The Irvington, NJ Housing Authority Did Not Always Administer Its Public Housing Program in Accordance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Acting Director of HUD’s Newark Office of Public Housing instruct Authority officials to collect $7,164 in outstanding rent from the resident commissioner and if past-due rent is not paid, take appropriate legal action.
Open Recommendation
The Irvington, NJ Housing Authority Did Not Always Administer Its Public Housing Program in Accordance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Acting Director of HUD’s Newark Office of Public Housing instruct Authority officials to reimburse the program income account from non-Federal funds for $21,857 in ineligible expenditures for golf outings, banquets, or dinner shows.
Open Recommendation
The Irvington, NJ Housing Authority Did Not Always Administer Its Public Housing Program in Accordance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Acting Director of HUD’s Newark Office of Public Housing instruct Authority officials to provide documentation to justify $37,671 that did not have receipts or other support showing how these transactions were used for low-income housing and benefited the residents or repay Read More
Open Recommendation
The Irvington, NJ Housing Authority Did Not Always Administer Its Public Housing Program in Accordance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Acting Director of HUD’s Newark Office of Public Housing instruct Authority officials to develop and implement an appropriate policy for program income, including the proper use, accounting, and reporting of program income in accordance with the Federal definition and Read More
Open Recommendation
The Irvington, NJ Housing Authority Did Not Always Administer Its Public Housing Program in Accordance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Acting Director of HUD’s Newark Office of Public Housing instruct Authority officials to provide documentation to show that the $710,721 paid for services procured was for costs that were reasonable or repay from non-Federal funds approximately $500,000 to the Operating Fund Read More
Open Recommendation
The Irvington, NJ Housing Authority Did Not Always Administer Its Public Housing Program in Accordance With Program Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Departmental Enforcement Center pursue administrative sanctions against any current or former Authority officials found to have spent public housing program funds for personal or unallowable use.
Open Recommendation
Jefferson Parish, Jefferson, LA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Rehabilitation Program
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to develop and implement a HUD-approved written plan and procedures and take actions that will correct and prevent the deficiencies noted in the finding, improve program Read More
Open Recommendation
Jefferson Parish, Jefferson, LA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Rehabilitation Program
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to
Repay its program from non-Federal funds for $9,849 in payments made to contractors for duplicate payments and overpayments.
Open Recommendation
Jefferson Parish, Jefferson, LA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Rehabilitation Program
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to support or repay its program from non-Federal funds $1,020,121 for payments made (1) for work that the contractor(s) did not perform and excessive material costs; (2) that lacked Read More
Open Recommendation
Jefferson Parish, Jefferson, LA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Rehabilitation Program
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to establish and implement desk and onsite monitoring policies and procedures to ensure that documentation is maintained to support that (1) adequate supporting documentation for Read More
Open Recommendation
Jefferson Parish, Jefferson, LA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Rehabilitation Program
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to correct the property deficiencies identified during the onsite inspections related to the 20 contracts as applicable.
Open Recommendation
Jefferson Parish, Jefferson, LA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Rehabilitation Program
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to inspect the remaining 33 homes for compliance with the contract specifications and HUD requirements and correct deficiencies as applicable.
Open Recommendation
Jefferson Parish, Jefferson, LA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Rehabilitation Program
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to establish and implement complaint policies and procedures and ensure that its staff is aware of the procedures to ensure that participant complaints are properly handled in a Read More
Open Recommendation
Jefferson Parish, Jefferson, LA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Rehabilitation Program
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to
review and adjust staffing levels as needed to ensure adequate coverage.
Open Recommendation
Jefferson Parish, Jefferson, LA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Rehabilitation Program
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to
provide training to staff members to ensure that they are aware of policies and procedures and their responsibilities related to expenditures, monitoring, and addressing Read More
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Repay the U.S. Treasury $19,173 spent on ineligible assistance from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Complete a cost breakdown to support the $10,731 spent on a rental property, which included assistance to an ineligible unit, and repay the ineligible assistance to the U.S. Treasury from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Recalculate annual income for participants assisted with the 2014 lead hazard control grant to support the $1,803,705 spent. For any assistance the Health Department cannot support with complete income calculations, it should repay the U.S. Treasury from non-Federal funds, less any amount repaid Read More
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement policies and procedures that clarify the definition of annual income to be used, calculation components, and the documentation required to calculate income.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement procedures for quality control reviews to ensure that annual income is properly calculated.
Open Recommendation