HUD and FHAP Agencies Can Better Document Decisions Not to Investigate Fair Housing Complaints
Develop a process to oversee housing discrimination allegations that FHAP agencies close and do not submit to HUD for dual-filing to ensure that the closure and jurisdictional determinations are consistent with the Fair Housing Act. To help address this recommendation, HUD should consider Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Generally Ensured That Purchasers Followed the Requirements Outlined in the Conveyance, Assumption, and Assignment Contracts, but Improvements Are Needed
Update the terms in the purchase agreement to ensure that the agreements define “extenuating circumstance” in reference to foreclosure avoidance, establish how long stabilization outcomes can continue to be reported as planned, and establish financial or other penalties to hold purchasers Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Had Not Established Deadlines for Reporting FHA-HAMP Nonincentivized Loan Modifications and Filing Nonincentivized Partial Claims
Update HUD’s loss mitigation policies, to include deadlines for the servicers to file the FHA-HAMP nonincentivized partial claims, and consider imposing sanctions for noncompliance with these deadline requirements.
Open Recommendation
HUD Had Not Established Deadlines for Reporting FHA-HAMP Nonincentivized Loan Modifications and Filing Nonincentivized Partial Claims
Update HUD’s loss mitigation policies, to include deadlines for the servicers to report the new terms of the FHA-HAMP nonincentivized loan modifications, and consider imposing sanctions for noncompliance with these deadline requirements.
Open Recommendation
HUD Had Implemented Most of the Required Responsibilities Stated in the Geospatial Data Act of 2018
Take appropriate actions to prioritize the need for resources necessary to ensure that HUD fully implements the remaining four responsibilities as required by sections 759(a)(1), 759(a)(2), 759(a)(4), and 759(a)(5) of the Geospatial Data Act of 2018.
Open Recommendation
HUD Has Not Referred Troubled Public Housing Agencies as the Law and Regulations Require
Refer troubled PHAs directly to the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing when they have not met the 1- or 2-year recovery requirements.
Open Recommendation
HUD Has Not Referred Troubled Public Housing Agencies as the Law and Regulations Require
Ensure that referrals to the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing recommend only recovery options allowed by the law and regulations.
Open Recommendation
HUD Has Not Referred Troubled Public Housing Agencies as the Law and Regulations Require
Update training to include the actions that PIH must take when a troubled PHA does not meet the 1- or 2-year recovery requirements.
Open Recommendation
HUD Has Not Referred Troubled Public Housing Agencies as the Law and Regulations Require
Provide training on remedies for long-term troubled PHAs to All PIH staff members who routinely interact with troubled PHAs.
Open Recommendation
HUD Has Not Referred Troubled Public Housing Agencies as the Law and Regulations Require
Submit an annual troubled PHAs report to congress in accordance with the statute.
Open Recommendation
HUD Improperly Accounted for and Managed Reimbursements It Received Through Rent Credits From the General Services Administration
We recommend that HUD’s Chief Financial Officer investigate the facts surrounding the potential Antideficiency Act violation involving the $7,787,675 in rent credits and make a formal determination. If it is determined that a violation occurred, the Chief Financial Officer should develop Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Improperly Accounted for and Managed Reimbursements It Received Through Rent Credits From the General Services Administration
We recommend that HUD’s Chief Administrative Officer implement the corrective actions and internal process improvements in internal control developed as a result of the Chief Financial Officer’s investigation addressed in recommendation 1A.
Open Recommendation
HUD Improperly Accounted for and Managed Reimbursements It Received Through Rent Credits From the General Services Administration
We recommend that HUD’s Chief Administrative Officer provide training to responsible staff and officials to ensure that those that may be involved with negotiating any GSA rent credits, like the credits addressed in this report, identify such potential rent credit transactions and follow the Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Inaccurately Allotted Funding for Tenant Protection Assistance and Improperly Approved a Proposed RAD Conversion
Update and implement the internal procedures for processing housing conversion actions to require documentation, including but not limited to expired contracts or financial documentation from HUD’s Line of Credit Control System, to show when the last payment was made for the contract to support Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Inaccurately Allotted Funding for Tenant Protection Assistance and Improperly Approved a Proposed RAD Conversion
Update and implement internal procedures to require verification that tenant protection funds were not previously allotted for the same type of housing conversion action.
Open Recommendation
HUD Inaccurately Allotted Funding for Tenant Protection Assistance and Improperly Approved a Proposed RAD Conversion
For the remaining retroactive RAD conversion not completed, to take steps, including but not limited to maintaining adequate approval documentation to ensure that it enforces its requirement that the tenant protection assistance is provided to tenants before the submission of the RAD application.
Open Recommendation
HUD Inaccurately Allotted Funding for Tenant Protection Assistance and Improperly Approved a Proposed RAD Conversion
For the remaining retroactive RAD conversion not completed, to take steps including but not limited to training staff responsible for reviewing and approving RAD applications to ensure that it enforces its requirement that the tenant protection assistance is provided to tenants before the Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Incorrectly Approved $42 Million in Operating Subsidies for Phase-Down for Demolition Add-On Funding
Obtain and review support (as identified in recommendation 1D) for $15.1 million in unsupported phase-down funding in fiscal years 2004 and 2005, determine the correct amount of phase-down funding, and require the public housing agencies to reimburse HUD for any ineligible funding received.
Open Recommendation
HUD Incorrectly Approved $42 Million in Operating Subsidies for Phase-Down for Demolition Add-On Funding
For the overpayments of phase-down funding identified in appendix C, recover $20.6 million in ineligible phase-down funding requests from the public housing agencies for fiscal years 2004 and 2005.
Open Recommendation
HUD Information Technology Modernization Roadmap Evaluation
Develop an enterprise-wide IT modernization strategy that establishes a framework to align with the IT modernization roadmap.
Corrective Action Taken
In January, 2024, HUD provided an OCIO approved an IT Modernization strategy that established a framework that aligned with its IT Read More
Open Recommendation