The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Reimburse its program $279 from non-Federal funds for the ineligible payment it made due to the conflict-of-interest situation identified by the audit.
Open Recommendation
The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Develop and implement controls to prevent and detect conflict-of-interest situations.
Open Recommendation
The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Provide documentation to show that indirect payroll expenses totaling $225,182 charged to the program were reasonable and necessary or repay its program from non-Federal funds for any amount that it cannot support.
Open Recommendation
The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Develop and implement a cost allocation plan to use as a basis for charging indirect payroll expenses to the program.
Open Recommendation
The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Provide documentation to show that administrative fees totaling $47,376 were used to perform administrative duties for the program or repay its program from non-Federal funds for any amount that it cannot support.
Open Recommendation
The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Develop and implement controls to ensure that administrative fees are used to perform administrative duties for the program.
Open Recommendation
The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Certify, along with the owners of the 10 units cited in the finding, that the applicable housing quality standards violations have been corrected.
Open Recommendation
The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Provide training to its inspector on conducting housing quality standards inspections.
Open Recommendation
The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Develop and implement controls to ensure that an independent entity performs housing quality standards inspections of units that it substantially controls.
Open Recommendation
The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Submit a request for approval of an independent entity to perform rent reasonableness determinations for program units that it substantially controls.
Open Recommendation
The Adams County Housing Authority, Gettysburg, PA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD Requirements
Develop and implement controls to ensure that the independent entity approved in recommendation 1J performs rent reasonableness determinations for program units that it substantially controls.
Open Recommendation
Additional Details To Supplement Our Report On HUD's Fiscal Years 2013 and 2012 (Restated) Financial Statements
Implement a cost-effective method for automating the cash management process to include an electronic interface of transactions to the standard general ledger.
Open Recommendation
Additional Details To Supplement Our Report On HUD's Fiscal Years 2013 and 2012 (Restated) Financial Statements
Review the cash management process to identify all financial events to be recognized in accordance with GAAP. Establish procedures to account for the cash management activity in a timely manner in compliance with GAAP.
Open Recommendation
Additional Details To Supplement Our Report On HUD's Fiscal Years 2013 and 2012 (Restated) Financial Statements
Ensure that PIH’s automation of its cash management process complies with Federal financial management requirements.
Open Recommendation
Additional Details To Supplement Our Fiscal Years 2015 and 2014 (Restated) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Financial Statement Audit
Contact all other HUD program offices to determine whether any other programs authorize or are aware of grantees holding funds in advance of their immediate disbursement needs and determine financial statement impact on and compliance with Treasury cash management requirements of any found.
Open Recommendation
Additional Details To Supplement Our Fiscal Years 2017 and 2016 (Restated) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Financial Statement Audit
Implement a repeatable and sustainable process to prepare timely and accurate quarterly financial statement notes, including third and fourth quarter notes within the OMB required timeframe.
Open Recommendation
Additional Details To Supplement Our Fiscal Years 2017 and 2016 (Restated) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Financial Statement Audit
Establish policies and procedures for recording the budget authority apportioned to HUD during a continuing resolution, including both the proprietary and budgetary transactions.
Open Recommendation
Additional Details To Supplement Our Fiscal Years 2017 and 2016 (Restated) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Financial Statement Audit
Ensure that the budget execution policies and procedures are properly delegated, assigned, and communicated to the personnel fulfilling these responsibilities.
Open Recommendation
Additional Details To Supplement Our Fiscal Years 2017 and 2016 (Restated) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Financial Statement Audit
Ensure that the budget execution procedures executed internally by OCFO Budget are consistent with those established by ARC.
Open Recommendation
Additional Details To Supplement Our Fiscal Years 2017 and 2016 (Restated) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Financial Statement Audit
Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that intragovernmental differences identified with U.S. Treasury’s General Fund are resolved on a timely basis with corrective action plans.
Open Recommendation