The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority's Administration of Its Non-Federal Match Program for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds Had Weaknesses
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority to develop and implement procedures, including financial controls, to enhance its tracking of payments made with CDBG-DR funds and payments made with FEMA funds to ensure that payments are not Read More
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority's Administration of Its Non-Federal Match Program for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds Had Weaknesses
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority to enforce its subrecipient agreement requirement to submit monthly status reports.
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority's Administration of Its Non-Federal Match Program for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds Had Weaknesses
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority to develop and implement procedures to ensure that all Match Program activities are monitored, and guidance is provided to its Match Program recipients.
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority's Administration of Its Non-Federal Match Program for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds Had Weaknesses
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority to develop and implement detailed policies and procedures to guide staff in reporting performance outcomes in the QPR and on its disaster recovery website.
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority's Administration of Its Non-Federal Match Program for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds Had Weaknesses
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority to revise its policies and procedures to include requirements to document its basis for activities’ meeting the national objective, including the rationale for the service area used and a list of Read More
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority's Administration of Its Non-Federal Match Program for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds Had Weaknesses
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority to conduct training for Authority staff on the newly developed or revised policies and procedures
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority's Administration of Its Non-Federal Match Program for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds Had Weaknesses
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary work with the Authority to assess the risk of potential improper payment for projects PW273 and PW100 and vouchers 576322, 583423, and 578761.
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority's Administration of Its Non-Federal Match Program for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds Had Weaknesses
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary require HUD program staff to provide technical assistance to the Authority to address deficiencies noted throughout the audit report.
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority Did Not Effectively Monitor Its CDBG-DR Activities
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Authority to develop and implement monitoring policies and detailed procedures to guide the Authority’s CMU staff in assessing activity performance to meet the subrecipient monitoring requirements and establish written performance Read More
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority Did Not Effectively Monitor Its CDBG-DR Activities
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Authority to revise subrecipient agreements to include performance metrics and milestones tailored to the activity in sufficient detail to enable the Authority to collect information to effectively assess the activity’s performance.
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority Did Not Effectively Monitor Its CDBG-DR Activities
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Authority to revise the monthly status report template to allow the subrecipient to report its current progress against the established performance metrics.
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority Did Not Effectively Monitor Its CDBG-DR Activities
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Authority to develop a tracking process to ensure that the Authority issues monitoring reports and receives responses to these reports within the timeframe required by its policy. This process should also include a referral to Read More
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority Did Not Effectively Monitor Its CDBG-DR Activities
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Authority to develop detailed procedures to ensure that the corrective action tracking process is consistently followed to ensure proper resolution.
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority Did Not Effectively Monitor Its CDBG-DR Activities
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Authority to develop and implement policies and detailed procedures to establish the CMU’s responsibilities related to verifying that the CDBG-DR activity meets the stated national objective.
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority Did Not Effectively Monitor Its CDBG-DR Activities
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Authority to develop and implement policies and detailed procedures to identify the risk analysis process for monitoring all CDBG-DR-funded activities during the course of the activity and require that the monitoring files document the Read More
Open Recommendation
The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority Did Not Effectively Monitor Its CDBG-DR Activities
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary instruct the Authority to train the CMU staff on the newly developed policies and procedures and obtain technical assistance from HUD as needed.
Open Recommendation
Hawaii-based Grantee ESG-CV Program Fraud Risk Management Assessment
HUD OIG is auditing a Hawaii-based grantee's Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG-CV) program. The CARES Act provided nearly $4 billion in special ESG funds to grantees to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic and Read More
July 01, 2023
Work Start Notification
#LA 23 0021
Six Non-State Grantees Use of CDBG-DR Grant Fund
HUD OIG is auditing selected direct non-State disaster grantees designated as slow spenders. HUD awarded more than $209 million, approximately $89.1 million of which remained unspent, and the grants had either been open more than 10 years or were quickly approaching their deadlines. Our audit Read More
July 01, 2023
Work Start Notification
#FW 23 0014
HUD NDR Project Activity Status
HUD OIG is auditing HUD's CDBG-DR National Disaster Resilience (NDR) program, which was designed to promote risk assessment, stakeholder engagement, and resilience planning to states and communities. Under this program, HUD awarded nearly $1 billion to 13 States and local governments for resilient Read More
June 01, 2023
Work Start Notification
#FW 23 0012