARR program to its NSP3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in DRGR and the general ledger.
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Consolidate and reconcile all NSP3 home-buyer assistance tracking spreadsheets and the general ledger with HUD’s DRGR to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date.
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Develop and implement written policies and procedures to periodically reconcile all NSP3 tracking spreadsheets to ensure that data remain accurate and up to date.
Open Recommendation
The City of Las Vegas, NV, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Homebuyer Assistance Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
Provide training to all employees responsible for NSP3 to ensure that the City adequately determines repayment amounts and tracks and records NSP3 activities.
Open Recommendation